Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 204 Demigod

Beyond the Mirror World.

Chen Qing raised his hand and looked at his face.

"...What the hell?"

Just now, he got a new response from the mirror.

This was the ancient mirror he rarely opened in his hand after participating in the containment breach.

But he really didn't expect to hear such an exciting conversation as soon as he opened it.

What does "make me a woman" mean?

What does it mean to become?

Even Chen Qing subconsciously thought wrong when he heard such a sentence.

But fortunately, he is still a relatively serious person in the final analysis.

So he just rubbed the mirror gently and didn't speak immediately.

On the one hand, it’s because he doesn’t understand the era that the ancient mirror is in, and on the other hand, it’s because...

He really didn't know how to answer this question.

Well, the answer is yes, it always feels a bit weird from the perspective of the respondent; but if the answer is no, it goes against the persona he has created for a long time.

So in comparison, Chen Qing chose to remain silent.

This kind of silence was a rare occasion since he first met Li Changsheng.

You must know that since he obtained the ancient mirror, he has not been silent to anyone outside the mirror for a long time.

To be honest, it really made him sigh.

"Time flies so fast."

Chen Qing thought in his heart.

It was as if I met Li Changsheng not long ago, but in fact I had already left my footprints in countless eras.

And his "truth" seems to have gained an unimaginable reputation.

Just like now.

Although the guy in the mirror didn't get a response from Chen Qing, he didn't express doubts about it.

Soon, a voice whispered: "No effect?"

This voice is different from the previous voice praying to become a woman, and it is obviously stronger.

Chen Qing could probably guess that the person who spoke first was probably a child, and the person who spoke next was probably a middle-aged man.

The reason why we need to speculate is mainly because the view of the ancient mirror looks weird.

Previously, when Chen Qing looked through the ancient mirror, although he couldn't see what the apostles looked like specifically, he could still see their height, figure and other characteristics.

But it's different now.

Now, in the ancient mirror in front of Chen Qing, there was only pure black.

It's like there is no picture on the TV at home. You can't see the situation of another era clearly, you can only hear the sound.

This was the first time Chen Qing encountered a similar situation.

At first, he thought there was something wrong with the ancient mirror, and he was frightened and wanted to try to solve it.

After all, for him, the ancient mirror is not only the capital to settle down, but also the source of all his plans so far.

Only this mirror could realize all his ideas, so when he realized that there might be something wrong with the mirror, even Chen Qing was a little panicked.

But then he observed other time points and found that there were no problems in those places.

Can see the picture and hear the sound.

So the problem is clear.

It was not because of the problem of the ancient mirror itself, but because at that time, the ancient mirror had some kind of deviation, so that the picture could not be seen.

This is the conclusion Chen Qing came to.

And this conclusion was quickly verified later.

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the boy's voice sounded again: "It seems a little more troublesome than I thought."

"'Truth' does not give us a response."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man from before sighed: "Is it because there is something wrong with the way you called?"

The boy quickly denied this guess: "No, it's impossible. This is a method that has been passed down from a long time ago. It is said to be a clear proof given by the Lord of Truth to those chosen by Him."

"Under such a ritual, even if he is not an apostle, the Lord of Truth will give a corresponding answer. Because anyone can open the door of truth, but only apostles can become His agents, traveling between the real world and Between the oceans of knowledge!”

The boy talked a lot.

Then the middle-aged man lowered his voice: "But the fact is that the Lord of Truth you mentioned did not open any doors for you!"

"Let me tell you, what kind of truth you have been calling, maybe it is a lie? After all, it has been so long. If it is really a god that has been passed down since before the catastrophe, the pronunciation will probably be corrected. For example...'Philosophy ', 'Zhenli' or something like that?"

This sentence caused the boy to fall into silence.

Not only the boy, but also Chen Qing outside the mirror was stunned for a second.

"what's the situation?"

He looked at the mirror strangely: "Didn't my vest reach the future?"

No, it should be said that it was conveyed.

After all, the little boy seemed to know the name truth, and was familiar with the so-called apostles, the door of truth and other things.

