Your Gift Is Your Power
Chapter 30
The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential — these are keys that will unlock the door of personal excellence, so asserts Confucius (c. 551 to c. 479), a Chinese philosopher, who based his philosophy on the virtues that are required for day to day living. When this door of personal excellence is unlocked, one is set for self-empowerment.
We equally need to be motivated by a statement by the famous American former heavyweight boxing champion, and one of the greatest sporting figures of the 20th century, Muhammad Ali: "Champions are not made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: a desire, a dream, and a vision." This means that the driving force for all achievement comes from within. It is simply a matter of channelling it out. Muhammad Ali (born 1942), was an Olympic gold medallist, and the first boxer to win the world heavyweight championship three times. Definitely, for one to open the door to his house, he needs a key; for one to drive his car, he needs a key. The same applies to life. For one to succeed in life, one needs a set of keys, and the first key is determination and persistence to succeed against all odds. Fortunately, there are various keys that one can use, through determination, to succeed, and fully unlock his potential.
Have A Dream
Dreams are the starting point of all achievement. As our eyes need light to see, so our minds need dreams and ideas to conceive. If, for instance, you are thinking of what will bring you into limelight, you can close your eyes for a moment, try to conceptualise what you feel like doing. As you do so, you need to put your interests into consideration, because, it is what you are happy at doing, what you can freely give out, and what you are capable of doing, that you will think of the most.
You may have a dream of owning a big business centre, a dream of being a renowned footballer, or a dream of being one of the best broadcasters. You will have that concept as your dream, before you can think of realising that dream. Eleanor Roosevelt, America's former First Lady, who we spoke about before, who later served as a United Nations Spokesperson, asserts that: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Have a dream and start working on it.
For instance, if you decide to be a broadcaster, you should start the practice, even while in school, as a member of Press Club, and ensure you involve yourself in the regular broadcast of news in your school. For football, you can start practising with the street boys there. You can play street soccer with children in the neighbourhood and perfect the skills you have.
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As you mark your dreams, you need to prioritise your interests. List them out and find out the things that are more important to you, the ones that you can freely offer as services to other people, and the ones that give you joy and happiness. If you enjoy making baskets, for example why not take it up professionally? If you have the ability to make others happy, why not think of being a professional comedian? Your dreams, your inner thoughts, will set you walking. You need to cast off unnecessary things when you are making a choice. Yes, there are activities that are not beneficial and worthwhile to you. It is better to go for the things that will benefit others, so that you can earn credit.
Obey Your Mindset
Napoleon Hill, one of the great writers on success, stated: "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." You need to obey your mind, because, it is the storehouse of incredible potentials. When you make use of an idea that comes into your mind, the mind can easily transform those thoughts into reality, through its magnetic force.
When we have mental determination, our hearts' desires will be achieved more quickly. That is if we add action to our determination. Obeying our hearts' desires and creating that which our hearts compel us to do, will prevent us from having regrets. A certain lady once narrated her devotion to farming to me. She followed a strict routine on a daily basis. The result was that she was able to make a solid future from the occupation. She followed her heart's desire, and she recorded huge success.
Getting In Touch With Your Intuition
This simply means how you can quickly tap into your subconscious mind, which is where you 'archive' all kinds of information that you don't remember on a conscious level. Sometimes, you pick up something subconsciously, but, it registers as a certain 'feeling' that you cannot articulate at that moment, but, it could be valid. Some of the world's greatest scientists, the most logical thinkers of all time, have made their greatest discoveries based on flashes of intuition. A ready example is Newton and the apple that fell on his head.
Sir Isaac Newton was a scientist and great thinker. One day in the season of Autumn, he was lying on the grass, under an apple tree. He was deep in thought, when suddenly, an apple that had grown ripe on its branch, fell to the ground by his side. This provoked a lot of questions from Newton: "What made that apple to fall?" "All heavy things fall to the ground, but why do they?" Millions and millions of people had seen apples fall, but it was left for Sir Isaac Newton to ask why they fall.
