A few days later, it was almost the day for Shu Yuwan to get married, and Shu Yuwan stayed at the house.

Qingdai came in and said, "Miss, it's time to take Miss Yue'er to the ancestral hall."

Today I am going to adopt Yue'er into the name of my elder brother and sister-in-law.

Shu Yuwan brought Yue'er to the ancestral hall. The clan leader and several elders were also here. It was said that Yue'er would be adopted by her eldest brother, so there was no need to alert the clan leaders, but if they were willing to come, it would be best.

Father, mother, and elder brothers and sisters-in-law have also arrived.

Shu Yuwan picked up Yue'er and put it in front of her eldest brother and sister-in-law: "Yue'er, kneel down and kowtow to your eldest uncle and eldest aunt."

Yue'er was only adopted into the name of Shu Yuyang and his wife in the family tree. In the house, she was still called uncle and aunt. Her name is Shuyuwanniang.

The clan leader and several clan elders met and did not stop him.

After all, it is a matter for Shu Jinyi and his family, so just let them be.

Shu Yuyang picked up Yue'er and gave Yue'er a big red envelope.

The clan leader then changes the name on the family tree, and the adoption is over.

Back at the mansion, Shu Yuwan had been wilting all day long. Mother Zhao knew that Shu Yuwan was reluctant to let go of her child, so she advised her: "Miss, once you have a firm foothold in the palace, you can take over Miss Yue'er. "

Shu Yuwan tried her best to smile: "Don't worry, Mom, I know."

The Crown Prince's status is not that strong yet. There are Concubine Zhang, Concubine Shu, and Concubine Xian in the palace. She will not take Yue'er there.

It’s just that I can’t bear to part with it.

In the future, if the prince successfully ascends the throne, and she can ensure Yue'er's safety, she can take him into the palace and live there for a while, thinking that Shu Yuwan will gain motivation again.

Mother Zhao comforted her a few more times and then went to work. Shu Yuwan is getting married soon, and the people in Qingzhuyuan are also busy these days.

After a while, Qingdai came over in a hurry, with an incomprehensible look on her face: "Miss,"

Shu Yuwan saw it and asked the others to go out.

Qingdai continued to speak: "Zhao killed An Shaoyu!"

Shu Yuwan was startled: "What?"

Qingdai calmed down her extremely surprised mood: "Just now, Liu San came over and said that Mrs. Zhao followed An Shaoyu to Chunxiu's courtyard today, saw An Shaoyu and Chunxiu, and saw that Chunxiu was pregnant. "Zhao was so angry that she ordered the girls around her to beat Chunxiu to death on the spot. Erxi and the others stopped the people around Zhao."

"Ms. Zhao took out a knife and wanted to do it herself. An Shaoyu stepped in front of Chunxiu. Ms. Zhao asked An Shaoyu why he betrayed her, so he stabbed An Shaoyu to death with a few knives!"

Shu Yuwan couldn't believe it: "Seriously?"

Qingdai nodded vigorously: "Erxi and the others were protecting Chunxiu. Liu San came back to deliver news to us, saying that Zhao Qingqing had killed An Shaoyu. Seeing that there was nothing he could do about Chunxiu, he hurriedly took the girl away. Chunxiu sent someone to ask for a doctor, but when Liu San came back, he checked and found that he was out of breath~"

"Hurry up and ask Liu San to go to Andinghou Mansion to report the news. Don't ask Zhao Qingqing to turn things upside down."

Qingdai said hurriedly: "I'll go right away."

Qingdai walked a long way, but Shu Yuwan still didn't react. This was really beyond her expectation~

What an unexpected surprise!

She only wanted to alienate the relationship between Zhao Qingqing and An Shaoyu, but she didn't expect that Zhao Qingqing would directly kill An Shaoyu!

Liu San took the instruction and ran quickly.

They shouted all the way: "Kill people, kill people, Zhao killed our third son!!"

