Shou-wife and Broken-Leg Gong were seated in front of each other, separated with just a partition. 

That morning Shou-wife kept thinking about the fact that in the next few months he would be able to work in such close proximity with his male god which made him too excited to be able to concentrate.

He was so immersed in his fantasies that he didn’t notice when everyone went to eat.



By the time he came back to his senses, the entire office was gone and the only one left was Broken-Leg Gong who was still catching up on his reports; seeing the empty office the latter also looked quite dumbfounded.

But then Broken-Leg Gong asked him to eat together: “Give me a moment I am almost done.” 

Shou-wife nodded his head stupidly.



We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu abbx Vtbe-klof ab fja ja j Ajqjcfrf gfrajegjca vbkcrajlgr.

Yc atf kjs atfgf, tf tfjgv Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu ajix ab rbwfbcf bc atf qtbcf klat ugfja fcaterljrw.


“Qf tjnf j cfk xlv lc atf vfqjgawfca.”

“Zs peclbg, atf bcf ktb ibbxr frqfmljiis ilxf sbe.”

“Yxjs, bxjs, P kbc’a afjrf tlw.” Dgbxfc-Ofu Xbcu olcjiis rjlv, ktlif aegclcu yjmx ab rwlif ja Vtbe-klof.


Shou-wife’s heart stopped for a second. 


The two people dined face to face; Broken-Leg Gong seemed to be particularly interested in Shou-wife, asking him this and that, almost like a marriage meeting.

After a while he muttered nearly to himself: “Are you really not Bai Yueguang’s long-lost brother?”

Shou-wife answered all his questions, appearing very well behaved, but his heart was beating drums. 

Am I eating too fast? Is there any sauce on my lips? Would I look like a pig if I eat too much?

Shou-wife was so concerned about his image that he put down his chopsticks without eating much.

Broken-Leg Gong wondered if he didn’t like the taste of this restaurant, and told him that he would take him to a different one tomorrow.

Shou-wife was so happy he could faint. 

They will be eating together again tomorrow.



With Broken-Leg Gong there, Shou-wife worked especially hard every day.

In addition to doing his job, he will bring everyone tea and water, and he will be especially attentive toward Broken-Leg Gong. 

One time, when Shou-wife handed the brewed coffee to Broken-Leg Gong, a group of young sisters from the same team laughed and said: “We have recruited a small babysitter without knowing”.

Shou-wife was embarrassed, went back to his seat with a red face, thinking next time he should be more reserved.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Broken-Leg Gong smiling at him and saying, “Little Nanny, please help me print these documents.”

Shou-wife again bumbled and went to help. 

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