Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 46 - The Dandelion Archway

Vladstin rubbed his chest mindlessly as the morning came, and Leron had stirred. Leron had only finished stretching his arms after entering the throne room with a yawn when Vladstin suddenly asked:

"Is Sangfroid mentally unwell?"


"Does he have a history of behaving strangely and illogically as a child?" Vladstin said. "Does he easily change his mind or emotions, or suddenly forget your relationship with him and make a complete turn?"

"No..... Not that I can remember any instances than that." Leron frowned. "Sangfroid can be a little antisocial, but he doesn't show signs of being bipolar or treat me differently for no reason. Why do you ask?"

"He doesn't make any sense. Humans are complicated but I know there are certain limitations." Vladstin sat on his throne, slouching. "He said he doesn't want to be enemies with me anymore."

"Sangfroid said that? But he sees you as a rival for me— er, he sees you as an opponent because of all the things you have done to him and his people."

"How narcissistic of you to say that he sees me as a rival." Vladstin sneered. "I don't even have feelings for you anymore."

Leron became flustered, hating how he was too careless to let that slip because of his sleepiness. "B-But... That's just how he—"

"Yes, I also know that he sees me that way, that he is envious of our former relationship." Vladstin said. "The crux of the matter is that he shouldn't be offering a reconciliation so easily when he hated me so much since we first crossed paths."

"Maybe Sangfroid is just a naturally forgiving person?" Leron offered.

"I killed people in front of him, both strangers and those who he knew. I caused many to suffer. Even a kind person wouldn't be that forgiving." Vladstin stood up and brushed himself. "No, there must be a trap, another intention. He distrusts me, so why would he say that unless he's planning something?"

"Are you sure that it's Sangfroid who distrusts you...." Leron clasped his own hands together meekly. "Or it is you who distrust any human?"

Vladstin raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"

"I know it's my fault that you became this way, that you have no heart to open up to anyone. But if you want to have emotions again..... Maybe try giving others a chance? Put your faith on Sangfroid and—"

"And be betrayed again? That's how I will regain feelings, by doing something that would purposely hurt me?" Vladstin didn't seem to ask this out of mockery, like he genuinely thought this was the plan that Leron was suggesting. "Alright then, I will just ask him to kill me—"

"That's not what I meant!" Leron shook his head. "Nevermind. If you don't want to listen to Sangfroid, then it's your choice, not mine."

Leron sighed. Why is this Vladstin so self-destructive?

Vladstin handed him the tray of food that Lady Wilhengard prepared. "Anyway, the Fountain of Truth didn't work on him, so I couldn't know what he's planning without asking him."

"You made him drink water from the Fountain of Truth?" Leron took the cup of tea.

"Yes, either we two are exceptions or your 'relic' is a sham." Vladstin took his own cup of fresh blood.

"The relics are not a sham. You said before that the Dandelion Archway healed Queen Vanesda." Leron recalled. "Yes, it was too long ago, but I remember now. I thought you people were just being superstitious and didn't believe that dancing on some archway can heal sickness, but I believe it now. Your mother and father must have found a way to activate it."

"I don't remember it." Vladstin approached the Looking Glass. "Show us the memory of me telling Leron how the Dandelion Archway works."


"I want to show you something I haven't shown anyone before."

"What is it?" Leron, age 15, asked while chuckling as Vladstin pulled him with both hands.

"Promise not to tell anyone else, okay?" Vladstin guided him beyond a maze-like garden. Bushes as tall as 20 feet surrounded them from all sides as they walked through the yellow cobblestone path. "Look at this."

They reach the end of the confusing maze and saw a 10-foot arch filled with white and yellow fluff, possibly some kind of flora but they were so compacted together that it's hard to tell at first glance.

"Are these.... dandelions?" Leron touched the flowers.

"Yes, and dandelion fuzz too." Vladstin picked one of the white fuzzies and blew on it. "This is the Dandelion Archway, also called the Lover's Archway."

"Why is it called that?"

"There is a myth that two lovers built this archway so that they could marry and make vows with each other. The traditional marriage was done by dancing and making a promise of forever under an arch of flowers. Apparently, one of the lover's parents was a deity, and did not approve of their love. The deity cursed them to not be able to be married by causing all the flowers that they approach to wilt." Vladstin explained. "But somehow, dandelions don't wilt around them. That's why it became a symbol of hope and miracles."

"I think I've seen the Dandelion Archway before mentioned in one of your history books." Leron said.

"Yeah, it's one of the three magical relics. Mostly, I don't really believe in the other two. The visions at the Looking Glass may just be hallucinations of the person who wrote that they can see the future from it. The person who drunk from the Fountain of Truth may have just been compelled to say things, and honestly, there's nothing really magical to truth serums. Apothecaries sell those all the time." Vladstin said. "But this one..... This one's special."

"How so?" Leron grinned, pretty excited about what Vladstin would tell him.

"This one actually works. I know because....." Vladstin whispered even though they were already alone. "I've seen it."

"When?" Leron also whispered, playing along with acting conspicuously. 

"When I was maybe three to four years old."

"That's too long ago, you were still a toddler at that time. Are you sure you're remembering clearly?" Leron asked.

"Of course!" Vladstin felt slightly offended that Leron would disbelieve him. "I remember mother and father dancing here, so mother's sickness can be healed. I did tell you that mother had sickness, right?"

"Yes." Leron recalled. "That's why she couldn't bear another child."

