Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 209 Memorial

"You are so sick..."

Standing in the clinic, a man in a white coat looked at Qi Lu's wounds with some hesitation on his face.

He seemed to have never seen such a unique wound, so he even hesitated to touch it with his hands.

Qi Lu looked at the white coat: "Is there any hope?"

When saying this, Qi Lu acted very calmly.

Just like what he said to the puppet before, he now takes this matter very lightly. If it can be treated, it would be best. If it cannot be cured, then treat it as the last trip in your life.

The next trip to the snow-capped mountains was just because he expected to see a different scenery, nothing more.

But it's obvious that the puppet doesn't think so.

At least Qi Lu could feel her gripping the corner of his clothes a little harder.

The man in the white coat rubbed his chin: "It's hard to say, it's really hard to say."

He finally made up his mind and gently touched Qi Lu's wound: "Will it hurt here?"

After palpating Qi Lu a few times, he retracted his hand as fast as lightning.

Then he looked at the pollution on his fingers, and the expression on his face became more solemn.

"Looks like you encountered something pretty scary."

The white coat sighed sincerely: "Even though I have been doing this for decades, this is the first time I have seen a disease like yours - to be honest, it is a miracle that you can survive until now."

"This wound should have corroded you in the first place, but for some unknown reason, it ended up staying at the most basic stage without further disease. To be honest, I even doubt whether you have any existence for you. Helped."

Hearing this, Qi Lu subconsciously pressed his arm.

He quickly raised his head and said, "Maybe it's because I'm lucky, so I got someone's attention."

"But it's obvious that that person's regard is not unlimited. Even now, I feel like I'm going to die."

After saying that, Qi Lu smiled bitterly.

The white coat also nodded: "This is indeed the only explanation."

"There's nothing I can do about your illness," he spread his hands towards Qi Lu and the other two. "This is far beyond my ability, and it's not just me, but most of the 'doctors' here can't do anything about it." Done."

I haven't had time to figure out what the white coat meant by "doctor".

The puppet next to him leaned forward: "Most of it?"

She looked at the white coat: "It means, maybe someone else has a way?!"

The white coat gently wiped off the pollution on his fingers: "Yes, if anyone here has a way, then it's only that person."

As he spoke, he raised his hand.

Pointing to the snowy mountains in the distance.

Following the direction pointed by the white coat, Qi Lu seemed to have thought of something in the next second: "What do you mean..."

"That's right."

Looking at the two people, the white coat's face was calm: "The only person in the world who can treat you is probably the legendary medical saint."

"And if you want to find traces of that person, you can only try your luck on the snow-capped mountains."

As he said that, the white coat sighed: "To be honest, I don't know where the Medical Saint is. It is said that the last time I saw him was when my grandparents were alive. People in the village said that he used to be there in the snow mountains. He often lives alone in a wooden house and will not go out unless necessary."

"Currently, the only one who knows about him is the head nurse. Except for that person, no one has ever found the medical saint in the past hundreds of years. But the head nurse has a very weird personality and usually doesn't interact with anyone. comminicate……"

The white coat said this.

And then the next second.

Outside his consulting room, someone knocked lightly on the door.

The man in the white coat who was interrupted said, "Sorry, we are undergoing treatment here... eh, head nurse?!"

As if he had seen something strange, the white coat stood up in fright, and then looked in the direction of the door, his eyes full of disbelief.

And at the door of the consulting room.

The woman in a pink skirt leaned against the door and looked at Qi Lu and the puppet coldly.

She didn't even look at the white coat, but looked up and down at Qi Lu and Qi Lu with a scrutinizing gaze, as if she wanted to find some clues from them.

Qi and Lu felt a little uncomfortable under such gazes.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Qi Lu always felt that when the head nurse looked at him, there was always... murderous intent in his eyes.

It was like a knife hanging in front of his forehead, causing his spirit to throb.

Crossing her arms, the head nurse suddenly sighed.

Then she walked into the house and said, "You must be Mr. Qi Luqi."

"I already know your purpose of coming in advance. If you want to be cured, just come with me."

With that said, she turned around and left without stopping.

Seeing her being so straightforward, it didn't look like she was seeing a doctor at all, but rather chasing someone away.

It's as if Qi Lu and the others would be better off if they didn't follow.

Qi Lu and the puppet looked at each other.

"Go ahead."

The puppet said softly: "Since there is no way here, then we can only try our luck."

Even if it might be a trap or a trap, there is always a glimmer of hope.

I am afraid that there is no hope and I can only watch everything turn to corruption.

That's a bit too cruel.

Qi Lu didn't say much.

He just nodded and followed the head nurse.

Then they walked along the path hidden behind the medical center, passed several screens, and several strange-looking white rooms, and then stood in front of a small office.

"come in."

The head nurse glanced at the two of them sideways, then opened the door and walked in first.

After all three people entered the office, the head nurse made a cup of tea for them.

Qi Lu didn't care if there was anything wrong with the cup of tea, so he drank it directly.

And the puppet?

She is not a human being, so drinking this stuff has no psychological burden at all.

After seeing the two people being so straightforward, the head nurse's eyes seemed to soften a little.

But soon she tightened her expression again and stared at the two people in front of her.

He just stared at the two people for a long time.

The feeling like a light on the back emerged in Qi Lu's heart again.

But this time, there was less murderous intent than before.

On the contrary, there is more... regret?

Qi Lu didn't know how to describe this feeling.

But he always felt that the head nurse was strangely full of emotions after seeing the two of them.

So he could only hold the tea cup and speak carefully: "Well, head nurse..."

Before he could get to the point.

The next second, the head nurse said lightly: "Were you injured by the radiated giant lizard?"

"If my guess is correct, it should be His death ray? And the drought in the south is probably also due to the radiation monitor lizard. Have you had personal contact with a great being?"

