Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 44 - We Are Only Enemies

"Do you feel like telling me anything about yourself?"

"I... Why are you asking this?"

Vladstin raised an eyebrow, and his curved lips flattened. "You're not compelled to share any secrets? Any thoughts you have kept hidden from any living soul?"

"No. Why would I be?"

Vladstin shrugged. "No reason."

'So.... it also doesn't work on Hunter, huh? Was the snake lying again? No, it doesn't seem that way, I could sense if he was agitated and his pulse quickening if he lies.' Vladstin secretly thought. 

Meanwhile, Sangfroid was glared at the bottle and pushed it back to Vladstin. "Where did you get this water, and why are you so insistent that I drink from it?"

"It was a truth serum. Supposedly." Vladstin did not care to hide his real intentions, it's not like there's anything Sangfroid could do against him anyway. "Out of the three people who tried it, it only worked on one, so it's not really effective."

"You were trying to force me to admit my secrets. Why?" Sangfroid frowned. "You could have just asked me."

Vladstin raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? I could ask you anything?" He peered closer to him.

Sangfroid nodded. "Yes, if that would make you trust me enough to finally listen to what I say."

"Make me trust you, huh....." Vladstin rubbed his chin, finding it strange that Sangfroid would just let him into his most concealed thoughts but amusing nevertheless. "What is your dirtiest thought about Prince Leron?" 


"Why did you fall in love with him?"

"Because he is kind."

"When do you plan on confessing your feelings?"

Sangfroid finally scowled. "Why do all these questions revolve around Prince Leron? You wouldn't gain anything from this."

Vladstin chuckled. "See? You're too secretive, Hunter. You put up too many walls and would rather let it be too late than to confess. For a man so strong and could he easily handle any opponent, you can get quite defensive."

He stared directly into Sangfroid's eyes. "I wonder why is that?"

"I just don't see why you would be curious of such a thing." Sangfroid looked away. "You can ask anything else, but that matter is private."

"Hmm, but it's been too long, don't you think? Most humans would give in and think they're going to die anyway so they might as well tell the people that they love all the gooey romantic things that they wanted to say." Vladstin twirled Sangfroid's fringe with his sharp fingers. "So what exactly are you scared about? If he doesn't like you back, you'll both become one of my corpse puppets eventually. And even if he does like you, there's no pressure of imagining how difficult the relationship would be because you'll never get to live to see it."

"You're still not explaining why you want to pry on this topic so much." Sangfroid pushed his hand away. 

"Then you're not really letting me 'ask anything' if you want me to give you reasons. You're breaking your promise." Vladstin fake pouted. "This is why I wanted to test the truth water on you in the first place. You're so skeptical of me and trying to find reason in my actions. Didn't you learn by now that there's probably none since the start?"

Vladstin bared his fangs in a wide, chilling smile. "I am not a human that has a reason or purpose. I am a monster who thrives in chaos. If a lion wants to eat a deer, should it explain to the deer why it wants to eat it?"

Sangfroid protested. "But you were human once, and you could be again---"

"That's the point, I WAS. I'm not anymore." Vladstin interrupted before he could hear Sangfroid fully. "I understand you distrusting me, because we are enemies. What I don't understand is why you would want me to trust you, that you would go so far as to claim that I could ask you anything when you're not really comfortable enough to do so. Out of the two of us, you are more suspicious here, Hunter."

"Then maybe we shouldn't be enemies anymore. I wanted us to come to an understanding and have a conversation for once that doesn't involve cutting each other off and being wary of each other." Sangfroid insisted, putting a hand over his shoulder. "Vladstin, I want to help you."

"Not become enemies? Help me? I find that unbelievable, Hunter." Vladstin shrugged his hand off. "It's more believable for me that the snake wants to help me despite all I have done because he feels guilty about me. He knew that he have wronged the living Vladstin, so he wanted to pay back. But you are innocent, and I terrorized you and your people. You only knew me when I was already a heartless bloodsucker, so there shouldn't be a sense of lingering on 'what I used to be'. So why would you want to be buddies with me now?"

Sangfroid answered solemnly: "Because I believe that there is still a chance for you to repay all you have done with even greater goodness. If you would just let me turn you to—"

"Repay? I don't want to repay anything. I think even as my former living self, I wouldn't care to repent all that I have done just for you." Vladstin waved him away again before he could finish. "Besides, who are you for me to care about what YOU want? I'm a vampire, you're my hunter, before that, we are strangers. We are nothing to each other."


"This is going nowhere. I know that you will keep being stubborn just to get through me, and I'm already telling you that it's hopeless." Vladstin took out the parchment from the unnoticeable satchel. "The line from the parchment today is: 'My twin brother, Casserome, believed himself to be more rightful to the throne than I was, or at least of equal importance, for I was only born within an hour before him' ."

"The writer is the King of Ilvedia's older twin brother..." Sangfroid's eyes widened a bit. "Then.... He should have been—"

"Yes. Now it's slowly becoming relevant, isn't it?" Vladstin quirked his lips up. "You should be focusing more on these lines than thinking of some wild notions of 'helping me' and 'not being enemies anymore'. Perhaps it's just the sickness messing with your mind."

"It's not that—"

"You're recovering anyway. I won't be a nuisance to you any further, I just found out something interesting so I wanted to try it on you but you have made me bored once again. From now on, I shall no longer interact with you besides delivering the parchment's lines." Vladstin turned with a swish of his cape. Then, he disappeared like a gust of wind.

Sangfroid sighed. The endless cycle of him trying to get Vladstin to open up, to know what's going on in his mind so he could figure out what best to say, is exhausting. Every time he becomes serious, Vladstin would tease him and mock him, like he did with those questions earlier. It may just be that he really wasn't a convincing person, or that Vladstin is a 'heartless monster' as he says, but even bringing out the topic about the Hermit and returning back to human seems so impossible.

And the days kept going by yet nothing ever changes Sangfroid felt like he's trapped in a maze, not knowing where the right direction should be and going in circles. He's resolution to help Vladstin was firm when he said it to the Bishop, yet he felt like the Bishop's reply was slowly becoming a reality:

"It's good that you know what path your heart wants.... but do you know how will get through that road? You said that you want to miraculously turn a monster into a human. But miracles naturally happen, my son. They're not made. You may just find yourself helpless chasing after something that simply cannot be."

He was surprised that the Bishop did not disapprove of his wishes, but this response unsettled him even more than if his Father simply went against it. There are too many things to consider here, too many things at stake and risks to be made. Before he could turn Vladstin into a human, he first need to find the Hermit, and even that was regarded as something impossible. Moreover, he needs to have Vladstin's consent to go with him on this quest. Yet even that seems highly inconceivable just from the way Vladstin regards him at the moment as nothing but an enemy.

More and more impossible tasks pile up on one another that Sangfroid felt like a headache is coming on again.

He went back to his bed, sleeping his frustrations away. Vladstin's words kept replaying in his mind. They would not interact from now on, returning to being hostile with one another. They were strangers who became each other's nemesis since they first met. Back then, Sangfroid thought that's the only way he will see their relationship forever.... He even swore that he would stop at nothing to kill the vampire lord, even if it kills him too.

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