"Back then, it's worse than that. The doctors said that mother only had months to live." Vladstin frowned from the memory. "She wears scarfs all the time to cover the scars she had from the illness."

"What was her sickness?" Leron asked, even more curious.

"There was no

name for it. Mother was one of the first to have it. But she had these big lumps that had pus and blood flowing on them. The blood won't stop flowing." Vladstin flinched a bit. "Once they dance in the archway. her condition improved. And she managed to live until now.

"But the effects of the sickness were still there, so it's not a complete miracle." Leron rubbed his chin.

"Even so, it was still a highly impossible thing, right?" Vladstin said. "So, come on! Let's try it!"

Leron was surprised when Vladstin pulled him by the waist. "Try what now?"

"Let's make a wish while we dance?" Vladstin said. "Then let's see if it will come true."

"But I don't know how the dance work." Leron protested. 

"I'll teach you!" Vladstin took one of his hands and put it on his shoulder.

This is the second time he was forced to be taught by Vladstin to dance, and Leron found it embarrassing since he was a noble after all. Dances should be part of your childhood skillset. He made a mental note to study more Crescentian dances from now on.

But being guided by Vladstin like this felt.... nice. So nice that he's even starting to let go of his perfectionism and just let the rhythm flow through his body. They were connected through art, and through this, they have become art themselves. One mind, one body. One heart, one soul.

Leron suddenly reddened at the realization that they are basically getting married according to old Crescentian marriage laws.

"Are you okay?" Vladstin ask. "Why are your cheeks as red as a rampizacha?"

"I'm alright." Leron looked down, then snorted. "Did you just compared my face to tomato-shaped buns? Are you calling me chubby?"

Rampi is the Crescentian word for 'tomato', which is their unspoken national food, that's why there are so many dishes that start with 'rampi'. They love all things that are red so most of their dishes are either apple-flavored, have tomato sauce, or spicy.

Leron was seriously weirded out by this obsession, but Ilvedia is also restrictive in its color palette. Most clothing you would see is navy blue, authoritative, and plain, along with the room decors. If there were more blue foods besides blueberry, they would have incorporated blue in their cuisine to this degree as well.

Vladstin quickly shook his head. "No! I mean, you do have soft and squishy cheeks but uh..."

Now, it's Vladstin's turn to redden. "I'm not calling you fat or insulting you. I just think you look cute."

"So if I was fat, I won't look cute anymore?" Leron teased further.

"I would love you no matter what you look like, no matter who you are." 

Leron blinked a bit, and cleared his throat. "As a friend, right?"

Vladstin didn't answer, and kept swaying with him. Leron even got the impression that Vladstin pulled him closer.

This is bad. The more 'odd' moments he spent together with the Prince of Crescentia, the bolder he becomes. Crescentians are known to be quite.... aggressive. They're becoming young adults now, and at this age, everyone is impulsive. He can't help but feel a slight sense of danger, but a thrill at the same time.

And Crescentians don't view same-gender relationships as taboo, unlike Ilvedia. So, if Vladstin wishes, there can be two kings reigning in this kingdom and nobody would complain. They could happily spend their lives at the Palace together—

But Leron remembered the letter he received from his father.

After years of no reply, King Casserome finally said:

"Do not go soft on wild dogs. After the boy's coronation, we will paint their soil red."

The coronation of Crescentians is earlier than Ilvedians: theirs are 18 years old, while Leron's would be on his 21st.

This means that Vladstin, along with all the people he spent time with over the past few years, will die in 3 years time.

"Leron! W-Why are you crying!?" Vladstin panicked and wiped his tears away. "Did you get upset from what I said? I take it back, okay, I meant it as a friend—"

"That's not it." Leron smiled sadly. "There's something that I don't want to happen, but I know it's inevitable."

Vladstin respected Leron's private nature, so he didn't ask what it was. Instead, he suggested: "Then.... Let's wish for it together. Whatever you wish for will be mine as well. " 

Leron nodded, and wished with all his heart as he danced with Vladstin.


"That wish did not come true." The current Vladstin guessed. He has an empathetic connection with Leron from the vampire bite, but even with his expression alone, he could tell.

"That's because dancing and wishing may not be enough. There must be a general factor to activating all these relics, a missing link." Leron said.

"Well, it's up to you to ponder that now. It's almost sunset so it's time to get your dinner." Vladstin looked at the beautifully painted sky. "On second thought, I'll have Elenore and the wolves fetch it for us. I don't want to see Hunter today, and I want to hear your ideas regarding this 'missing link'."

So that night, the whole survivor's headquarters were surprised to see a pack of undead wolves, but recognized the raven with dull eyes so they gave way to them. The undead wolves picked up the bags with their mouths, and ran off into the distance.

Elenore perched on Sangfroid's shoulder, a piece of paper on its beak. Sangfroid frowned and spoke to the bird. "You're not coming today?"

The raven did not respond, motioning at Sangfroid's hand as if saying, 'Just take the paper.'

Sangfroid reluctantly opened his palm, and after leaving the paper to him, the black bird left.

The paper says: One day, I was accused of murdering the Duke's son which caused my exile, but believe me, I could never do such thing.

Sangfroid crumpled it, already guessing what line will come next. This conspiracy about the King of Ilvedia, his relationship with Vladstin, and the uncertainties of the future is too difficult to just think about alone.

He needs to open this up to someone, but to who?

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