Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 55 - The Hermit

"Croak! Croak!"

Sangfroid broke out from the recollection of his and Leron's first meeting when Elenore perched on his shoulder. 

The bird tilted its head, or rather, Vladstin made it do so. As if asking, 'What in the nine hells are you doing here? I was searching everywhere for you!'

"You didn't see what happened? I'm now separated from the group. They wanted the find a way to kill you and I didn't agree with them."

"Crooooakk!!!" The raven tilted its head upwards like it was laughing. 'Seriously!? What a bunch of idiots!!!'

"It's no laughing matter. This means that they won't be distributing you a pint of blood and food for His Highness tonight." Sangfroid frowned. "But tomorrow, I will compensate for it. Just don't attack them yet."

Elenore didn't make a sound. It puffed up its feathers, made a disgusting gargle, and retched something out.

The next line in the parchment was actually inside it. There wasn't any liquid left in its dead body and the paper was dry, but it was still a revolting sight. 

Sangfroid paid it no mind, took the thing strip, and read it. It says: 

'Remember that all my love and hope goes to you both, no matter where I'll be in the afterlife. 

Note: This is actually the last part of the letter, I just thought it'd be more fun to reveal this first since the next lines are very surprising. Be prepared!'

Sangfroid closed it again. "I need to talk to you personally, Vladstin. Can't you come over—"

Elenore pecked at his Hunstman cloak, his pants, and eventually his bag. It seemed to be looking for something, and after finding the glass shard, it pecked itself. Enough for it to bleed with its black murky blood and let it drip on the glass' reflective surface.

Sangfroid picked the shard up with dismay. Soon, Vladstin's condescending face appeared. "I didn't know that would work, but here I am. So, Hunter. Things are not going well for you, huh? Better give up in life and just welcome the embrace of death."

"And by death, of course, I mean myself. Hahaha!" Vladstin's eyes glinted. He seems to be genuinely less apathetic than usual. "You would make a fantastic puppet. I tell you, human life is just so annoying, full of disappointments and betrayals. They weren't even grateful for all the things you did for them, all those sleepless nights and headaches. Surrender yourself to me, and you wouldn't suffer anymore."

"I am not suffering, merely struggling. I will never give up."

"Suffering, struggling, all the same thing. It's called being delusional. Humans and their optimism, tsk." Vladstin yawned despite not feeling sleepy anyway. "What do you have to say to me? It wouldn't matter anyway, it may be your last words. Even if you don't let me bite you, you would still die from sacrificing me your awful blood in exchange for keeping the deal. Then, I would vampirize your corpse—"

"I know a way to turn you back to human."

Sangfroid now took the chance while he can. Vladstin blinked once from being interrupted and asked, "What?"

"There's a hermit that lives in the Libitinous Mountains. You may not have heard of him, but he is powerful and can make wishes come true. Let me take you to him so you'll be human again and regain emotions."

Vladstin shut his mouth and his jeering smile disappeared. 

"What a nice joke. A hermit in the mountains? Really?"

"I'm not joking. Believe me, I saw him—"

"And even if there was one that could turn me into a human, I'd rather you just spend your remaining days trying to kill me." Vladstin's eyes were as lifeless as ever when he said, "Because I'd rather be dead than be human."

Before Sangfroid could respond, Elenore flew off, making their communication one way again. Vladstin did not face the shard anymore and swished his cape, leaving to yell out to Leron. "There will be no dinner for you tonight, snake! Sangfroid had left you to starve!" And went around to toy with Leron's feelings.

The sight of Prince Leron just gives a bitter ache on Sangfroid's chest nowadays, especially when he sees him with Vladstin, so he stopped watching and is prepared to sleep. He envies the kind of closeness Leron and the vampire lord had. Sure, they are in a terrible stance with each other, but the sense of familiarity was apparent whenever they speak with each other. The years Leron spent with Vladstin were five times the years he had spent with him.

He shouldn't dwell on these petty trifles further. What he should focus on is to get to the ruins and convince Vladstin to look for the Hermit before the Huntsmen finds anything that might complicate things. He laid on his mat that he just laid on the ground, turned the side, and closed his eyes.

The Hermit..... He's real, he's sure of it.....


"It's nice of your father to let us have a trip to these woods, Big Bwother."

"Pfft, if he was nice, he would have let you sail to a boat and go to a new island. Or even the small palaces and art galleries." Prince Leron scoffed, pushing a bush away. "Instead, he pushed you poor children to have a vacation with the bugs and the critters."

"This is still nice, though. I like the twe...trees and" Little Sangfroid tried his best not to lisp, but it still made him drool a bit.

Leron wiped his lips with a handkerchief. "Don't force yourself, just take it slow. It will improve eventually." 

Sangfroid nodded, waited for a while, then added: "And I'm happy anywhewe Big Bwother is awound."

Prince Leron smiled and kissed his tiny, stubby fingers. "You don't know how much that warms my heart, you're just so adorable! Hold on to me, alright? I don't want you to get lost. The mountain spirits might come to eat you. That's why they call this the Libitinous mountains, many people died here from many different battles. "

The Libitinous Mountains is three hours travel from the borders of Ilvedia. The children had received royal carriages to bring them and let them explore the known parts of the woods and the foot of the mountain. The Bishop and priests divided them into groups, but Prince Leron found a way to separate himself and Sangfroid quickly while no one was looking.

It was a nice autumn day, and the sun only peeked through the gaps of the tall, leafy trees. Cicadas were noisy but not in an annoying way, and they seem to be giving some pleasing ambiance to the surroundings. The two boys were wearing scarfs on their necks; the one Sangfroid was wearing was bought by Prince Leron and was gifted to him just for this trip.

