It would be best if the emperor could always treat her wholeheartedly.

If not...

At least I feel guilty for her in my heart. If I deepen this guilt now, I can strive for more convenience in the future.

Leaning in the emperor's arms, Shu Yuwan couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt in her eyes. She could feel that the emperor treated her sincerely, but from the time she married the emperor to now, although she was tempted, What you consider most is always the safety and stability of yourself and your family.

Now he is deliberately showing his uneasiness and concern, and he has a motive. As the emperor said at the beginning, she is the only noble girl he feels he has contact with, and no one else has any intention towards him.

It's really getting...far different.

But she really didn't dare. The emperor was the emperor and he could make mistakes. If he paid wrongly, he would be sad at most. He could just throw her aside and find another woman that suits her heart.

But she doesn't have the cost of trial and error. If she makes a mistake, being sad is the best outcome in her opinion. What she fears most is that she, her children, her parents and relatives will all be killed.

How can there be equal feelings when rights are completely unequal?

After a while, Shu Yuwan raised her head, nodded seriously and said, "I believe in the emperor."

"Even if Miss Shao and the Emperor were really husband and wife in the previous life, that was still a previous life. Your Majesty, you must remember that in this life, I and you are husband and wife."

Seeing Shu Yuwan's coquettish look, the emperor's heart moved, but after glancing at Shu Yuwan's belly, he could only helplessly suppress the impulse in his heart and said with a smile: "Okay, I will remember it, remember it firmly."

The two started talking, and getting along with each other became more natural again. The emperor had lunch with Shu Yuwan in Kunde Palace, and then returned to Chengqian Palace to review the papers.

In the following days, the emperor never went to Yaohua Palace alone again.

Although he still felt that strange familiarity when he thought of Shao Simin, he decided not to explore it anymore. Although he didn't know why, he knew very well that it was not the so-called love between a man and a woman.

Seeing this, Shu Yuwan felt much more at ease.

On this side, Shao Simin began to look forward to it since the emperor came two days ago. The emperor was very kind to her in her previous life. Now, the emperor may still have that feeling for her.

But the emperor never came again after that. Shao Simin laughed to herself. When she was the princess, she poisoned the prince. Now that the emperor has a queen, what is she expecting? Now, she is just waiting to see what happens. Song Mingge's ending is just fine.

I hope he will like this gift that I have carefully prepared for him!

A few days later.

Chengqian Palace received a reply from the Supreme Emperor. There were only three words in the letter: "Take care of yourself."

So the emperor began to make serious preparations for what happened after King An entered the capital. He tried his best to ensure that there would be no unrest in the capital. He also sent additional personnel to Shu County to cooperate with the spies already in Shu County to investigate the whole story and collect more evidence.

A few more days passed like this.

Mrs. Shu handed over the invitation to enter the palace again.

Shu Yuwan probably came here because of Gu's mother's affairs. In the past few days, she had not paid attention to Shao Simin's affairs.

Mrs. Shu saw Shu Yuwan, and she said, "My Lady, Mother Gu is really not suitable to send to the palace for your use."

When she said this, Mrs. Shu's face looked unnatural.

"What's going on?" Shu Yuwan was actually a little surprised. She was just being more careful. In fact, she didn't think there would be a problem with Mama Gu.

Mrs. Shu said angrily: "I never expected that Mama Gu's family is not actually a real family. Her current children and grandchildren are all unrelated people. People who actually work for the Wei family, she The real children and grandchildren are actually still in the Wei family!”

"Fortunately, Wanwan, you reminded me. I checked all the people around me. In addition to the important person like Mama Gu, there are actually two little girls who are accompanying me. They are also people who work for the Wei family. They are not loyal to me at all."

"I trust them wholeheartedly, they are all my relatives, why would I do something like this."

Mrs. Shu looked very sad.

Shu Yuwan really didn't expect that not only Queen Xiaoxian would be controlled like this, but also her mother's daughter, a side branch, would go to such trouble to arrange things like this. This was actually the tradition of the Wei family!

Shu Yuwan advised: "Mom, from now on, just pretend that you don't have these relatives."

Mrs. Shu nodded: "I will no longer care about the Wei family's affairs in the future."

These days, her brother has been sending people to ask her to come forward and support him as the new head of the Wei family. She originally wanted to help her brother.

After what happened to Mama Gu this time, she returned to the Wei Mansion and questioned her brother about it. His brother insisted that he had no knowledge of the matter, but she found out that Mama Gu's own children and grandchildren were clearly in the hands of her sister-in-law.

Thinking about it, to them, she was just a married outsider who only wanted to control and use her, so how could she have the family affection she thought she had? On weekdays, I was afraid it was just a show.

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