No matter how reluctant Concubine Shu and the third prince were, they had to set off for the fiefdom in three days.

Concubine Zhang and Concubine Shu hurriedly prepared the things Ai Zi needed on the way.

That day has arrived.

The emperor sent him off in person.

Concubine Shu was still angry with the emperor and did not want to pay more attention to him.

On the day King An left the capital, Concubine Zhang was able to leave Chonghua Palace and stand on the city wall to say goodbye to King An.

The prince's health has almost recovered, and he is here to see off his two younger brothers today.

The fifth prince also followed the prince.

"Brother Imperial, Fifth Brother," the second prince said, handing over to the two of them: "From now on, I ask the Imperial Brother and the Fifth Emperor's brother to fulfill their filial piety for me and my third brother by my father's side."

The prince remained motionless: "Second Emperor brother, don't worry, this is Gu's duty."

The fifth prince was obedient and whispered, "Second prince, don't worry."

The emperor interrupted: "Go ahead."

Then he said to the two of them: "Remember, work diligently and love the people, and benefit the people in the fiefdom."

The two of them said yes.

King An turned around and glanced at Concubine Zhang in the distance, then turned around and left resolutely.

As King An gradually moved away, Concubine Zhang also withdrew her gaze, looked at Concubine Shu who was crying miserably in the distance, and turned back to Chonghua Palace. King An left, but she still had to be grounded, and the emperor did not lift her of ban.

After the second and third princes left.

The emperor then arranged the prince's marriage.

"Jin'er, I made some calculations with Qintian Supervisor. August 18th is a good day. Let's marry the Crown Princess on that day."

The prince suppressed the excitement in his heart and said calmly: "My son, I obey the order."

There are less than five months until August 18th. Generally speaking, a prince's wedding should not be so hasty, but the emperor cannot help but be in a hurry.

The prince is already twenty-one this year. Only by giving birth to an heir as soon as possible can the courtiers rest assured.

Now that the prince finally agreed to get married, he really didn't want to delay it. If it wasn't too late, he would have asked the prince to get married next month!

The emperor was happy, and the sadness of the two kings leaving the capital suddenly faded a lot.


The Shu Mansion soon received news from the palace that the wedding date was set, and the family was very happy.

Ever since the prince woke up, there has been a lot of excitement in front of the Shu Mansion.

Before the two kings left the capital, everyone was still restrained.

As soon as the two kings left, the palace quickly set a date, and the carriage at the gate of Shu's mansion never stopped.

The first one to rush back was Shu Yuting.

Although Shu Yuwan reconciled with Li and Yue'er when they entered the family tree, Shu Yuting came back and said some unpleasant words, but after all, she was the eldest daughter of the Shu family, and she was the one whom Shu Shilang and Mrs. Shu cherished in their hearts.

Mrs. Shu didn't want her eldest daughter to be embarrassed, so she smoothed things over: "Wanwan, your sister brought many interesting gadgets to Yue'er."

Seeing Mrs. Shu's anxious look, Shu Yuwan didn't want to displease her mother, so she saluted, "Thank you, sister."

Shu Yuting stepped forward and took Shu Yuwan's hand: "It was my sister's fault before. I was angry at the time and spoke without thinking. Sister, don't take it to heart."

Shu Yuwan nodded: "You are my eldest sister from the same mother. I will not take a few unpleasant words to heart."

"Shu Mansion is my home, and it is also my eldest sister's home. We and eldest sister are connected by blood, and we will always be a family."

Shu Yuting felt a little guilty.

She didn't expect that her sister didn't remember what she said last time.

Originally, she didn't want to come back and apologize to her sister. She was the eldest sister, so how could she be asked to bow her head? But her mother-in-law insisted that she come back and establish a good relationship with her sister. If she didn't come, she would be embarrassed again.

After all, there is no way to compare the life of a married woman with that of being at home.

When Mrs. Shu saw that Yu Wan did not blame Shu Yuting, she couldn't help but feel guilty towards her younger daughter: "Wan Wan is right, brothers working together are more powerful than gold, and the same goes for sisters."

