Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 20 Spend money, you can become stronger by spending money

"...In exchange for that forbidden knowledge?"

The words fell.

In the world outside the mirror, Chen Qing's voice had no fluctuation.

However, he could feel a layer of sweat forming on his back.

At this moment, he felt "nervous".

"Too dangerous!"

While chanting in a low voice, Chen Qing thought in his heart: "I didn't expect the guy in the mirror to be so straightforward this time!"

This was the first time he saw such a simple and unpretentious questioner who just wanted "power".

Of the two people before this, Li Changsheng took the initiative to speak and asked all kinds of incomprehensible questions; while Colin was excited and made his demands directly to Chen Qing.

Both situations are easy to deal with. You only need to follow their words to confuse them and allow them to construct a concept map of the "Lord of Truth" in their own brains.

However, this scene now...

Although Chen Qing had imagined a similar situation in advance, he still found it quite difficult when it actually happened.

This situation that he found quite troublesome was that the other party did not state his request directly, but instead put forward a directionless, broad concept... wish!

This was a situation that made Chen Qing feel numb more than any other problem.

Normal questions are equivalent to fill-in-the-blank questions, and they are the kind with comments. As long as Chen Qing makes guesses based on his own knowledge and the other party's tone, he can answer it more or less.

The question asked by the person in the mirror is equivalent to answering the question. And it’s the kind of finale question where the numbers are twisted like an octopus and the symbols change like a fluffy grass.

Chen Qing could write a "solution" to this kind of question to his death!

How do I know how to give you strength, how to protect you from danger, and how to avoid being hunted by nightwalkers? !

The moment you hear the question.

Chen Qing couldn't help but feel his heart twitch.

He had almost no idea about the situation in the other world, so he couldn't understand the weight of the other person's words, let alone know what the so-called "Night Walker" was.

God knows how much Chen Qing wanted to carry the mirror on his back and disappear into the other person's mirror.

But when he thought of the subtle consequences that such an operation might bring, Chen Qing finally held back.

I thought about it for a while.

In the end, Chen Qing found an "answer" that was barely the answer.

That is, instead of replying directly to the other party, you exaggerate your own authority, emphasize your own specificity, leave hints to the other party in an ambiguous way, and then continue to let the other party make up your own mind.

He did not give a straightforward answer, but used a metaphorical ending to let the other person think about the meaning of his words.

In the final analysis, leave the mystery to the other party, and then let the other party imagine and decipher it!

This is already a solution that Chen Qing managed to come up with in such a short period of time.

When he said it, he felt a little pain in his head.

But the good thing is.

The effect seems to be good?

At least Chen Qing could see that the shadows in the mirror seemed to be distorting faster.

After using the mirror for so long, Chen Qing could roughly guess some of its characteristics.

For example, the background inside the mirror is the location of the mirror, and the distorted figures are the people in front of the mirror. The distortion of their bodies represents their mood to a certain extent.

So these guys are twisting so... boldly, it must be because they are excited, right?

Chen Qing was a little unsure.

"And the signal this time seems to be better than before?"

Staring at the mirror, Chen Qing thought thoughtfully: "Is it because there are too many people, or is it because of other reasons?"

Well, anyway, don't speak for now, let's wait for the other person to answer.

Chen Qing knew very well that the more he spoke now, the more timid he would be, so he patiently remained silent.

And soon.

The voice on the other side came from inside the mirror.

"The great 'Lord of Truth'."

The distorted voice like radio waves echoed in Chen Qing's ears: "I...I understand what you mean."

"Then, I sincerely beg you, please give us 'knowledge' and 'truth', so that we have the ability to deal with all dangers."


After hearing these words, Chen Qing smiled with unknown meaning.

He flexed his finger and tapped the table: "Everyone is qualified to pursue the truth, a seeker. This means that regardless of your status, you all have the ability to open the door of truth."

"What you can exchange for from the door depends on you."

"Moreover, do you want to gain the ability to solve all difficulties? You must know that the broader the problem, the greater the price required."

Chen Qing chuckled softly: "Do you think the question you raised, even if the souls of your entire clan are put on the scale, will one end of the scale move half a point towards you?"

Hear this.

The other side fell into silence again.

And Chen Qing just waited quietly.

He knew that after proceeding in this step-by-step manner, the requirements from the other side would gradually become more specific.

And that was the moment for him to understand the mirror world and exchange for more information!

So for half a minute.

The person on the other side didn't seem to dare to let Chen Qing wait too long. After thinking for a moment, he spoke again.

"Great Lord of Truth," said the Mirror Man, "I overstepped my bounds."

"Then, I ask for a piece of information in exchange."

Although the voice of the Mirror Man was distorted, it became more determined: "I want to know how to cover up the 'Night Walker' in a short time!"

"'Nightwalkers' are sleepy during the day and energetic at night. Their skin is as white as snow and their teeth are very sharp. They like to eat blood, and they will die after being bitten by them. And our clan has been cannibalized for a long time. For this reason Please give us a way to resist the Nightcrawlers!"

Listen to the man in the mirror say this.

Chen Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

...Why does this sound more and more like "vampire"?


Chen Qing tapped her fingers lightly on the table, thoughtfully.

It seems that there are still fantasy elements in the world in the mirror?

"But it's not necessarily a vampire, it could be a mutant creature. Well, anyway, let's try to find out what methods can be found on the Internet to deal with vampires..."

After groaning, Chen Qing opened the encyclopedia and said in the mirror: "I already understand your request."

"So, what price are you willing to pay for this knowledge?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Qing added: "This is knowledge that is closely related to the fate of your family. The weight in the scale is not light."

Having said this, Chen Qing sighed in his heart.

No, a hierarchy must be established.

The exchange of knowledge must be differentiated by gradients. Difficult knowledge must be exchanged for more secret knowledge, while simple questions require some secrets.

Only in this way can we attract "repeat customers".

Otherwise, what should I do if the other person is completely wiped out by just one question, and the other person becomes wary and quits?

"So there has to be a hierarchy. So, wouldn't it be better to have a membership system? You can become stronger by spending money..."

While thinking about it, Chen Qing tapped his finger on the phone.

The next second, the tsunami-like knowledge on the Internet was all concentrated on his mobile phone!

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