Time flew by and another half month passed.

Shu Yuwan was playing with Yue'er when she saw her elder brother Shu Yuyang coming over, looking hasty and ugly.

Surprised: "Brother? What's going on?"

"Yuwan, the prince has been poisoned and is unconscious." Shu Yuyang said as calmly as possible.

The cloth tiger in Shu Yuwan's hand loosened and almost fell to the ground, but was squeezed tightly again: "When did it happen?"

"Just for today, I won't come to see you in the next few days. I'll arrange for guards to guard the door."

"I'm going back home first."

Yue'er didn't know why, but when she saw that her uncle didn't hug her today, she pulled Shu Yuyang and refused to let her go: "Uncle, uncle~"

Shu Yuyang forced a smile and picked up Yue'er: "Yue'er is good, uncle has something important to do today and will bring you delicious food in a few days."

Shu Yuwan took Yue'er from Shu Yuyang's arms: "Brother, go back quickly."

Shu Yuyang nodded and left quickly.

Yue'er pulled Shu Yuwan's hair and brought Shu Yuwan back to her senses.

What's going on?

It's only been a year. It should have happened six years later. How could it happen so far in advance?

Did she change something that led to such a big change?

Or is it that the prince's poisoning this time was not the drastic change six years later?

Shu Yuwan couldn't think clearly and was very worried.

But she can't do anything now, she can only wait...

In the palace.

The dull atmosphere was so oppressive that even Eunuch Hong stood stiffly beside the emperor, not daring to speak. The other eunuchs in the Chengqian Palace even tried to slow down their breathing to avoid drawing attention to him. exist.

The leader of the imperial hospital and a group of imperial doctors knelt down below.

"When will the prince wake up?" the emperor asked in a deep voice.

The head of the hospital stood up and said, "If nothing unexpected happens, I should be able to wake up tomorrow."

The emperor looked a little more relaxed, nodded and said: "Okay, in that case, let's all go to the East Palace to guard him. We must ensure that the prince is safe."

"I obey the decree!"

A group of imperial doctors responded in unison and exited Chengqian Palace.

The emperor turned his head again and said to Eunuch Hong: "Have you found out?"

Eunuch Hong quickly stood up from where he was cowering just now and replied: "It was a young eunuch named Chen Jin from the East Palace Dining Bureau who took advantage of others and put poison into the prince's meal."

The emperor asked in a cold voice: "Who ordered it?"

Eunuch Hong knelt down and whispered: "This little eunuch seems to have some connection with Concubine Zhang. It has not been confirmed whether Concubine Zhang ordered this time."

Concubine Zhang is also an old man next to the emperor. In the heart of the emperor, she has always been gentle and virtuous. For so many years, there has been no competition or competition. The emperor has not established a queen. Ever since the Yuan Dynasty, Concubine Zhang has been taking care of the harem. .

The emperor's expression became a little unreadable after hearing Concubine Zhang: "Continue to investigate."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Eunuch Hong did not dare to say anything. Whether it was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince or Concubine Zhang, he could not comment on their relationship with the emperor.

After Eunuch Hong also withdraws, arrange for people to do things.

The emperor sat on the dragon chair for a long time and then sighed.

After all, we all have to fight for it...

On the second day.

A group of imperial doctors knelt not far from the bed of the Prince of the East Palace.

The emperor sat beside the prince's bed and said angrily: "Chen Qing, why hasn't the prince woke up yet?"

Chen Qing broke out in a cold sweat, and he didn't know why: "Back to the emperor, the prince's pulse condition has stabilized, and the poison is almost gone. His body should be fine. The poison may have damaged the inside, and it still needs to recover."

When the emperor heard that the poison had been eliminated, he felt relieved and asked, "When will the prince wake up?"

"You should wake up later today, or tomorrow at the latest."


However, on the third day, the prince still didn't wake up and could only survive by force-feeding some soup.

All the doctors in the imperial hospital couldn't explain why.

In the East Palace, everyone's breathing became more and more depressed.