This sentence directly shocked Qi Lu to the spot.

He looked at the head nurse in disbelief.

You know, the news about the Radiated Monitor should not have been known to anyone.

Apart from him, the only guys present that day were the Qi family and Night Walker. While the Night Walkers were basically wiped out by the death ray, the Qi family came from a different direction than he did.

No matter how fast the news is, it will never reach such a remote place as the snowy mountains.

But the head nurse not only knew about the Radiated Giant Lizard, she even calculated its power...

This can no longer be explained by "rumors".

Qi Lu even believed that the head nurse might have been on that battlefield at that time!

Facing Qi Lu's cautious and scrutinizing gaze, the head nurse said calmly: "First of all, I was not there when that happened. I knew this through other means."

"And this method has something to do with your plan for coming this time."

Listen to her explanation.

Qi Lu suddenly came to his senses: "You mean, Medical Saint?"

The head nurse nodded slightly: "That's right."

"The Medical Saint 'saw' all this, and also knew your condition at that time," the head nurse folded his hands. "Since that day, he has been paying attention to you, waiting for you to come to this snow-capped mountain."

"Then, the corresponding inheritance and responsibilities will be handed over to you."

When she said this, the head nurse's voice was filled with vicissitudes of life.

Just like in those story books, the attendant who puts on the armor and cleans the sword for the protagonist personally narrates the legend with a heavy voice.

Just like an epic scroll unfolds at this moment, the development of the story gradually reaches its peak. The color of the past era fades away, and the new ones come to the past, take over the opponent's blade personally, and then shine a shining light into the darkness of this world.

This should be attractive to anyone.

However, Qi Lu was very calm.

"Why me?" He looked at the head nurse, "If it is according to what you said, then the Medical Saint should have chosen me a long time ago, but why me?"

Listen to him.

The head nurse smiled.

"Because of what you two have in common."

Her tone was melodious: "You are the heirs of two eras. He is you hundreds of years ago, and you are him hundreds of years later."

"After that day, your life trajectories have begun to overlap. The times have given you a mission, making you destined to improve this dilapidated world, and then... change the present and reverse the past."

"Just like the first generation of Alice established the future world structure, the Law Sage and the Witch laid the foundation for the law, and the Medical Sage created a medical system to cure diseases."

The head nurse said softly: "Now it's you, the young Qi family. You are also walking on the same path as them and writing a legendary chapter in your own storybook."

Hear the words.

Qi Lu only felt confused.

This was an extremely rare encounter with the "Riddler" after he obtained the mirror.

But it was obvious that the head nurse was not willing to explain anything more to him.

She just stood up and said: "Let's stop talking here. These are not things that I, an outsider, can discuss. Only those of you who share the same personality have more common topics, which are much deeper than me."

"I will send someone to take you to the top of the snow mountain."

The head nurse looked down at the two of them: "You will understand everything after going to the snow mountain."

With that said, she slowly left the office.

Before leaving, she took a deep look at Qi Lu.

"One last thing."

The head nurse seemed hesitant.

After a moment of silence, she continued: "If you find the Medical Saint, I hope you can convey something to me, something that only you can say."

Staring at Qi Lu, the head nurse slowly said: "'I hope you will not leave this era.' Please give this sentence to him."

After saying that.

The head nurse turned around without any hesitation.

Just as the previous hesitation and hesitation was Qi Lu's illusion, she left decisively.

Only two people were left in the office, looking at each other.

After a long time, Qi Lu said with a wry smile: "It seems that we have been involved in some trouble again this time."

The puppet didn't say much.

She just looked at the head nurse thoughtfully.

"She is very strong." The puppet suddenly said.

As if he was afraid that Qi Lu wouldn't understand, the puppet added: "It should be sequence three."

A sequence three, coming here to be a head nurse?

After hearing this, Qi Lu believed the head nurse's words a little more.

At the same time, hope gradually ignited in his heart.

Since the other party behaves so confidently, does that mean that the Medical Saint is really here?

If I find a medical saint, can this disease be cured?

Thinking of this, even Qi Lu felt a little excited.

Although he looks strong and decisive, he is still a young man in his twenties. If he could avoid dying so early, he would definitely want to live a little longer.

"Then the next step is to find the guide the head nurse mentioned."

Qi Lu stood up: "Speaking of which, the little boy Colin we met before also said that he could help us lead the way. This time we found another one, and I always feel a little sorry for him..."

Before Qi Lu finished speaking.

Soon, a person opened the door: "Hello!"

The little boy who was "sorry" in Qi Lu's mouth before was standing at the door. He opened the door and looked at the two people with a smile: "It seems that you are my guests this time?"

Looking at Colin with a smile on his face.

Qi Lu laughed dumbly: "...I didn't expect it was really you."

He shook his head: "Since the head nurse said it, then you are probably not simple either. Well, I always feel that the money given to you was less when I hired you before."

Hearing this, Colin shrugged: "It's quite a lot. That money is enough for me to buy several kilograms of medicinal materials. And in the end, it's just a guide. No matter who leads it, as long as it can take you to the end, it's enough." ?"

The smile on Colin's face was a bit mysterious: "This is what I should do and what I must do."

Looking at Colin, it was obvious that his identity was not simple.

Qi Lu didn't hesitate much.

Now he has already made preparations.

"In that case, let's set off."

Qi Lu said: "Go to the snow mountain and find the medical saint!"

However, Colin stopped him: "Wait a moment first."

He put his hands behind his hands and looked at Qi Lu: "Before we look for the medical saint, we need to worship a few people first."


Qi Lu didn't understand: "Who are you worshiping?"

Colin's smile gradually faded.

Then, he whispered: "Son of Fairyland, Law Saint and Witch."

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