When he arrived at the door of Andinghou Mansion, he was already crying and crying: "Come here quickly! Zhao has killed the third young master!! Zhao has killed the third young master!!"

For a time, the mansion was in chaos.

Mrs. Wei hurriedly led people to Chunxiu's yard.

When Wei arrived, Chunxiu's doctor had already arrived. The doctor shook his head: "Let's prepare for the funeral."

When Mrs. Wei came in and heard this sentence, she burst into tears and threw herself on An Shaoyu. She saw several bloody wounds on her son's body and his clothes were all covered in blood~

"My son~~my son~~"

Chunxiu held up her stomach and asked several little girls to surround her. She was shivering on the side, holding her stomach and crying out in pain from time to time~

"Damn it, Mrs. Zhao!!"

He raised a pair of red eyes full of hatred and said to Chunxiu: "Where are the Zhao people?"

Chunxiu's voice trembled: "I ran away. The little girl chased after me. I saw the carriage heading towards Qingshi Lane from a distance~"

Mrs. Wei sternly ordered her mother beside her: "Send someone to find and bring that bitch back to me!!"

He also asked someone to go to Dr. Zhao again: "Call a few more doctors. I think my son might be able to be saved~"

The girl next to me couldn't bear to argue and went to see the doctor.

However, no matter how many doctors came, they were all told to prepare for the funeral~

The Wei family finally accepted the fact that An Shaoyu was dead and ordered people to carry An Shaoyu back to the Anding Marquis Mansion.

Mrs. Anding Hou was old. When she heard about this, she fainted. Only now did she wake up. When she heard that An Shaoyu had been carried back, she hurried over~

Seeing the little grandson who was completely breathless, he started crying again~

Mrs. Liu watched from the side, covering her face with a handkerchief and crying loudly. What she was thinking in her heart was: This is really retribution~

Marquis Anding and his two brothers hurried back before they were off duty. When they saw their son's body, they instantly became red-eyed.

Mrs. An rushed forward and beat Marquis Anding, crying: "It's all you who allowed Brother Yu to marry that woman, and it actually cost Brother Yu his life!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Wei looked up at Marquis Anding, her eyes full of resentment.

Marquis Anding did not dare to fight back, and was extremely angry: "Where is Zhao?"

Mrs. An and Mr. Wei ignored him.

The housekeeper stepped forward carefully: "Zhao killed the third son and ran away. People are already sending people to look for her~"

At this moment.

Zhao Qingqing was hiding in the house of Peng Shangshu, the mother's family of Concubine Xian.

It was the noble lady who met Zhao Qingqing at Xinglong Restaurant last time. Concubine Xian's sister-in-law came to see Zhao Qingqing. Although she took Zhao Qingqing in, she couldn't help complaining: "Why did you want to kill someone? How can the troops of Marquis Anding be used now?"

"It's normal for a man to take a concubine. If you don't like it, just send that woman away. You stabbed your own husband to death, which is really novel."

"You are more ferocious than Princess Ning? You don't have the family background of Princess Ning!"

Zhao Qingqing's eyes were ruthless: "I told him a long time ago that if he betrayed me, I would take his life!!"

Mrs. Peng looked at Zhao Qingqing as if he was a madman.

I don't want to say more to her: "You came here without leaving any trace, right?"

"If the Anding Marquis' Mansion comes to find me, I can't protect you."

After hearing this, Zhao Qingqing looked at Madam Peng fiercely: "Even if the Anding Marquis' Mansion is gone, Madam, don't forget that I still have powerful weapons in my hands."

Madam Peng said proudly: "So you left your trace?"

Zhao Qingqing's face was dark. At that time, she was busy hiding in a safe place quickly and didn't care about hiding her trace. However, when she followed An Shaoyu, she changed into an ordinary sedan chair and followed secretly, so it should be difficult to find out.

So she shook her head: "They shouldn't find me here."

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