Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 6 - Bloodlust

"Don't answer if you refuse." Prince Leron said. "I'm just preparing myself for the worst."

Sangfroid didn't answer and let go of his hand. He stood up and went to the door. Prince Leron could feel that he was mad about this unreasonable request, but he didn't mind.

Unexpectedly, Sangfroid turned back with a sigh. "I promise."

And with only those words, he left, going out to take a walk to clear his mind.

Prince Leron smiled to himself. The moment Sangfroid left, the whispers in his mind returned.

'You don't deserve to live.'

'You brought your own kingdom into chaos.'

'You killed your own friend.'



'You deserve to rot in hell.'

'Why wait for the day you turn? These Noble Huntsmen are better at protecting your kingdom anyway.'

'Leave this to them. Run away like your father.'

'No, you can't run. Better kill yourself now.'

'Are you not scared of those sharp fangs? Do you want to continue suffering as Vladstin drinks your blood? It is better to die in your own hands.'

'It would be less pain and it would fit your character well. A coward through and through.'

"Stop it! Stop it!" Prince Leron held his head, groaning. He was swallowed by the darkness of his room, curling up in his bed in pain.

He wished for Sangfroid to hold his hand again.... maybe even have Vladstin take his life completely to end this suffering.... as long as he's not alone, that would be enough.

He doesn't want to be alone, because every time he was, the whispers will come back.


A couple of days later, Prince Leron started coughing up blood in the middle of a meeting at the court.

"Your Highness!" The nobles panicked and jumped down to gain good points from him, but the Chief Hunter of the Noble Huntsmen, Sangfroid, already took him in his arms.

"I am... fine..." Prince Leron choked and spat out muddy, black blood. "I just can't... breathe a bit..."

"He's showing signs of Bloodlust." Rothfir came to the side holding out a solution of two parts holy water and three parts medicinal herbs. "Look at the veins in his neck. Chief, what are we going to do?"

"Give him the solution and wait for results." Sangfroid answered briefly. As he did so, he poured the contents of the flask slowly into Prince Leron's mouth, gently and patiently. Price Leron's breathing did not show any sign of improvement and his body temperature had risen.

"What should we do!?" Duke Elir gripped his fake curly blond hair that cost him 500 gold coins. "Our prince is turning into a monster!"

"No, he is not." Sangfroid glared at the obese man, and the Duke shut up.

Minutes passed and the whole court waited, silencing themselves and even breathing quietly. Prince Leron's raspy, heavy breaths are the only thing that filled the room. This was the first time some nobles saw a person going into Bloodlust, and they gripped close to their bodyguards who were prepared to attack. Meanwhile, the representatives of the common folk see this thing every day, and pay it no mind, waiting patiently like Noble Huntsmen.

"What will you do in case the solution did not work?" Palwien asked, checking Prince Leron's pulse. "His pulse is getting faster. This is not a good sign, it means his body is rejecting the solution."

A commoner's physician went over. "This doesn't make any sense. Prince Leron's disposition has been well this past few days. Has he shown signs of mania and emotional outburst?"

All eyes were on Sangfroid as he asked this, for he was the one who spent time with the crowned prince privately the most.

"No, I did not see it for myself." He answered honestly. But then he also remembered the night Leron had made him promise to kill him if he ever turns. Was he being emotionally unstable at that time? If so, Prince Leron is really good at hiding his emotions.

Sangfroid frowned, thinking that he should have been more sensitive and stayed by his side that night. But he was also shocked and distraught by Prince Leron's request. How could he ask him such a thing? Does he really don't know....

....that he was the one he holds most dear in his heart?

Asking to kill your beloved is too cruel, no matter what the reason, and he handled it better than most people would. But he could not let go of the sinking feeling of guilt.

"In order to resolve a Bloodlust outburst, the patient was either called out to its infector and bitten again..." The physician said, nervously adjusting his spectacles by his nose. "...Or satiated by giving them blood. Either way would worsen their vampirism. We do not have any blood flask in here too..."

"I will give him mine if it comes to it." Sangfroid said. "Let us not give up hope first."

