Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 62 - Cold Seeps Into The Body

"Are they dead?"

"They cannot possibly survive from this height."

"Then.... Is it over?"

"No." Rothfir said coldly. "Until Vladstin's head stays on his body, we cannot claim triumph. It is possible that we only lost another Noble Huntsman."

"Sangfroid isn't one of us anymore. He made his decision clear." Verise looked down at the fountain hundreds of meters below them. "And now, he died for that decision. May he learn from his mistake in heaven."

Rothfir looked at the clear sparkling water of the fountain, calm without any ripples. He narrowed his eyes. "Nevertheless, let us go fetch their bodies."


Drenched in the rain, Leron woke up with birds singing a farewell song as they flew south, the sun already setting. 

Somehow, the rain washed his wounds and clean them to make smooth scabs. They healed fast, perhaps due to his vampirism. 

The coldness entered his bones, but it did not make him feel drowsy. Instead, he was alert. His senses are heightened and clearer than before. He also felt significantly lighter. 

There had always been some sort of heaviness that Leron had carried for all these years. All the guilt and regret and sorrow burdening him. But now, it feels like the weight of those things had been resolved. 

It was an indescribable feeling. It is not similar to hope just..... calm. A sort of calm that is still aware of all the bad things that had happened, is happening, and will happen. He stood up and made his way outside the maze. 

When he reached the Palace, he saw the people had gathered around the big fountain that had stopped flowing. It revealed the centerpiece where the water flowed. 

It was a crying, blindfolded man. 

As soon as the water stopped flowing from the man's eyes, the pool below turned red. It scared the most superstitious people of Ilvedia and they quickly made signs against evil omens. 

But somehow, Leron could tell that there was nothing evil going on. His mind is at peace, as he slowly approached the fountain without care of what the others will think. The people were shocked to see him so suddenly that they immediately gave way, parting as their long-lost prince walked to the crimson waters. 

Some of them never even believed that he was alive. They just agreed with the Vampire Lord's terms as a form of protection for themselves, not as compassion for a prince who had never done anything worthy of compassion. And now that he stood before them, he is more magical than any deity. They cannot regard him as a human like them anymore. 

Leron sank his hand into the deep red. 


As the cold blue entered his body, Vladstin's eyes widened as memories flashed before him. Along with memories comes emotions. Emotions that are strong, vibrant, full of life.... invading his dull, lifeless, and weak heart. 

It beats so fast. His appearance did not change, his fangs were still there and so were his claws and pallid skin. But on the inside, he had changed tremendously. 

No, not change. Reverted. Something he had lost had returned. 

The former Vladstin, his soul, has come back to him.


The people waited with bated breath as Leron patiently waited for his hand to reach something. They do not have any idea what is going on. All of this had happened too fast and there were so many questions they wanted to ask yet felt like they will never be answered. 

Because they don't have to know. They felt like outsiders of a legend in the making. This is not from their world, the one they know of. This is similar to the fairytale stories that had only been told to them as children, yet could not comprehend to see it happening in real life.

A hand suddenly shot out, and Leron reached for it. 

Pulling with all his might, he managed to get Sangfroid out of the red waters, coughing. The man climbed out with something in his arms. 

Not something, someone. It was Vladstin, who was well and had no signs of injury or about him. But his golden eyes were unfocused, slightly brighter than before.

A beat had passed and nobody moved. 

Prince Leron was the first to break the silence and immediately embraced Vladstin. "You are alive! My wish came true!"

The people soon realized that all their efforts had gone to waste. The Vampire Lord is not supposed to be alive, they were supposed to kill him. They came rushing to kill them both, but Sangfroid stood guard to block them. Seeing this as a clear act of betrayal to everything they have worked for, they are willing to throw hands at him as well...

Until they hear a bone-chilling shout. 


Vladstin collapsed to the ground, sobbing like the man in the Fountain of Truth. He cried and cried, wretched sobs full of pain unfathomable to anyone. A monster could not make that sound, but a human could also not.