He came up with many reasons: "Every object draws every other object towards it" "The more matter an object contains, the harder it draws" "The nearer an object is to another, the harder it draws" "The harder an object draws other objects, the heavier it is said to be" "The earth is many millions of times heavier than an apple, so it draws the apple toward it millions and millions of times harder than the apple can draw the other way" "The earth is millions of times heavier than any object near to or upon its surface, so it draws every such object towards it" "This is why things fall, as we say, towards the earth" "While we know that every object draws every other object, we cannot know why it does so. We can only give a name to the force that causes this" "We call that force GRAVITATION" "It is gravitation that causes the apple to fall" "It is gravitation that makes things have weight" "It is gravitation that keeps all things in their proper places." So, this is how he came up with the Law of
Universal Gravitation, which states: "Any two bodies in the universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."
Give yourself breathing space and meditate. When you are confused on making a choice, try to step away from the situation, stand up and go for a long walk. And while you are at it, get some little things you love doing, and start off. Find a quiet space to let your mind wander, and your intuitive voice will have a chance of talking to you. Are you to listen to that little voice in your head? That is the question. Many researchers on intuition have come up with the notion that intuition is far more material than it seems. David Myers, PhD, Hope College, social psychologist, explains that the intuitive right brain is almost always 'reading' your surroundings, even when your conscious left brain is otherwise engaged. The body can register this information while the conscious mind remains blissfully unaware of what is going on.
Equally, a Los Angeles-based intuitive psychiatrist, Judith Orloff, PhD, says: "Your body is a powerful intuitive communicator. Intuition allows you to get the first warning signs when anything is off in your body so that you can address it. If you have a gut feeling about your body – that something is toxic, weak or 'off' – listen to it. Go and get it worked up." In fact, this lady has seen too many people ignore their sense that something was wrong with their bodies, and subsequently, found that small problems later became big ones. We need to listen to the inner mind.
A Burning Desire To Succeed
You need to have a desire for something before you venture into it. Your desires need to be strong enough for you to possess powers to achieve them. It is usually your great convictions that lead you to your great deeds. It is your willpower to reach your success point that will make you pursue your wish vigorously.
In the school set up, for example, a child may have been performing poorly for sometime, but he can suddenly develop a strong willpower to overcome this negative trend. By dissociating himself from all the vices in the school system, and with strong commitment and renewed vigour in his studies, he will definitely succeed. This is not applicable to only the school system, but also the other areas of life endeavours. Unfortunately, some people tag themselves Mr or Mrs 'Failure', after several experienced shortcomings.
Failure, you know, is never one's final point in life. It is rather a motivational force to develop new ways of recording giant strides, with the aim of coming out, successful. You need to rekindle yourself with a new policy of aiming at success at all times. With your mind positively focused, that burning desire in you will earn you success.
Establish A Firm Goal
The first step to realising your dreams is to establish a firm goal around which to organise your thoughts and plan a path of vision. Your goal is your dream, but with a deadline. A lot of people do not spend enough time to think about what they want from life, and consequently, have not set themselves formal goals. Setting goals gives you a sense of direction. You can know where to concentrate your efforts on by the time you know what you want to achieve. This will enable you frustrate any type of distraction that might crop up.
You need to set goals that motivate you. This means making sure they are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them. Motivation is the key to achieving goals. Your priority list will assist you in setting your goal. You are the one who wish to achieve something, so, your goal achievement requires commitment. If you do not have a positive approach to the realisation of your goal, you will end up being disappointed and frustrated with yourself. It is even necessary to write down why that desire is valuable and important to you.
Your goal will be powerful if it is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and bound by time. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's direction, it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding or not. Try to stick to your goals. Build in reminders so that you will always be kept on track. From time to time, you need to review your goals, to ascertain if you are still on track. The relevance, value, and necessity, should remain high. A firm goal, definitely, leads to eventual realisation of your life desires.
