Shu Yuwan comforted him, "Your Highness deserves the title, and your father has given instructions in advance, and the troops have been arranged in various places. Your Highness does not need to worry."

The prince smiled and said, "You are calm."

Shu Yuwan held the prince's hand and smiled, "I was nervous at first, but when I saw that someone as calm as your Highness was nervous, I felt that it was normal for me to be a little nervous."

The prince was a little amused by Shu Yuwan's words, and said, "Wanwan, do you know that there is really an inexplicable fate between people? I feel very relaxed in front of you."

Shu Yuwan listened thoughtfully.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Shu Yuwan chuckled and said, "Perhaps it's because I'm divorced and I don't dare to have other thoughts about Your Highness, so I'm a little unrestrained."

"Your Highness, let's go eat something quickly. I'm afraid we won't be busy until when today."

The prince agreed and announced breakfast. The two of them ate some together. Shu Yuwan tried her best to persuade the prince to eat more. The process of ascending the throne was complicated and time-consuming. She was afraid that he would be too hungry to have strength by then.

The prince also ate as much as he could. Shu Yuwan also ordered the kitchen to make some small cakes that were easy to carry and asked Ah Qing to take them. If there was a break, the prince would have to eat some to replenish his strength.

After breakfast, Shu Yuwan asked someone to call the most skilled hairdresser in the palace to come and comb her hair.

This Yu Mama was said to be the best hairdresser in the palace. Shu Yuwan checked in advance and found that there was no problem with the person, so he dared to call her. It must be said that Shu Yuwan is now extremely cautious.

It is precisely this caution that has allowed her to live safely in the palace until today.

Facing this woman who will soon be the most noble in the world, Nanny Yu used her best skills to comb Shu Yuwan's hair into a very beautiful high bun.

"The queen is so beautiful!" Nanny Yu exclaimed.

Half of it was flattery, and half of it was an exclamation from the heart.

Since marrying into the East Palace, this princess has been very low-key. In fact, not many people in the palace have seen the princess. In the past, she only heard people say that the princess was married for the second time, but she had never heard anyone say that the princess was so beautiful.

Shu Yuwan smiled and said nothing, just thinking it was a flattery from the palace people.

Qingdai took out the nine-tailed phoenix hairpin that symbolized the status of the queen, and the ruby ​​on it flashed a dazzling light.

Although it was not the first time she saw it, looking at this nine-tailed phoenix hairpin, Shu Yuwan still had a moment of trance. She really wanted to be the queen!

After Shu Yuwan changed her clothes and put on her hairpins and other ornaments, the prince was also dressed.

When he came in and saw Shu Yuwan dressed, he was startled and laughed, "Wanwan really has the appearance of a mother of the country!"

Shu Yuwan laughed and said, "I'm carrying it hard. This head full of jewelry is really heavy."

The prince laughed and whispered in Shu Yuwan's ear, "Actually, I feel the same way."

Shu Yuwan looked at the prince in his crown and clothes. His gentle temperament before became imposing. It seems that people rely on others to pretend.

The couple laughed and joked for a while, and the tension between them dissipated a lot.

After a while, they heard Ah Qing shouting outside, "Your Highness, it's time!"

The prince said to Shu Yuwan, "Let's go."

Shu Yuwan nodded, and the couple left the East Palace together.

First, they went to the Temple of Heaven, where the prince and Shu Yuwan offered sacrifices to heaven and earth.

The whole process of the sacrifice was complicated and tedious. When the sacrifice was over, Shu Yuwan felt exhausted, but she did not dare to show her fatigue and continued to accompany the prince to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

However, Shu Yuwan could not go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to receive the worship of all officials.

The prince walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony alone and walked towards the dragon throne step by step. On both sides stood the civil and military officials of the court. When the prince sat down, the ceremonial officer sang the ceremony loudly.

Since the emperor had not passed away, there was no taboo on celebration, and the sound of vocal music and firecrackers continued.

After the ceremony, all the ministers knelt down and shouted: "Long live the emperor!"

Shu Yuwan stood in the side hall, looking through the curtain at the prince sitting on the dragon throne, with a solemn expression, raised his hand and said: "My dear ministers, please stand up!"

Shu Yuwan was watching intently, but she didn't expect that the prince seemed to have some feelings in such an occasion. He turned his head slightly and looked in the direction of Shu Yuwan. The distance was not close, but Shu Yuwan still saw that the prince smiled at her gently.

The corners of her mouth could not help but smile.

After the civil and military officials finished the ceremony, the Minister of Rites stood up, took out the edict that had been prepared long ago, read it to the civil and military officials, and set the reign title as "Xing".

At the same time, Shu Yuwan was canonized as the queen!

Afterwards, he set off and went to the royal ancestral temple with Shu Yuwan to worship their ancestors.

After seeing Shu Yuwan, the couple smiled at each other and set off together.

Under the guidance of the ceremonial officer, after the sacrifice to the ancestors, the entire coronation ceremony came to an end.

Shu Yuwan and the prince returned to Chenggan Hall together.

The prince held Shu Yuwan's hand, and Shu Yuwan found that the prince's hand was a little sweaty like hers.

At this moment, there was no one else, and Shu Yuwan couldn't help laughing: "Seeing that the emperor was calm and composed, I thought you were really not nervous at all."

The prince smiled and said: "Although I have been the prince for many years, this is my first day as the emperor after all."

Shu Yuwan nodded: "Ajin will definitely be a good emperor."

Such a grand coronation ceremony is usually only once in a lifetime for the emperor, so it is normal to be a little nervous. Besides, being nervous shows that Ajin attaches great importance to the responsibility of being the emperor.

The prince was very happy. After becoming the emperor, Wanwan could still address him as Ajin.

His father always said that the road to becoming an emperor was lonely, but he believed that as long as he treated his wife sincerely, he would not be as lonely as his father.

Starting today, the prince would move to Chenggan Hall, and Shu Yuwan would move from the East Palace to Kunde Hall.

Nanny Zhou, who had previously guarded Kunde Hall for Empress Xiaoxian, was very happy that Kunde Hall finally had its new owner, not some other woman, but the master's daughter-in-law!

Shu Yuwan wanted to keep Nanny Zhou in the palace to live in her old age, but Nanny Zhou really refused. After bidding farewell to the new emperor and the new queen, she went to Huangjue Temple to continue guarding the tablet of Empress Xiaoxian.

Yue'er and Cheng'er also moved into Kunde Hall.

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