Shu Yuwan finally understood why the prince had been unwilling to marry.

His Highness must keep the promise made by Empress Xiaoxian before her death and only marry one wife. If he does not marry the woman he likes, it means that he will have to live with someone he does not like for the rest of his life.

After all, he cannot keep the type he likes anymore.

From this, we can also see that although Empress Xiaoxian passed away early, her position in the prince's heart is like a mountain.

Although Empress Xiaoxian is no longer with us, it is not too much to be her daughter-in-law and burn three incense sticks for her a day!

At night.

The prince began to tease Shu Yuwan again.

Shu Yuwan suddenly remembered that last night, the prince was indeed... not very skilled~

Jaws and fierce~

This is because he has suppressed himself for so many years and finally got married. He can't stop.

Shu Yuwan wanted to laugh. He always felt that he took advantage of the prince.

Therefore, although she was a little scared, Shu Yuwan still tried her best to cooperate with the prince. It was not easy for His Royal Highness the Prince to suppress her for so many years...

The prince whispered in Shu Yuwan's ear: "Wanwan, don't be afraid. I will restrain myself tonight. It won't be like last night."

Shu Yuwan's face flushed. Although she had given birth to a child, she hadn't experienced this kind of thing for almost ten years~

The prince said to restrain himself, but he still called for water three times that night.

Qingdai was on guard outside. She was happy that the young lady and His Royal Highness the Prince were in love, but she was also worried that the prince would be so...wouldn't his young lady be exhausted?

In the end, Shu Yuwan was really tired.

Drowsy, she let the prince do whatever he wanted, and didn't know when she fell asleep.

The next day, Shu Yuwan slept until Chenshi and woke up. The prince was no longer in the room.

Qingdai saw that Shu Yuwan woke up and quickly asked the little maid to bring in water.

"Why didn't you call me?" Shu Yuwan said angrily.

Qingdai said jokingly: "You can't blame me for this. It was the prince who didn't let me wake you up, saying that you were tired~"

Shu Yuwan blushed.

She wanted to say something to this girl, but thinking that Qingdai was rarely so lively, Shu Yuwan didn't discourage her, and instead joked: "I'll find you a husband who loves you so much tomorrow."

Unexpectedly, Qingdai immediately put away her joking look: "I don't want it! I want to accompany the young lady for the rest of my life."

"Look at Qinghe, isn't she happy now?" Shu Yuwan advised.

After Qinghe got married in the mansion, she came back a few times and seemed to be living a very good life.

Qingdai said, "That's because they just got married. Qinghe has you, the Crown Princess, to support her and give her a large sum of money as a dowry. Her husband's family dare not treat her badly."

Shu Yuwan smiled, "Don't I support you?"

"Getting married is like going to a gambling house to gamble. If you win, you can barely get by. If you lose, you will never have a day of peace. It is a blessing from heaven for me to follow a master like the Crown Princess. With this blessing, I don't want to gamble. I am very satisfied to accompany the Crown Princess for the rest of my life."

Shu Yuwan wanted to persuade her again, but after thinking about it, she felt that what Qingdai said made a lot of sense.

If she hadn't been lucky, had a father and mother who were willing to be her retreat, and had caught the Crown Prince's eye for some reason, she wouldn't know how it would end even if she was reborn again.

"It's up to you. If you don't want to get married, then don't get married."

Qingdai nodded happily: "I gave birth to the Crown Princess, and if the Crown Princess dies, I will go with her."

Shu Yuwan almost shed tears.

"Nonsense, if I leave first, you still have to help me look after Yue'er."

Thinking of Yue'er, Qingdai's expression softened a little. She has been responsible for taking care of Yue'er since she was born, and I don't know how she is now.

Not wanting to make Shu Yuwan sad, Qingdai didn't mention it: "I will listen to the Crown Princess."

When Shu Yuwan was almost done with her hair, the prince came over.

The prince smiled gently: "I heard that you woke up, so I came."

Noticing that Shu Yuwan's eyes were slightly red, the prince tightened his expression and asked: "What's wrong? Have you cried?"

Shu Yuwan smiled: "Your Highness is really meticulous. I have already washed and combed my hair, and I can still teach you to see it."

"What's the matter?" The prince asked.

"But I accidentally poked my eye just now."

Knowing that Shu Yuwan would not say anything, the prince did not ask any more questions.

Seeing Yimei helping Shu Yuwan draw eyebrows, the prince said: "I will help you draw."

"This... can your highness do it?"

"It should be similar to painting, right?" the prince asked.

Shu Yuwan was helpless: "Then you try it."

"Wanwan, call me Ajin..." After the prince said this, he felt a little uncomfortable, but also very much looking forward to it.

Shu Yuwan followed suit: "Ajin~"

The prince did not feel uncomfortable in an instant, but felt that Wanwan called him like this, which made people very happy.

Satisfiedly, he picked up the pen to draw eyebrows, and drew for a long time.

Shu Yuwan looked in the mirror, and her eyebrows were thick and long~ It was obvious that they were not drawn well, so she drew them again several times.

It obviously did not match Shu Yuwan's makeup.

Shu Yuwan was helpless~

"Ajin, let Yimei come."

The prince put down his pen awkwardly: "I'll practice later."

Shu Yuwan smiled: "Okay."

After Shu Yuwan finished dressing up, the couple went to have breakfast together.

That day, the prince still did not go to handle official business.

He stayed with Shu Yuwan and asked Aqing to hand over the internal affairs of the East Palace to Shu Yuwan.

Shu Yuwan was a bit overwhelmed: "Ah Qing has taken good care of it, and it won't be a big deal in these few days. Why don't I slowly accept it after I return home?"

"I just have nothing to do, so I'll accompany you to establish your authority. Today I'm just explaining it to you first. If there's anything unclear later, you can always find Ah Qing."


So the two of them sorted out the accounts of the Eastern Palace for a day.

Shu Yuwan found that the Eastern Palace was actually very rich.

The prince said: "Part of the property of the Eastern Palace is the dowry of my mother. It has been well managed over the years, and the property has been increasing. The other part is the frequent rewards from my father."

The two of them also prepared gifts for everyone in the family when they return home tomorrow.

Thinking that she would be able to see Yue'er tomorrow, Shu Yuwan couldn't help but feel excited.

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