Sangfroid felt the soft wool cloth on his cheek, and made a small smile. He will cherish this scarf forever. "The woods awe really nice, Big Bwother. I don't know undewstand why you don't like it."

"I'm not saying that the woods is not a nice place for a trip. I too, love nature and its creatures." Leron took a caterpillar into the palm of his hand, and squatted on the leaf-littered ground. "It's just that I know my father too well. He looks down on the common folk that's why he doesn't want to be truly associated with them and be seen taking them to spots where the nobles are."

Sangfroid doesn't fully understand but he nodded. He sat beside him and observed the green caterpillar crawling on Leron's hand. "You don't like your father, Big Bwother?"

"We're all obligated to like our parents." Leron said. "Obligated means 'bound by duty', by the way. It's something that we have to feel, rather than what we really do. We're forced to like them."

"Why do we have to fowce ouwselves to like people?" Sangfroid tilted his head to the side. 

"Give me your hand." 

Sangfroid did, and Leron placed the caterpillar on his tiny hands. The prince asked him, "Do you like holding caterpillars? Be honest."

"...I don't." Sangfroid admitted.

"Why did you accept it, then?"

"Because....." Sangfroid thought carefully. "It's fwom Big Bwother."

"Correct." Leron smiled, and took the caterpillar back. "Humans are social creatures. We crave to be liked by others, that's why we mimic what they do and fit into the things that they like. Just now, you accepted the caterpillar out of social obligation."

"We are obligated to like people, or at least pretend that we do, so that they will like us back. Or at least give us the necessities they needed. Most people don't want to be alone."

eron sighed. "That's why I envy those who don't mind being alone, and voluntarily cut their ties with humanity to live independently among these woods. Have you heard of the story of the Hermit of these mountains?"

"I have." Sangfroid nodded. 

"Hermits are people who travel and settle in remote areas alone. Some do so because they cannot stand society or be ostracized, while some—some"

"What is ostwacized?"

"Oh." Leron chuckled. "Sorry. Ostracized means being forced to go away from a group. To be left out. Some hermits are like this, while others wanted to learn more about themselves and the world by surviving on their own without the distractions of everyone else. We're not sure whether the hermit of this mountains is the earlier or the latter, or if he is even real since he was said to be magical."

"I see..... Then...." Sangfroid wrapped his tiny head around everything his smart Big Brother was saying. "What does Big Brother believe?"

"I think he is real." Leron confessed as he brought the caterpillar up into a large leaf. "And I think he uncovered some big secret that's why he is still alive, and can do things no one else can. Many religious figures all across the Thirteen Kingdoms are like this. It's called 'Enlightenment'. They saw the 'Light' of knowledge and so they become more than humans. The Dragon Lord was enlightened also."

"So..... Is the Hermit..... A god?" 

Leron patted his head, feeling his soft curly hair. "That's up to you to decide, Sangfroid. By the Church of Draconia's standards, he isn't. But would you follow their belief without forming your own? To avoid being ostracized and left behind, will you deny what your heart truly says?"

"I don't know...." Sangfroid frowned, bewildered by the dilemma presented to him. "What does Big Bwother want me to do?"

"That's the same thing too, depending too much on me." Leron sighed. "I don't want you to believe in the Hermit just because I told you so. What I'm saying is: I want you to seek out the truth, Sangfroid. People will always have conflicting beliefs, and you have to choose a side. But don't let fear of rejection or abandonment affect your decision."

He pointed to Sangfroid's chest. "Follow what makes your heart feel settled."

Sangfroid truly contemplated these words, and could tell that Leron is telling him something important. His Big Brother really was amazing. He learns so many from his Big Brother just from spending time with him, things that he never learned from classes taught at Santimieda and the few books donated there.

"Your Highness!" A voice called out. "Your Highness!"

"Ah, they found us." Leron stood up, brushing his clothes off. "Come, Sangfroid."

Leron offered his hand to him and he took it, gently standing up. Bu then a strong breeze came, and blew his scarf away!

"My scawf!" Sangfroid chased after it. 

"Sangfroid! Wait!" Leron shouted to him. 

But Sangfroid stubbornly ran ofter the scarf being carried by the wind and into the denser parts of the woods. It's Big Brother Leron's gift, he cannot lose it! 

Soon he saw the scarf fly into the hands of a certain figure that caught it with one hand. Sangfroid kept running and bumped into the figure's back. 

The figure turned around. It was an old man, older than anyone Sangfroid has met, because his long white beard reached up to his ankles. He was wearing a grimy goatskin cloak, with the wild goat's skull on his head. Sangfroid's pulse quickened as he saw his menacing face....

"Why, hello there, little one." The old man said in a strange accent that doesn't sound like he was from Ilvedia, yet at the same time, does. His pasty, thin arms picked Sangfroid up easily, lifting the unprepared frightened child three feet off the ground!

"Familiar is your appearance, I must say. What brings you into this part of the woods?"

"I... want my scawf back." 

"Scawf? What is a scawf?"

Sangfroid pointed at the scarf that the old man put on his shoulder, not showing any of his fear. 

"Oh, were you the rightful owner of this cloth?" The old man put him back down and handed him the purple and black striped scarf. "How rude of the wind to take it from you. I shall reprimand it, rest assured. You may be on your way."

Sangfroid nodded, and quickly ran away from the strange old man.. Only years later did he realize that this was his first encounter with the Hermit of the Libitinous Mountains, who became enlightened and can perform miracles like talking to the wind and possibly bringing back someone from the dead. 

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