Shao Siyi said worriedly: "Mom, no, if I send my sister to Prince An, if it becomes a way to manipulate me in the future, will I be loyal to the emperor, or will I worry about my sister's life?"

Mrs. Shao struggled: "But Minmin is determined to get married now. If she doesn't hit the wall, I'm afraid she won't give up."

Then he hesitated and said: "Prince An may not be..."

"You are confused!"

"Would you risk your sister's life?"

Mrs. Shao said, "What do you think we should do?"

Shao Siyi said coldly: "Just let her be hungry. She will eat naturally if she is very hungry."

Mrs. Shao shook her head and made up her mind: "That girl looks soft, but she is actually stubborn. She has not eaten for two days. How can ordinary people endure it? I am afraid that she will really starve herself. Since she wants to gamble, Just let her do it.”

"From now on, if you can help, you, my brother, will help. If you shouldn't, let her go. Life or death depends on her!"

After waiting for another half day, Shao Siyi saw that his sister still refused to eat and even refused to drink water. He sighed and followed Shao Simin's wishes.

Shao Simin cried with joy: "Thank you, brother."

Shao Siyi didn't want to talk to her and did everything in silence.

A few days passed.

News came out in Beijing that Miss Shao died of illness!

When the news reached the East Palace, Shu Yuwan was still a little confused.

Shao Simin is dead?

How could it be so sudden?

Qingdai said: "Did Miss Shao do something shameful, and the Shao family took Miss Shao's life to protect their reputation?"

Shu Yuwan asked: "Is there anything unusual in Shao Mansion?"

Qingdai shook her head: "The maid bribed was just Miss Shao's little girl from the outer courtyard. She doesn't know much. She only knows that Miss Shao is not sick. She is locked up in her own courtyard and is not very willing to eat."

"Ms. Shao has been claiming to be ill for some time, so although people outside are surprised, they are not too suspicious."

Shu Yuwan really didn't understand.

Said: "Go and check the recent news in Shao Mansion. The more detailed the better."

"Yes." Qingdai took the order and went immediately.

After checking for several days, nothing unusual was found. They were all ordinary and common-sense things. The Shao family held a funeral for Miss Shao, many of Miss Shao's girls were sent away, Shao's mother was very sad and haggard, and so on.

The prince asked curiously: "Wanwan, why are you so concerned about the Shao Mansion? Is there something wrong with Miss Shao's death?"

Shu Yuwan didn't know how to explain it.

You can't say that you were dreaming about Shao Simin marrying the prince.

He also found it funny and said perfunctorily: "First of all, Shao Siyi is the leader of the Forbidden Army, which is very important. Secondly, Miss Shao's death was too sudden, so I paid a little attention to it."

The prince nodded after hearing this: "Indeed, the Shao family is indeed important, so I should pay more attention to it."

Shu Yuwan was happy after hearing this. It would be best if the prince intervened to investigate.

After a lot of trouble, Shao Siyi finally arranged for Shao Simin to be a civilian girl from a good family in Shu County, and arranged for a few good men to follow her all the way, protect her secretly, and send her to Shu County.

Although it was a clean break on the surface, in fact, he and Mrs. Shao arranged for many loyal people to follow closely and go to Shu County. After Shao Simin entered Prince An's Mansion, he sneaked into Prince An's Mansion and stayed by Shao Simin's side. The key Moment may be able to save Shao Simin's life.

After doing all this, Shao Siyi felt that he was worthy of his sister. What the future holds depends on fate, as his mother said!

Shao Siyi went on duty in a down-to-earth manner.

Unexpectedly, on this day, after Shao Siyi and the emperor reported the situation of the Forbidden Army, the emperor suddenly asked: "Why should you send your sister to Shu County?"

Shao Siyi was shocked after hearing this, and immediately knelt down and said: "Your Majesty!"

The emperor waved his hand and said: "I have no doubts about your loyalty."

Shao Siyi breathed a sigh of relief.

After calming down for a while, he said: "My dear sister fell in love with His Highness Prince An, but my mother was unwilling to do so. My dear sister gave up her identity and wanted to accompany His Highness Prince An, so she abandoned her identity and left."

The emperor nodded after hearing this, it was pretty much what he knew.

But he still said: "Although I believe you, you are the leader of the imperial army and the person who protects the safety of the imperial city. Your sister voted for Prince An and the prince ascended the throne, so you are no longer suitable to sit in this position."

Shao Siyi said: "Your Majesty, I am loyal to the Emperor and to His Highness the Crown Prince! I no longer have a sister. My sister was buried a few days ago!"

The emperor sighed: "I said, I believe you, but since I know this, I can no longer let you be the leader of the forbidden army. You can become a civil servant instead. With your talents, you can also benefit the people!"

Shao Siyi breathed a sigh of relief, even showing joy!

Taking up martial arts in the first place was a last resort.

The Shao family has been a scholar for generations, and at heart, he is still a noble scholar of the Shao family.

The emperor pondered: "Let's go to Yuexi County and be the county governor."

"According to the order!"

When Shao Siyi returned to his mansion, he asked Mrs. Shao and his wife to pack their things, and after giving instructions, they set off for Yuexi County.

Mrs. Shao asked nervously: "Why do you suddenly want to go to such a remote place in western Guangdong?"

"Don't worry, mother. Although western Guangdong is remote, the county guard is a high official. This time it was a mistake that gave us an opportunity."

Shao Siyi was very satisfied.

Being a county guard showed that the emperor really did not doubt Simin because of his affairs. Going to western Guangdong would keep him away from court disputes, which was far from what King An wanted.

On the one hand, he will accumulate energy and make achievements in western Guangdong, and perhaps develop the Shao family better and realize his father's last wish.

Shao Siyi thought for a while and said, "In this way, Minmin will be safer with Prince An."

Mrs. Shao thought about it and understood this truth.

Yi'er will not be the leader of the imperial army, and Prince An will not coerce or bribe him to do anything like killing nine clans. But Yi'er is still a county governor, and Prince An will not despise Minmin too much.

Happy said: "Okay, mother will pack up and gather the family property and prepare to go to western Guangdong."

On the other side.

The emperor called the prince to the East Palace.

"Jin'er, I plan to let Shao Siyi go to Yuexi County as the prefect. Do you have a suitable candidate to recommend for the position of the chief of the imperial guards?"

The prince looked at the emperor in surprise: "Father?"

The emperor smiled freely: "I plan to abdicate and pass the throne to you. You can take a look at the chief of the imperial guards yourself."

The prince said: "Why? Your health is almost healed."

The emperor pretended to be angry: "You unfilial son, do you really want me to work myself to death? Can't I take a good rest while I can still move!"

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