Your Blood is Mine

Chapter 93 - What You Deserve

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The former Chief Hunstman immediately went on alert mode.

The vampire was indifferent, breaking out of its petrification. "It's probably nothing, just one of the wolves going crazy for the storm."

"All the wolves are here." Sangfroid glared at him. "It's something else."

"The winds? Winds howl all the time during a storm."

Sangfroid doesn't know if he's being serious, or deliberately making him lose his guard. He never let his fingers leave the string of his arrows, enough to give it deep dents.

"You're overthinking again, worrying too much." Vladstin pointed out his hands. "Look, even if it was the creature, all we can do is stay here and wait for it to make a move. Even so, there's no use putting too much pressure on your bow, the string might break or your fingers might bleed."

Sangfroid remained stubborn, and waited for a few minutes with his weapon drawn. The vampire just rolled its eyes with much grace and tact. Then eventually, the hunter slowly relaxed and let go when there was no danger in sight.

"Do you think it knows we're here?"

"Perhaps." Vladstin gave a shrug.

Sangfroid ignored his nonchalance and rummage on his bag for the Looking Glass shard. He said, "Show us what howled outside."

But the mirror only reflected his face.

"It ran out of vampire blood." Sangfroid went over to the Vampire Lord. "Can you...?"

"Can I what?" Vladstin pretended not to know. 

"Can you give me some of your blood?"

"Of course, I can."

For a beat, they went awkwardly quiet again. Vladstin didn't move and just remained smiling at him.

Sangfroid began to be slightly annoyed again. "Well..... Give me your hand...."

"Haha!" Vladstin whooshed past him, going very far away by the cave walls. "I said I can, that doesn't mean I will~"

"Why won't you cooperate?" Sangfroid's flexed his jaw. "All our lives are in danger here---"

"I don't have a life, so I wouldn't be in danger." Vladstin teetered by the tip of a stalagmite, trying to balance on one foot.

This did not make Sangfroid angrier, just more impatient. He just continued giving Vladstin a long hard stare...

And the childish Vampire Lord eventually tiptoed in stalagmites towards him, pretending to be reluctant yet seems to be delighted to have Sangfroid pay this much attention to him. "Alright, have as much of my blood as you want."

"A drop is enough." Sangfroid used the tip of the shard to prick Vladstin's index finger and smeared it on the glass shard. 

Vladstin jumped up a stalactite and hung upside down again. "How did you know I'll give you my blood anyway despite rejecting you?"

"You always tease and mock, I knew you weren't serious." Sangfroid watched as the blood was being absorbed by the mirror. He muttered. "You act like a child even when you're older than me....."

"What's that?" 

Sangfroid ignored him, as he told the mirror to show him the creature again.

The truth is, he knew that Vladstin wouldn't deny him of any requests because he was now aware of his.... infatuation for him.

He still doesn't know what to feel about it. So he would rather stay in denial and bury it in a pile of more important thoughts and matters at hand.

Like the creature.

But..... The mirror showed.....

"There's nothing outside." Sangfroid frowned.

Vladstin seemed also surprised. "Oh?" 

But then, he shrugged, merely swaying back and forth. "I told you there was nothing."

"Perhaps there's a problem with the mirror. I need to check if it's working properly just to be sure." He gave a new order. "Show me the people of Ilvedia."

The mirror changed from the stormy scenery outside with not a single animal or human in sight, just the shaking trees and the pouring rain, and into an overview of New Ilvedia.

In a matter of almost three months, they have built a fine foundation for a new kingdom and settled well.

Sangfroid asked to view the room with the Looking Glass. It was now redecorated to be the Noble Huntsmen's meeting quarters, where they would discuss matters as they observed the three during the day. Sometimes, when Prince Leron is not looking, he would use the shard to talk to them just to ask about how they are.

Why does he have to seclude Prince Leron? Because every time he conversed with the Hunters, it ends up being another stressful endless cycle of convincing him to ditch the traitor prince and the vampire, and to come back to them. 

Sangfroid can take all the turmoil, but Prince Leron's health is already dwindling like a candle flame in a windy night, and letting him hear the Huntsmen's scathing remarks about him would just worsen his condition.

But now, it was dark and there was only the faint light of the moon, and all the chairs are empty. They kept their end of the deal not to look at night or during bathing.

"The hunters really are true to their words, huh?" Vladstin peered on his shoulder, his vision upside down because of his position. "Oh, I forgot to tell you something. I don't know if it's important...."