But another person seemed to scoff at it.

And judging from that guy's attitude, it seems that other people at this point in time don't understand the truth very well, otherwise it would be impossible to say the words "passing on falsehoods."

If they know the authority of truth, then they must know the meaning of this word, and they are the masters of all knowledge in the world.

But they don’t know, so they have similar doubts.

And if Chen Qing heard it correctly, the middle-aged man before seemed to call himself...


This is a small, but very special discovery.

Because even thousands of years in the future, whether it is the era of Colin, Li Changsheng or Qi Lu, they will never call Chen Qing "god".

This kind of title is used to give people.

In the future, Colin and Qi Lu will call Li Changsheng and Alice gods, but when they call Chen Qing, they will only say "great being".

This point is very important.

Because people in the future will obviously understand the characteristics of great beings and distinguish them from so-called gods.

Only when you don't know much about something will you myth it.

But in this era, the title of great being is not used.

This means that their understanding of this kind of life form is far inferior to that of Colin and Li Changsheng.

Therefore, they are either from the extremely ancient past, so long ago that great beings have not completely left the human world, have not been restricted by the truth, and are still dancing with mankind.

Or it's the extremely distant future, when human beings have completely broken away from myths and established a new era of glorious civilization again!

Of the two, Chen Qing prefers the past.

Because if it was really the future, then these two guys wouldn't have said anything about making me a woman.

"Of course, we don't rule out the possibility that these two people are in a remote area and don't know anything."

But this possibility is not high.

Because the words of the two people clearly revealed that they had received a certain degree of education, their logic was very clear, and they were familiar with this myth.

If he really came from a ravine, it would be impossible to know so much.

After thinking about it like this, Chen Qing became more and more curious.

Because he keenly felt that there were many more mysteries in this world than he imagined.

This was the first time that he was curious about an era, rather than being curious about the "people" who manipulated the ancient mirror.

Of course, Chen Qing also felt special about this kid who wanted to become a girl whenever he spoke.

This made him calm down and continue to collect intelligence by eavesdropping on the other party's conversations.

The two people outside probably never dreamed that they had actually activated the mirror in front of them, and that the respected Lord of Truth was listening to their conversation.

At the moment, the middle-aged man...or rather, Logan seems a little impatient.

He grabbed his hair: "This is really troublesome! If there is no Mirror of All Laws, then we really have nothing to do!"

Hearing this, Pandya glanced at him.

His hand gently pressed the frame of the mirror, and there was a hint of thinking in his eyes.

"I think it's probably not my method that's wrong."

He said softly: "It's because there is something wrong with this environment."


Logan didn't understand.

Pandya did not sell it out, and quickly explained: "Because this place is very special. It is true that this is the starting point of everything, but there is still one biggest problem."

"That is the old enemy of the Lord of Truth, the God of Space is also here."

Pandya looked at Logan seriously: "It is impossible for the God of Space to allow his old enemy to connect to the Sacrificial Artifact of Truth. This is very disadvantageous for the God of Space. So He probably used his authority to divide the space in this place. Separate it.”

"It is precisely because of this that we cannot contact the great Lord of Truth!"


Listening to Pandya's words, Chen Qing was slightly startled.

"The God of Space...could it be said that he is the great existence that caused the containment failure?"

Chen Qing was a little surprised: "If I remember correctly, Tianqi said that he has the power of space. I didn't expect that the era I started this time was so close to that guy."

If it was really that guy, then the abnormality of Gu Jing would be understandable.

It's not because the ancient mirror is broken, nor is it because the ancient mirror is dominated by that guy.

Instead, that guy used his own power to cover the time nodes of these two people, and then confused the ancient mirror.

To do this, I'm afraid it requires the ultimate control of space power.

Chen Qing felt that it was probably the little boy's guess.

But just knowing and guessing means nothing.

In the mirror world, Logan sat down on the sofa: "So what's the point of knowing so much?"

He spread his hands: "Since there is no way to activate this mirror, then we can't break the situation! And we can't leave this town. In the end, we can only become the toys of those gods step by step!"