Paddle Your Own Canoe
You should explore and discover new things and consequently, work on them. Some people are easily discouraged and continue to lean on other people's successes while they can easily stand on their own and make a mark. If you succeed in making a breakthrough, it is your achievement. St. Augustine of Hippo, one of the greatest theologians of Western Christianity, in this light stated: "Go forth on your own path, as it exists only through your walking." Fear should be completely cast away from you, so that you can be daring to make new discoveries. Merely waiting for opportunities to occur before you make moves means that you are not ready to dream and make what seems impossible to be possible.
Set Your Imagination Free – Be Creative
You can set your imagination free by being creative. This is the willingness to stop, and look at things that no one else has bothered to look at. This process of focusing on things that are normally taken for granted is a powerful source of creativity, according to Edward de Bono, widely regarded as one of the foremost experts in the field of creativity and lateral thinking.
You may not be fully skilled in a particular profession but you can make great achievements through creative thinking. Creativity involves stepping into the unusual. You are the one to initiate the action and the skills to use. Most creative ideas will seem silly at first, but people need to get used to creativity. It will eventually turn to be something meaningful. Some children can simply pick up a piece of paper and use that to create a lot of funny things like a kite, a boat, a table, a chair, and so on. Since there are no new ideas really, you can borrow the old ideas and make combinations. This is creativity. It is your own original perception — a new idea emerges. While undergoing this, you have to cast away doubts and fears. Challenge yourself to success.
You may face criticism while trying to be creative but be brave. Creativity demands much courage and self-confidence, so that you will remain focused on what you want to achieve. Do not be afraid to be wrong in your creativity bid. You can never get it right if you do not make mistakes. You need to persevere to the end of realisation of your dear imagination. Rather than ask 'Why?', ask 'Why not?' It will push you into doing something extraordinary. There is no reason for doing nothing, and there is every reason for doing something. Whatever you do counts, just because you are actually doing it.
Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970) was an American psychologist, best known for creating Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualisation. On the value of thinking and being imaginative, he famously stated: "Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination."
When you start being creative, you will set your imagination free. What are you waiting for?
Draw A Schedule
You are not expected to get stuck up in your work. You should make a timetable in such a way that there is time for everything, so that you can have room for better productivity. For you to get better productivity, you have to take breaks, eat lunch away from your work area, focus on tasks, drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, read often, write often, plan ahead, keep record. Dabbling into any activity at any time, without a schedule, will make you look disorganised, and subsequently, cause low production on your part. Make yourself better organised.
Do Not Procrastinate
The time to act is now. When you are in the habit of putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention, you are procrastinating. Jim Rohn, a foremost American business philosopher, a personal development legend, advised thus: "It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off sometimes. What matters most is getting off. You cannot make progress without making decisions."
Procrastination prevents people from reaching their goals and objectives. Most of the time, it is due to laziness that people keep on postponing what they are supposed to do. This, in turn, results to very low turnout in productivity. Whatever it is in business or in academics, this practice is very bad. Any businessman or Executive who keeps on postponing an important management meeting on how to improve the company or the office, is indirectly pulling that place down. In the same vein, any student who keeps on postponing his study schedule is only planning to fail. That is just that.
This practice is neither acceptable in one's personal life nor in one's occupation. This is because procrastination increases the chances of losing many opportunities such as rewards, promotions, or special recognitions in one's employment. Due to procrastination, people miss deadlines, miss their flights, miss job opportunities, miss admission into institutions of their desire, and so on. Really, this can lead to stress, because, a lot of things are kept and left undone. This is an unhealthy situation, and can never allow one to unlock his potential fully.
Keep Your Body Fit
Exercises will give you a surge of energy each day, and help your brain make creative connections. Exercise is one of the greatest keys of unlocking one's potential. If you want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps, live longer, you need to be involved in physical exercises, to enable your blood flow freely. Exercise improves your mood. Your emotion can be positively boosted when you exercise yourself.
Your health conditions get better when you get involved in exercises, because, they combat the diseases in your body. Regular exercises can help you prevent health problems like stroke, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, heart attack, depression, and so on. Exercise controls weight, and helps prevent weight gain. As you engage in physical exercises, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn. This makes you feel lighter and energetic to carry on the task you wish to accomplish. Boosting of energy is attained through regular exercise. It can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance.