"Tingting, think about it, if you were greatly wronged in the Yongchang Marquis Mansion, would you expect your sister to be there to complain that you had burdened her, or would you expect your sister to stand by your side, help you, and seek relief for you? justice?"

"Mom, I already know I was wrong~" Shu Yuting spoke in a longer tone.

Mrs. Shu took her eldest daughter's hand and said, "Mother knows that Tingting understands the truth. Tingting is the eldest sister and a girl who was taught by mother herself. Of course she knows how to care for her younger siblings. This is not because she likes it because she is older. Let me tell you a few words."

"In Wanwan's case, even though she may look good when she marries to the East Palace, she may be walking on thin ice inside. You are now well-known in the circle of princes and nobles in Beijing, and you are helping Wanwan more."

Mrs. Shu took Shu Yuwan's hand again: "Wanwan, it's the same for you. Your sister is in the Yongchang Marquis Mansion, but she has a mother-in-law who is suppressing her. Her mother-in-law is also a powerful one. You should protect her more when you go back. Hold her tight."

The two sisters responded in unison.

Shu Yuting's eyes were a little wet, and she blinked away the wetness.

When she was in the boudoir, her parents loved her in every possible way, but when she got married, her mother-in-law couldn't fault her openly, but secretly, she always loved to find fault with her. was said.

There is something wrong with the prince being able to do whatever he wants, and his mother-in-law is also protective of him. She even said that she did not advise him in time, which caused the prince to make mistakes.

Even if she came back to cry to her mother, her mother would not be able to intervene and go to Yongchang Hou Mansion.

It was really painful to endure these years.

I was really upset when I saw my sister simply going home with Li.

But she didn't think about it. If there was no other way, how could her sister divorce with a big belly and face the saliva of everyone?

"Sister, you, I hope you don't blame me."

Shu Yuwan said playfully: "Sister, I dare not blame you, I still expect you to protect me."

No matter what the elder sister is like, father and mother must hope that they can live in harmony.

As long as the elder sister doesn't take the initiative to make trouble, she will pretend to be affectionate on the surface.

The mother and daughter sat for a while and chatted about some family matters. Mrs. Shu said: "Tingting, you should go back early. If you stay too long, I'm afraid your mother-in-law will say something."

Shu Yuting nodded and got up to go back.

Yuwan had just been married to the prince, and her mother-in-law didn't mind her staying in the Shu Mansion for a while, but mother and Yuwan were afraid that there were still many things to prepare.

"Then I will go back first and come back to see mother and sister another day."

Mrs. Shu and Shu Yuwan said goodbye to Shu Yuting together.

Mrs. Shu then sent the gifts that Shu Yuting brought to Tang and Zhou.

Zhou happened to be at Tang's place, and took a walk with Tang. Their bellies were getting bigger, and they made plans to walk together every day. When she saw Tang, she was surprised and said, "Sister-in-law, you still remember to bring me gifts?"

Tang smiled calmly, "Sister Yuwan is different now. Do you think there are not many people coming to visit these days?"

Yes, there are too many people coming these days. All the aunts, sisters-in-law, sisters and sisters who have some contact with the clan, as well as her own relatives from the Zhou family and the relatives of her sister-in-law, all came to visit Shu's mansion.

Even her aunt who didn't get along with her mother, who had always secretly mocked her for not marrying as well as her cousin, came to visit her. This was something she would never have dared to think of before.

Sister Yuwan is a person who has achieved success, and the whole family has followed suit.

"That's right. My elder sister-in-law is a sister of Yuwan. Even if she said a few unpleasant words, we won't break off the relationship. But my elder sister-in-law used to disdain to have a good relationship with us. Now, she even gave us a share of the gifts."

"It's a good thing after all."

A few days later.

The East Palace also sent people to send a lot of things to Yuwan and Yue'er.

Tiancan silk, Shu brocade fabrics, a large pot of Dongzhu, some cakes from the palace, and a gold necklace for children...

Mrs. Shu sent the things over.

The corners of her eyes and eyebrows were full of smiles: "Wanwan, the prince himself doesn't object to this marriage."

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