Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 105 Why did I go to heaven?

Promotion to Sequence Nine is very simple.

You only need to match enough polluted environment, then use some special medicinal materials to refine the elixir, and continue to display the corresponding qualifications recorded on the stone tablet.

Although it sounds a bit troublesome, it is actually just a tedious process and relatively low difficulty.

At least it's better than being promoted to Sequence Eight.

Chen Qing remembered, however, that according to what was recorded on the stone tablet, if he wanted to be promoted to Sequence 8, he would need to cut off certain redundant organs like in Sequence 10. At that point, he may even fall into the environment and need to slay his inner demons.

It's even possible... to kill "Nascent Soul" with a sword!

Of course, its real name is not Nascent Soul. It's just that Chen Qing classified it as a description that he could better understand based on the description above.

Cultivation of immortality in the wasteland is not similar to orthodox cultivation of immortality. Chen Qing is just following it to make it easier for him to understand.

However, it is still too early to consider Sequence 8, which requires the precipitation of Sequence 9.

Just like an athlete wearing white socks, only by settling in the ninth sequence long enough can we meet at the top of the eighth sequence.

"But not before that."

Looking at the glowing food in front of him, Chen Qing hesitated: "How do I eat this?"

What is needed to advance to sequence nine is to pollute the environment.

Although the very existence of this Buddha jumping over the wall is emitting a steady stream of pollution to the outside world. But this kind of pollution is not very powerful. At least with it alone, Chen Qing cannot create absolute pollution around him.

So he probably needs to eat some of this thing.

After all, the distortion of "pollution" must follow the Basic Law, just like the anomalies that appear in taboo knowledge are also targeted, and the delicacies made must be eaten to be effective.

Besides, Chen Qing was also a little curious.

That's delicious food made from forbidden recipes. Maybe it can give you more surprises?

Tangled for a moment.

Chen Qing finally made up his mind.

He took a deep breath and stuffed something into his mouth.

After everything was done, Chen Qing opened his eyes.

Then he gently picked up the corner of the dish in front of him with the chopsticks in his hand, and put it in his mouth without chewing it, just keeping his mouth closed.

A moment later.


Chen Qing's eyes suddenly opened wide!

Not because something unusual happened.

But this stuff is so delicious!

"Is this really something that humans can eat?! I have never had this feeling of wanting to swallow my tongue after taking one bite in the past twenty years... It turns out that the description in the graphic novel is indeed true!"

Feeling the trembling of the taste buds on the tip of his tongue, Chen Qing couldn't help but feel excited.

Even if he didn't bite it completely, just by feeling it, he realized what kind of delicious food he was enjoying.

It was at this time that he understood why the people of the Zenya Federation were so keen on pursuing delicious food, and why the owner of the puppet girl had spent her whole life trying to recreate the Buddha jumping over the wall.

The reason is simple.

When something is so excellent that it is unimaginable and goes beyond the limits of what humans can describe, the imprint it leaves behind is enough to make people pursue it unswervingly, even to waste a lifetime!

"It's delicious, it's delicious, I want to eat it again!"

He looked at the food in front of him with red eyes, and saliva couldn't stop flowing from the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, he was like a starving ghost reincarnated, almost throwing himself on the table to feast.

But at this time.

The flames were dancing next to him, and the wind blew with a "whoosh", directly blowing up the oil lamp tied to Chen Qing's hand.

At the same time, the carving knife slipped from his cuff and fell firmly into his hand.

Amid the gasping sound, the light of the oil lamp was soft and gentle.

About half a minute passed like this.

Chen Qing, who was still anxious at first, gradually calmed down his emotions.

He closed the lid in front of him and at the same time reached out his hand and dug it into his mouth for a while.

After some fumbling, he pulled out a plastic filter.

The filter had been blocked in his throat, blocking most of the food and allowing only some juice to leak out.

After destroying everything on the filter, Chen Qing sighed: "The effect is too strong."

Chen Qing had already expected that there might be something wrong with the food in front of him.

After all, in that wasteland, anything could be twisted into twists, let alone dishes made with forbidden knowledge and added contaminants?

But he also made preparations in advance.

Putting a filter in your throat ensures that only some of the juice leaks out, which removes most of the contamination. At the same time, he also made a simple trigger device that allows the flame to light the oil lamp whenever it detects that the concentration of pollution has increased.

With Flame's foodie brain, it's quite easy to see that the pollution level is getting worse.

Then there is the carving knife, which can also affect Chen Qing and can "fight poison with poison."

After taking a series of precautions, he dared to actually eat this thing.

And it turns out that these measures are indeed very effective.

At least Chen Qing didn't eat most of it and only drank some soup.

But just that little bit of soup made his mental state quite wrong.

“It feels a little bit like I’m using a mask.”

Staring at the pure white mask in the distance, Chen Qing couldn't help but fall into deep thought: "That hunger does not come from the body, but from a deeper level. It's a bit like the soul whipping feeling I experienced when using the mask."

"So this dish is working on my soul?"

Chen Qing's thoughts became clearer and clearer: "If you think so, then it means that Buddha Jumping over the Wall has a great attraction to my soul. So, can it complement my soul, or strengthen the strength of my soul?"

"But no matter what, this shouldn't be a bad thing. Because I didn't feel any other discomfort, and the hunger of my soul was relieved a lot. So, this thing is probably harmless. But why is it so powerful for me? The impact..."

Maybe it's because it's too filling.

Just like eating ginseng in summer, Chen Qing's nosebleeds occurred because of overdosing it?

The context in my mind gradually became clear.

After confirming this, Chen Qing gradually understood how to use this thing.

Although I don’t know what the soul strength means.

But if it can be improved, there is no harm in it!

Therefore, you can eat slowly and little by little, take in quantitatively, record the changes, and do multiple sets of comparisons at the same time.

After having a plan, Chen Qing's lips curled up slightly.

He was about to stand up and use chopsticks to turn over the dishes in front of him again.

But the next second.

Chen Qing's movements paused slightly.


He looked around him blankly.

"Where am I?"

It was pitch black in front of him, as if all light had been lost.

Chen Qing was startled when he realized this.

Am I blind? !

Is there a delaying toxin in that Buddha jumping over the wall? !

With similar thoughts.

Suddenly, a glimmer of light appeared in front of Chen Qing.


He breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay if you're not blind!"

He is already a terminally ill patient. Who can bear it if he becomes blind again?

Shaking his head slightly, Chen Qinggang wanted to rub his eyes.

But this action directly caused his head to float upward with a pop.

Like a carrot.

His head just popped out, floating above the ceiling.

……what's the situation?

Chen Qing lowered his head in confusion.

Then, it was as if he noticed something.

His pupils shrank slightly.

"Why am I in the sky?!"

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