Of equal note is that exercise promotes sleep. Some people struggle to sleep at the end of the day's work. This is quite unhealthy, because the brain needs to relax well before the next day's activities take off. However, regular exercise will put you in the mood of proper sleeping at bedtime. The physical exercise performed will allow you to have a very deep and sound sleep. After the sound sleep, one wakes up the following day, hale and hearty.
Exercise is fun. It gives one the chance to feel free and mix with others in activities like dancing, athletics, cycling, tennis, and volleyball. That is the time to shout with joy. That is the time to laugh freely. One imagines the quantity of joy football fans and footballers, for example, receive each time they are engaged in this type of exercise in the field. That is the time both old and young, think alike, and rejoice exceedingly. When your body is positively stimulated through exercises, you can be sure of great performance in any venture you want to undertake. Just take some time off to exercise, and 'smell the roses'.
Let Go Of The Past
The past cannot be changed; the future is still in our hands. If you focus on the present, you will have less time to think of the past. Since you cannot undo the past, make today the best day of your life. Stephen Covey, an American educator and keynote speaker, stated: "I can change. I can live out my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past." This is for those who want to forge ahead and forget the past hurts.
As you move on in life, your goals and needs will definitely change. What was right for you before may not necessarily be right for you now. If all you do is attempt to relive something that has already happened, you are not making any progress. You need to let go of things that are already behind you, so that you will be able to fill the space with something fresh.
You have to be thankful for all the experiences that made you laugh, cry, and even helped you learn and grow. You also have to be thankful for the possibilities that lie ahead. Focus only on what can be changed. Take full control of your life. No one else is responsible for you. If you want to change, if you want to let go and move on with your life, you are the only one who can make it happen.
Life moves in only one direction – forward. We move into the future, and never into the past. This is your chance to let go of the old and make way for the new. Your destiny awaits your decision. Your motto should be: 'Forward, ever; backward, never'. Always be ready to learn something new and not to stick to the past knowledge. Forget the past miserable experiences. Do not lean on your past mistakes. Greater and better things are happening each new day.
Develop Positive Attitude
We need to understand that a positive attitude reduces negative emotions; it helps you find more fulfilment and enjoyment in life, and will enable you recover from negative experiences more quickly. "It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy, it is what you think about it," — so asserts Dale Carnegie, an American writer and lecturer, and the developer of famous courses in self- improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills. Carnegie is the author of How To Win Friends and Influence People (1936), a massive bestseller that remains popular today, and How To Stop Worrying And Start Living (1948), and several other books. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behaviour, by changing one's behaviour toward them.
With positive attitude to life, you will develop great and harmonious relationships. People will love your lifestyle and will get easily attracted to you. As a matter of fact, positive mind attracts positive events. We need to develop positive attitude, to improve our attention, creativity, and ability to learn; it also improves our ability to cope with difficult situations. Due to the fact that it reduces stress, it improves your overall well-being. You will have vibrant health with a positive attitude. Kind thoughts take care of your health and you cannot have stress issues. The main cause of stress is worry and negative thoughts. Positive people overcome stress more easily.
It is worthy to state that if you have positive attitude or thinking, all your problems and challenges will be turned into opportunities to make new exploits, and consequently, this will earn you abundance of good things in your life, just as beauty will start shining from within. Stay positive in your thoughts always, for you to be in a position to grab the keys of success.
~ Right In My Arms ~
1. As I'm fully activated I'm equally motivated
Holding the keys for champions Which are serving as my companions
2. The ladder of eminence Requires my excellence I'm adjusting my mindset To grab that precious asset
3. Idle minds I will astonish Good things I will accomplish With my canoe I will paddle Moving from my own cradle.
4. What else than my willingness To move on without selfishness
And nobody to betray, But my image to portray.
5. A life devoid of displeasure Pursued with great endeavour Using all the good discretion Will reach a glorious perfection.
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