Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 214 I beat myself

During the passionate 2v2 battle between Logan and Chen Si.

Pandya was lying alone in the tunnel.

The white dress on his body was stained very dirty, and his whole body looked gray, which overshadowed his beautiful face.

But Pandya was not afraid at all.

He just crawled in a certain direction step by step.

There was the sound of rustling mice walking next to him, and occasionally a few cockroaches could be seen crawling past him, as if they were saying hello to his warm-hearted neighbor.

This tunnel has probably not been walked in for a long time, so it has become a paradise for these dark creatures.

Pandya could clearly feel that the small animals and insects around him were hiding in the dark and staring covetously at her.

Thanks to the special nature of the town, the creatures in this tunnel have obviously been "strengthened" in some way.

At least the sound of a normal rat walking would not sound like thunder, and a normal cockroach would not be half as big as his own body.

"It's crazy."

Pandya leaned against the tunnel, resting and thinking silently in his heart.

Although he had long guessed that he would return to this place sooner or later, what he didn't expect was that this day came so quickly.

Originally, according to Pandya's idea, the incident of sneaking into the tunnel should happen soon after he was thoroughly prepared, not now.

Unfortunately, the arrival of the stranger disrupted all his arrangements.


As if thinking of something, Pandya suddenly came back to his senses: "Wait a minute, I seem to have had a misunderstanding before."

That is, the stranger named "Logan" came to this place accidentally, and was eager to find a way to activate the mirror, and then left this town.

But if you think about it the other way around.

The arrival of that guy was actually no accident.

But is it inevitable that it was arranged by a certain guy?

That guy plans to use the stranger as a pawn to advance the other side's plan.

"If you think about it carefully, this possibility is not impossible."

Pandya rubbed his chin: "First of all, the timing of the stranger's arrival is too coincidental. He happened to arrive at this time, and he happened to bring that mirror with him."

If only one of these two things holds true, that's fine. But if all is true, Logan's appearance seems a bit deliberate.

And the other thing is.

How could a guy who could snatch a mirror away from a demigod behave so badly?

Yes, Pandya has already guessed that this mirror belongs to the "demigod" mentioned by Logan.

The reason is also very simple. Looking at the way Logan was hesitating before, it is not difficult to guess.

But it is precisely because of this that he shows his disobedience.

Can a guy who can seek benefits in the hands of demigods really be so unbearable?

"Not to mention, he was chosen as the one to be 'conceived'."

Gently grabbing the wall with his fingers, Pandya's eyes were cloudy and uncertain: "It seems that I was unconsciously confused by something, so that I didn't notice this sense of violation before."

And after he left Logan, this weird cognitive interference slowly disappeared, and he also regained a certain amount of sanity.

Thinking of this, Pandya could hardly restrain himself from wanting to leave this tunnel.

Now that we have guessed that there is a problem with that guy Logan's identity, if we continue to proceed according to our original plan, it is difficult to predict what will happen later.

Because there’s no telling the guy who planted Logan as a pawn.

I just plan to watch myself act according to my original plan!

But after thinking about it, Pandya finally gritted his teeth.

"No," he grabbed a piece of dirt, "I have been waiting for so long. If I continue to wait, it will be difficult for such a good opportunity to appear again."

"Even if this is a trap, I have to step into it! Only in this way can I correct this 'wrong' town and guide it to the right direction!"

With this thought in mind, Pandya continued to drill into the tunnel.

This has been a very grueling journey.

Pandya, who had suffered for thousands of years, was still vague about this.

When the hands of time are moved, everything experienced now becomes a story in someone's mouth.

The world thousands of years from now.

The two people listening to the story were still paying attention.

At this time, it was still the same snow-capped mountain cabin, and the three apostles from ancient times, past and present were sitting together, listening to Pandya tell the story of her past.

"To be honest, even I don't want to go through it again."

Thousands of years later, Pandya looked at her descendants Colin and Qi Lu, and said frankly: "Not only because that tunnel is very difficult to walk, but also because of anxiety and suffering."

"That was the first time in my life that I felt hesitant. I didn't know whether to move forward or retreat. Because I couldn't guarantee that the front would be the result I expected, and the rear would be a safe haven."

Pandya folded his hands.

Her expressionless face showed an emotion similar to "disgusting" for the first time: "I guess that was probably the farthest away from my faith and the closest to depravity."