Sangfroid was prepared to have his temperance tested again. "What is it?"

"I let Elenore, my raven, free. It wouldn't be able to break the Looking Glass if they did break the rules." 

Sangfroid was expecting something worse, but it turns out to be just this. "It does not matter, I trust the Huntsmen. I just added that for Prince Leron to feel secured."

"Hmm, but what if one or two of you turned out to be perverts and watch while we bathe?" Vladstin seemed more intrigued than disturbed by the idea.

"Don't be unreasonable." Sangfroid waved him off, and decided to keep the mirror shard inside his bag again to save the power for another day. "I know them well, and we are people of the Church."

"Heh, you make it sound like you have trust in them....." Vladstin agilely swung to the next stalactite still inverted and now faced Sangfroid, the tips of their noses only a few inches apart. "But you don't really have as close as a relationship with them as you wanted to have, don't you?"

This made the hunter glare daggers at him. "I don't know what you mean."

"Never forget the empathy link, my dear. And I glimpsed some of your memories too, though they are vague and only revolves the emotion in them, not the context." Vladstin took a few strands of Sangfroid's hair. "Your hair is very long. Now that everyone knows your true face, why don't you cut it?"

"Because I don't want to." Sangfroid answered cooly.

"Is it? Or are you used to fearing about what your 'brothers and sisters' will secretly think when they see you with it, because that's how your lovely 'Father' raised you? Making you believe you are a beast that must hide its ugliness?"

This was the last straw for Sangfroid. He found his hands quickly moving to clasp around Vladstin's neck. "Don't you dare slander my Father and his way of raising us! He never believed I was a beast, he loves all of us equally and unconditionally!"

"But... Sangfroid.... You're not seeing what I'm seeing.....Urk...." Vladstin still smiled like a devil even when being strangled. "I see a kid who was outcasted for the majority of his life for a situation he can't control..... and then suddenly given loved and attention when he proved his worth. Isn't that too tedious to be call 'unconditionally'?"

Sangfroid tightened his grip on the neck, overcome with rage.

"You were raised as mercenaries..... as hunters... you think that is still what a normal family must be like? And there's so many of you to be given attention at the same time... Have you never felt lonely or left out?" Vladstin asked rhetorically. "Isn't that why.... krr..... you sought the friendship of a prince? And was devastated when he left, only writing about him in your diary day and night?"

Sangfroid slowly let go of him.

"What is.... a normal family like, then?" He said slowly, voice almost a whisper. So lost. "What is a normal friendship like?"

"If you had all these things, tell me then. Tell it to someone like us who can never have it."

Vladstin then creased his brow, suddenly looking truly troubled for the first time in this trip. Not a smile shrouding his true heart, not a cold apathetic face to block all influence, but a genuine, sympathetic frown. 

"Even if the other orphans would dislike me... even if Father would dislike me... even if Prince Leron never met me or become my friend.... What else do I have? Only them. And so, I must treasure them." Sangfroid gripped the Amulet unconsciously. "Mutal affection is ideal, but when you have none but appreciation for your service... then that is enough.'

"Being appreciated is enough...." Vladstin repeated. "So this is who you are, at your very core. A man that settles for appreciation."

"Haph!" He jumped down, brushing himself. "I understand now. But Sangfroid, you deserve more, don't you?"

Sangfroid remained quiet. Instead of simply saying he deserves more, he turns it into a question, as if asking if he was aware of this or agrees.

He responded: "I don't want to be selfish, I only value what is given to me. If I keep being caught up on what I deserve, what someone deserves, and complaining about why it was not achieved, all I will have is self-pity and no progress." 

"I think it's more pitiful to not be able to be selfish." Vladstin pushed his hair away. "Selfless people are quite difficult to love, you know, that's why they mostly end up dying alone. We either get betrayed or neglected."

Sangfroid was struck by this, like he was finally seeing Vladstin for the first time. The him behind the veil of his sanity, of his transformation, of the cracks that damaged his being.

In the end, they are not so different. Both martyrs of love. Sangfroid is just at the present, Vladstin is at the future. He is his aftermath.

He looked away. His feelings are too perplexing right now. It needs to be slowed down. But he knew talking to him with these matters he thoroughly avoided was inevitable, because the door had already been opened up.

"Do you....." Sangfroid started. "Do you want to hear a story to pass the night?"

Vladstin chuckled. "Dodging the sentimentality now, aren't you---"

"This is a story of a ghost by the tree." 

The vampire's eyes widened.

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