Pandya holds up the mirror.

"It's not that there is no way," he looked at Logan calmly, "In fact, there is another way that can get us out of this predicament and completely activate this mirror."

Listening to his words, Chen Qing and Luo Gen both subconsciously straightened their bodies.

Logan: "What can we do?"

Pandya took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Only God can deal with God."

"If the God of Space sets up a shield, then we can only rely on the power of other gods. Through the stimulation of other gods, the God of Space has to unblock this shield!"

Pandya finished speaking.

Logan rolled his eyes subconsciously: "Damn it, of course I understand the truth, but how can I do it?"

He rubbed his belly: "You must know that I am being targeted by the Moon God, and I will soon give birth to a big fat boy for him... I originally came here to solve this problem, but you told me that I must use help now. The power of other gods?”

"Am I crazy enough to find other gods?"

Pandya gave Logan a deep look: "But this is our only solution now."

"Or maybe we don't rely on the Dream God and Moon God who are hiding here now, but instead rely on other gods."

Pandya said: "Do you know what summoning rituals the gods in the outside world have? If we can lay out the corresponding rituals, we will have one more possibility of impacting the shield!"

Logan shook his head: "If I knew, I wouldn't be so unlucky! Most of the people who know this ritual are those chosen by God. How could the chosen ones end up in this small town... huh?"

Soon, as if he thought of something, Logan subconsciously rubbed his chin: "Speaking of which, it seems that there is really a way to summon the 'god' without being the chosen one..."

Pandya sat opposite Logan: "What?"

Being stared at by his face that was so exquisite that it could be called a monster, Logan felt very uncomfortable, so he could only turn his head subconsciously: "It's not a god, to be precise...'demigod'. You know 'Demigod'?"

Pandya shook his head: "I don't know."

He really didn't know very well, because he lived in this small town a long time ago and didn't understand the situation in the outside world.

And Logan also explained to him at the right time: "Demigod is the human being closest to God in the world. He has the gifts of 'Apocalypse' and 'War Lord' at the same time. It is said that he is only one step away from the realm of true God. Such a guy Even if it can't hit the protective shield, it can definitely make the God of Space feel afraid."

Pandya nodded thoughtfully.

Soon, he asked again: "But how are you sure you can summon him? If it is really what you said, the demigod should not be summoned casually."

This time Logan did not explain immediately.

He just coughed: "Ahem, how should I put it? Because of some wonderful fate, I have a little... intersection with the demigod. I think that guy must have dreamed of finding me. After all... I have a little... I made a little joke with him."

"If he is summoned in my name, I think there is a high probability that he will appear. But when he appears, he may not be very... friendly?"

Hearing Logan's tone, Pandya understood.

"You have played tricks on demigods, right?" Pandya said calmly.

And Logan raised his hands: "No, it's not a joke, you went too far. At most, it can only be regarded as some small communication?"

Pandya didn’t believe Logan’s lies.

He just nodded: "In that case, then you go find the demigods, and I'll go find the other gods. One more way, one more hope."

Logan nodded quickly: "That's good!"

As he said that, he looked Pandya up and down: "But really speaking, if the demigod really comes here, then he may not trouble me immediately."

"After all, how can I put it this way, that guy is a little bit... good at looks?"

Looking at Pandya's face, Logan nodded: "That's right! I probably won't be his first target!"

Pandya: "Huh?"

He subconsciously tilted his head and looked at Logan, not knowing what he was talking about.

And outside the mirror.

Chen Qing folded his hands.

"Demigod..." he said softly, "It's interesting."

If he guessed correctly.

Then he probably knows who this so-called demigod is.

And now, this guy seems to be summoned by the middle-aged guy in the mirror?

If you look at it this way, then something quite interesting will probably happen next.

The great being who controls space seems to have shielded his own truth, and a guy who is inextricably linked to him was summoned to that place again...

"What follows is probably going to be a pretty interesting drama."

Chen Qing concluded in his heart.

He is also one who can quickly understand the situation of this era, the best introduction!


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