"You said that the prince will wake up today at the latest. Why hasn't the prince woke up yet? Even if you can't find the reason, you, the head of the hospital, don't have to do anything!"

Chen Qing could only lower his head and apologize bitterly.

He really couldn't figure out why the prince still didn't wake up.

The emperor waved his hands irritably, and then said coldly: "Go, there is no need to apologize to me. If anything happens to the prince, the prince will be buried with him!"

Chen Qing and a group of imperial doctors tremblingly went to discuss countermeasures.

As for Eunuch Hong, he was still guarding the Shenxing Department: "Have you not asked yet?"

The eunuch in charge of the Shenxing Department lowered his head: "I was sentenced to death just now, but Chen Jin couldn't bear it and died..."

Eunuch Hong stood up with a roar and pointed at the leading eunuch: "You want to die! Do you know how important this witness is! After so many years of experience, you can actually put people on trial! Let's see, you are so stupid You don’t want your head anymore!”

The eunuch in charge of the Shenxing Department was about to cry, so he quickly knelt down and said, "Eunuch Hong, I really didn't do anything! I didn't know this little eunuch was so bad!" He didn't know what was going on with this little eunuch. Normally, he is measured, and such a punishment would be life-threatening.

"My father-in-law can only tell the truth to the emperor. Let's see if the emperor believes you or not!"

The chief eunuch of the Ministry of Punishment heard that something bad was going to happen, and in a hurry, he suddenly had an idea and shouted: "Eunuch Hong, why don't you call the imperial physician to see if this young eunuch has been in poor health before!"

Eunuch Hong frowned, nodded in response, and asked his apprentice to go to the Imperial Hospital to call for help.

After a while, the imperial physician came in a hurry. Now, the Imperial Hospital dared not take anything related to the poisoning of the prince lightly, and sent an experienced and steady old imperial physician to come.

The chief eunuch of the Ministry of Punishment looked at the old imperial physician with expectation. After a long time, the old imperial physician put away his needles and bottles and jars, and turned back and said: "This eunuch has been poisoned by a chronic poison. Even if there is no severe torture, I am afraid he will not live for a few more days."

The chief eunuch of the Ministry of Punishment heard this and his eyes lit up. It was a pleasant surprise!

Eunuch Hong looked solemn and immediately arranged for someone to check.


When Eunuch Hong returned to Chenggan Hall, he had adjusted his mood.

"What happened?" The emperor looked haggard.

"Your Majesty, the eunuch who poisoned the crown prince was poisoned in advance and just died in the Ministry of Punishment."

The emperor sneered after hearing this: "It's really a thorough arrangement."

Eunuch Hong didn't dare to answer.

At this point, it's hard to make further progress. The existing clues all point to Concubine Zhang. Chen Jin is a secret agent arranged by Concubine Zhang to the East Palace, and he was arranged to a place like the Food Bureau. In Chen Jin's room, there is even evidence of contact with Zhao Haiquan, a close attendant of Concubine Zhang. What to do next depends on the emperor's order.

The emperor's eyes were dark: "Take Zhao Haiquan to the Ministry of Punishment and make sure to get a result."

"Draft an edict."

"Take back Concubine Zhang's power to manage the six palaces and let Concubine Shu take care of it temporarily. Concubine Zhang is confined to Chonghua Palace, and the second prince Mingge is confined to the second prince's mansion. He cannot leave without being summoned."

Eunuch Hong was shocked. It seems that even the Concubine and the Second Prince are far less important than the Crown Prince: "Yes."

As soon as the news came out,

the court officials were worried, especially the Second Prince's mother's family and the ministers who secretly supported the Second Prince.

Not only the Concubine, the Emperor even confined the Second Prince!

Could it be that the Second Prince really did it!

Other court officials were trembling when they went to court, fearing that the Emperor would vent his anger.

The Emperor moved the memorial to the East Palace and stayed by the Crown Prince's side. Seeing that the Crown Prince was sleeping soundly, he was anxious: "Jin'er, please don't be in trouble."

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