The next day, Shu Yuwan summoned Lianzhi into the palace.

No matter what happened to the Duke of Wei, Shu Yuwan still wanted to know Lian Zhi's attitude.

"Meet the Queen!"

Lian Zhi gave a standard salute. Under Mrs. Luo's upbringing these days, Lian Zhi has become quite a lady.

Shu Yuwan's smile became a little gentler and she said, "Get up quickly."

After Lian Zhi stood up, everyone couldn't maintain their ladylike appearance, so they moved closer to Shu Yuwan and asked, "Your Majesty, why did you suddenly call me into the palace today?"

After hearing from Mrs. Luo that the Duke of Wei wanted to ask her to enter the palace, Lian Zhi tried his best to avoid entering the palace from then on.

Shu Yuwan smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days. Recently, there have been a lot of rumors outside the palace criticizing me. I feel a little upset in my heart, so I wanted to ask you to come and sit down and talk."

After hearing this, Lian Zhi comforted and said, "Don't take it seriously, Madam. These people are just jealous that the Emperor treats your Majesty well."

Shu Yuwan smiled and said, "The Emperor is indeed very good."

Then he asked: "What about you? Now that the period of filial piety has passed and you have reached your age, do you have a favorite candidate?"

After hearing this, Lian Zhi, a usually lively and generous person, became a little shy.

After the Chen family came to propose marriage, Lian Zhi was also struggling with the matter.

Although Shu Yuwan had become the queen at this time, Lian Zhi always regarded Shu Yuwan as her sister. When Shu Yuwan asked, Lianzhi couldn't help but want to ask Shu Yuwan for her opinion, so he stammered. Said: "Mother, I, I, that, Chen Shigao, the legitimate son of Chen Shangshu's family, came to the Duke of Wei's mansion to propose marriage..."

After saying this, Lian Zhi turned red with embarrassment.

Mrs. Luo hid this matter well, but Shu Yuwan had never heard of it. She couldn't help but ask: "Is this the one you said before that bullied you because of his family background and threatened to take you as a concubine?"

Lian Zhi nodded lowly.

Seeing Lian Zhi's appearance, Shu Yuwan knew that Lian Zhi also had intentions in his heart.

My heart suddenly felt much more relaxed.

Regardless of what happened to the Duke of Wei, Lian Zhi had no intention of entering the palace.

Shu Yuwan smiled and asked, "Then what do you think?"

Lian Zhi's shyness had subsided a little at this time, and he said: "I don't know, Chen Shigao has not bullied me recently, but has treated me much better. I am not familiar with this kid from aristocratic family who went to Beijing, so Now that I know Chen Shigao, I feel that he is no longer so annoying, and it is quite easy to get along with him. "

"He also promised my mother that after marrying me, he would not take concubines, take in concubines, or keep outside wives."

Lian Zhi frowned and continued: "But my mother told me privately that Prince Ning also said the same thing when he asked to marry Princess Ning."

After listening to this, Shu Yuwan said seriously: "Lian Zhi, no matter who you marry, you can't guarantee what that person will be like in the future."

After Lian Zhi heard this, he looked at Shu Yuwan with wide eyes and confusion.

Shu Yuwan smiled gently and said, "All you can do is think clearly about what you want."

Lian Zhi nodded thoughtfully.

The two chatted for a while, and then Lian Zhi reluctantly said goodbye. Shu Yuwan packed up a lot of jewelry and cloth, and brought them back to Lian Zhi when she left the palace.

On the carriage ride back, Lian Zhi thought about it all the way.

After returning to the Duke of Wei's mansion, he went to find Mrs. Luo.

"Mom, I've thought about it, and I agree to the marriage in Chen Shangshu's Mansion."

Mrs. Luo was surprised: "Why did you agree so suddenly?"

Ever since she received the marriage proposal from Chen Shangshu's mansion, Mrs. Luo has been hesitant. Chen Shangshu's family background is not low, but Chen Shigao has always been a free-spirited man in the past. He spends all day entertaining cats and dogs with nothing to do. Although in recent days, , it seems that I have made a lot of progress, who knows how long it can last.

Lian Zhi said: "I thought about it. After marrying Chen Shigao, my future life should not be boring."

"Is that why?" Mrs. Luo asked.

Lian Zhi nodded and replied: "I don't know what will happen in the future, but now, I think it's good to marry her. At least I don't feel restricted. Besides, he promised to only marry me."

Mrs. Luo frowned.

Lian Zhi smiled and continued: "If in the future, he forgets today's promise, I will also forget it, and I won't be like Princess Ning, who gets stuck in it and can't get out."

Mrs. Luo asked: "In that case, why not find a good one among the other men in Beijing?"

Lian Zhi asked: "Mom, what should I do? I still have expectations for my future husband. No matter who I look for, I'm afraid he won't take concubines, have sex, or find other wives." Promise, no matter how good a gentleman is, getting married is nothing more than treating your husband like a guest. Chen Shigao changed his mind later on, and that's all. In this case, why don't I choose someone who has me in his heart now. ”

Lian Zhi pulled up Mrs. Luo's sleeve and said, "I still have you as my backer. As long as I keep my own things and bottom line, I will always have a place in the Chen family."

Mrs. Luo thought about Lian Zhi's words carefully and felt that what she said was very reasonable.

In addition, she also knew that some of Wei Guogong's actions were worrying, and she was worried that by picking them up, she wasted time and missed her daughter.

Then he nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I'll go and accept it?"

"Yeah." Lian Zhi nodded affirmatively.

After the discussion was settled, Mrs. Luo breathed a sigh of relief. The younger daughter thought clearly, unlike the older daughter who got into trouble!

Mrs. Luo told Lianzhi about the Chen family again: "Although Mrs. Chen is the stepmother, she is still a good person. In addition, although Chen Shigao is the legitimate son, there are several concubine brothers in front of him. At that time, Mr. Chen's original wife Jiao family Unable to bear children, Mr. Chen loved his original wife very much and refused to take concubines. Until the fifth year, when there was no hope of heirs, at the urging of Mrs. Chen, he took several concubines and gave birth to several concubines. A few years after the birth of the concubine's child, Mr. Jiao died of illness. With a bunch of children in the backyard unattended, Mr. Chen married Mrs. Min, who is now Mrs. Chen. She was gentle and generous, which was what Mr. Chen originally liked. Mrs. Chen’s reasons.”

"The Min family gave birth to a son and a daughter after their marriage. The son is Chen Shigao, and the daughter Chen Shiyi married Prince Ning some time ago. Chen Shangshu is not young, and he is afraid that he will retire in the next two years, but Chen Shigao married With you and Crown Prince Ning’s brother-in-law, as long as you are willing to make progress, your future will not be bad. "

After listening to Mrs. Luo's detailed analysis, Lian Zhi had a general understanding of the Chen family.


Mrs. Luo acted quickly. After confirming with Lian Zhi, she asked the matchmaker to send a message to the Chen Mansion.

When Chen Shigao received the news, he jumped three feet high with joy.

Mrs. Chen was a little funny when she saw her son like this.

No matter how she tried to persuade her in the early years, her son always looked carefree. She took him to see her, but he was good at teasing the girl in different ways, making her lose face in public.

Now it's finally time for him to worry about getting a wife.

The two families quickly exchanged tokens and birth dates. Combining the horoscopes was just a process. Both families were interested, so the result was a match made in heaven!

Only then did Mrs. Luo dare to reveal the news. When Wei Guogong knew about it, the news that the two families were getting married was already known to everyone.

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