Prince Leron gripped Sangfroid's robes as his whole body turned red and more veins pop out from his skin. "Ahh...Ngh...Sang...froid..."

"I'm here." Sangfroid held him, his usually expressionless eyes showing signs of worry. He felt a dull pain in his chest every time Prince Leron's painful breath hitched.

Five minutes passed, and Prince Leron fell unconscious, his hand letting go of Sangfroid and falling to the side. The Chief Huntsman picked him up and carried him, laying him to the throne. "Bring me a dagger."

"Will you really feed him, Chief?" A Huntsman with buck teeth asked. "This would make his infection worse..."

"I know. But if I don't, he will go berserk and try to feed on someone else...." Sangfroid said. "Or go to that Vampire Lord."

He knows that both scenarios will cause great despair for Prince Leron. He already felt guilty about being the cause of Vladstin's turning, about killing his own friend. If he harms another life again or meets with the one he had wronged, he would definitely suffer.

Rothfir gave him a dagger hanging from his belt. "I trust in you, Chief."

Sangfroid nodded. Rothfir is many years older than him along with other Huntsmen, but over their years of training as Huntsmen, he had gained their respect and trust. They know Sangfroid takes his responsibility seriously and makes quick, deliberate decisions in face of danger. Thanks to his intuition and skill, the damages of the vampires were kept at a minimum.

He slashed his own palm and opened Prince Leron's lips with his thumb. He poured his blood in the gaps, making a silent prayer to his Father to help his prince... his beloved.

Once the blood entered his mouth, Prince Leron's eyes shot open, red veins branching out on the sides of the sclera. His usual bright blue eyes turned paler and more reflective, almost like clear water where Sangfroid could see his own reflection.

Prince Leron let out a gasp, and licked Sangfroid's blood from his lips with a satisfied moan. "More..."

He clasped Sangfroid's hand with explosive strength, ready to bite it, but Sangfroid pulled him back by the hair. "No."

Seeing that the blood flowing from his palm wasn't enough, he took the dagger again with his other hand and slashes his wrist. Everyone in the room gasped at this grotesque sight, some noble ladies covering their eyes. Crimson liquid rained on the Prince Leron's face, and he took out his tongue to catch it. "So good... Sangfroid, please give me more..."

Sangfroid narrowed his eyes. He had never seen a person in Bloodlust before that's as cognizant and sentient. They usually go wild and lose their ability to recognize anyone, let alone speak. But Prince Leron still has his wits about him, only seeming dazed like he was drunk.

"Prince Leron is acting differently." Rothfir noticed. "Is it because he was bitten by the Vampire Lord himself?"

Sangfroid kept quiet and kept feeding the prince. He may love him, but he does not tolerate the prince's pleading. He cannot afford to get infected. "Just lick, don't bite."

"Ah~" Prince Leron licked at the dripping blood on his arm coquettishly. "Can I lick at the wound? I would only suck it a bit. Please~"

"No." Sangfroid frowned, pulling his hair again whenever his tongue would go astray.

The people in the room felt uncomfortable by the prince's vulgar acts and moaning. They know this is something much more sinister but they can't help but be flustered and look away. It really was too shameless, they would rather see him go berserk and attack like a wild animal.

Palwien doesn't seem bothered. "He's seducing you." She said plainly.

"I don't know anything about seducing. I'm not good at that." The prince fluttered his eyelashes, feigning innocence. "But if that's what it takes to drink the blood of a pretty lady like you, I'm willing to try."

Sangfroid lips turned to a straight line and he gripped the prince's hair harder. "Do not speak or I will no longer feed you."

"Ow... so mean..." Prince Leron teased. "Don't be so jealous, Sangfroid. I don't like possessive types."

Sangfroid's face darkened and he stared at Prince Leron right in the eye. It was not his reflection that was on it. No, this figure had stark white hair, and a pointy black cape. It may be a little blurry, but he could see a wide, fanged smile.

"Vladstin...." Sangfroid growled. "It's you, isn't it?"

"Hello, Hunter." The Vampire Lord spoke through Prince Leron's mouth while he was in Bloodlust. He made Prince Leron's gentle and kind face twist into his signature mocking grin.. "Nice to see you again."

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