It was so broken and full of unimaginable sadness. 

After the shouting, they finally heard these words:


The people were beyond shock, they think they must have lost their mind. The monster they came to vanquish.... Was apologizing to them?

"It's all my fault! I killed your sons, your daughters, your mothers and fathers..... How could I do such a thing!? How could I!?"

Vladstin slammed his head on the ground, repeatedly bowing. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's all my fault! Please kill me! Please kill me!"

Nobody knows what to do. Leron came to the side of the crying vampire. "Vladstin, we have to go! What are you saying!? You can't let them kill you!"

"It's what I deserve..... I hurt them..... So many... So many innocents....." Vladstin choked on sobs. 

Leron soon realized what has happened. "You have returned. The real you, the Vladstin before your death.... It really is you."

Some people were ignorant to what this meant, but some understood, like the Noble Huntsmen and the former Crescentians who had moved to Ilvedia. Palwein, the scholar, is one of those people. She came forward and asked. "Your Highness, is it really you? The Crimson Wolf?"

Vladstin slowly nodded, head still buried to the ground. 

"I've watched your fights, how you would toss all the coins you have won to the common folk. Everyone knew the benevolence of your family." Palwein spoke up. "The former Prince of Crescentia, Prince Vladstin, was a good and righteous man. He would understandably be distraught to know if his human emotions have returned."

"But he is still a vampire, isn't he!?" An angry father who had lost two daughters from the Undead War said. "Look at those fangs and claws! He is still a monster! And even if he does gain a sliver of humanity, I will never forgive him!"

"Neither will I!"

"His crimes are too large to be forgiven by a simple apology now!"

"I want him dead!"

The people attacked all at once, and Vladstin did nothing. He weakly said. "Please do so. I do not deserve any forgiveness."

"No!" Leron attempted to stop them but there's too many, and Sangfroid took him away before he could be harmed by the mob.

Vladstin howled in pain as the first stab came to him. Regaining his true self also meant he can feel physical pain and discomfort. Another one came and he shouted, and more and more daggers, swords, and stakes pierce through his skin. 

Yet once the weapon was taken away, they quickly heal. 

"Strike for his heart! Behead him!"

They all aimed for his chest and an ax came swinging, cutting his head clean off. 

But Vladstin's decapitated head kept crying, very much 'alive'. 

The assailants were scared stupid by this and dropped their weapons. 

Sangfroid took the head and reattached it to the body. Soon, the broken flesh joined again seamlessly as if it had never met with the touch of a blade at all. 

The people were horrified and scattered, running away, while some panicked and tried to attack Vladstin again and again. They beat and stabbed and kicked and pounded him to mush. But he never dies. 

He can never die. 

"Why can't I just die? It hurts.... It hurts....." Vladstin screamed and pleaded. "I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die!"

"The Dandelion Archway....." Leron's eyes widened. "I wished for him not to die..... And it came true."

Sangfroid does not know what is going on, but knew it has to stop. "Enough! It is futile! Vladstin will never die!"

"Don't stop them." Rothfir said. "They do deserve to have this revenge."

"But Vladstin is not like he was before!" Sangfroid argued. "He is inno—"

"Innocent? Perhaps. But so were the lives he had taken from us." Rothfir shouted to his people. "Everyone gather around first! I have a proposition to offer you!"

Everyone stopped and let the new scars and wounds on Vladstin's body heal as quickly as they blinked. But the pain he felt never disappeared, and Vladstin curled to the ground, mind broken to bits. "It hurts, it hurts, so much..... No more.... I want to die now.... No more...."

"Everyone who had lost a loved one because of this man, fall in line." Rothfir ordered. 

Sangfroid gritted his teeth. "What are you doing?"

Rothfir ignored this. "You will all have your chance, do not push each other around! Let the kids go first if they want, go on! Those who are willing to save their revenge for last, light up your torches."

"We cannot get the resolution we have wanted. So tonight, let us deliver our own justice one survivor at a time!"

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