"But the only good news is that just when I almost gave up hope, I finally reached my destination."

Looking at Qi Lu and Colin, Pandya said softly: "My 'mother's' cemetery."

Pandya's mother.

Soon, both Colin and Qi Lu thought of something.

Since she is called the "Daughter of God", then of course her mother should be...


As if seeing their thoughts, Pandya nodded slightly: "That's what you think."

"In that tunnel, it is connected to the cemetery of my mother, the respected 'Moon God'. In other words, it is the cemetery of the former Moon God."

As he said that, Pandya showed a somewhat sarcastic smile: "Because the Moon God has been corrupted by the God of Space without knowing it, and has completely turned into something completely different from the mother I know. So, I thought of her as dead in my heart."

"I had been away from her for a long time, but in order to use the power of God to break the imprisonment of the God of Space, I found her again. And that time, it was the last time I stood in front of her."

"It was also the last time I learned many secrets from her that I had never thought of before."

With that, Pandya continued her story.

In the tunnel a thousand years ago, Pandya's experience was still going on.

Exhausted, Pandya stumbled to a corner.

He glanced at the direction he came from with lingering fear. He could hardly control his desire to vomit and vomited on the spot.

The darkness and humidity in the tunnel and the torment in his heart made him feel unprecedented pressure, and even caused him to have certain physiological reactions.

Fortunately, he finally broke out of the tunnel.

Arriving at the place he planned to arrive.

Pandya raised her head.



He looked at something directly in front of him, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"It's been so long," he said, "my 'mother.'"

Directly in front of him.

A golden-haired female giant was huddled in the corner of the tunnel, holding a huge cocoon.

The blonde giantess was very tall, roughly estimated to be fifty meters tall. The cocoon in her arms was a little smaller than her body, but it was still thirty or forty meters tall.

At the moment, the giantess's eyes were closed tightly, and her golden silver hair spread to the ground, emitting little golden light.

This ever-dissipating golden light made her look like a dim sun.

This seems somewhat ironic.

The person who is named the Moon God is as dazzling as the sun.

At the moment, the sun is hanging on the giant pure white cocoon, wrapping the cocoon bit by bit.

Her movements were so gentle, yet extremely firm, as if this giant cocoon was extremely important to her, and she didn't even respond to Pandya's voice.

In the cave with scattered golden light spots, Pandya slowly walked up to the giantess.

He stretched out his hand and gently pressed on the cocoon in the giant's arms.

He could feel something rhythmically moving in this cocoon.

This means that a life is growing within the cocoon.

"A cocoon of life," Pandya said. "That's what my mother swore to protect."

This made Colin and Qi Lu look at each other, and at the same time they saw a little surprise in each other's eyes.

"From your description, your mother seems to attach great importance to that thing?"

Qi Lu said: "As for your mother, as the Moon Goddess, does that mean that the life nurtured in the giant cocoon she protects is also someone..."

Qi Lu originally wanted to say the son of God.

But soon, Pandya denied his statement: "No, that giant cocoon is not my mother's child."

"If you walked to that place in person, you should be able to detect it. My mother's attitude towards that giant cocoon is not a mother's love for her child, but... some kind of more specific emotion."

Staring at the two people present, Pandya said softly: "Probably because the existence in the giant cocoon is so important to her that she is always protecting the giant cocoon even when she falls into a deep sleep."

Since he is not an heir.

That's...a lover?

Pandya was noncommittal: "I don't know very well, but at least one thing I am sure of. That is that everything started from that giant cocoon, that town, the conspiracy of the God of Space, and the reason why the demigods came here specially .”

"Because what is sealed in that cocoon is..."

Speaking of this, Pandya's eyes were a little dazed.

Her thoughts seemed to go back to a thousand years ago.

She was still him at that time, and he was still in the tunnel at that time, reaching out to press the giant cocoon in front of him, and then looked at the guy sealed in the giant cocoon.

Then, Pandya showed a sarcastic smile.

"It's been a long time since I saw you," Pandya said with a smile. "Our 'super', the one who seems to know something, but never tells anyone else, not even his own children..."

"War Lord."

Diffraction in Pandya is like this.

A young man lay in a giant cocoon, naked.

He fell asleep quietly, motionless in the pure white space. Only the strange tattoo on the back of his hand was still shining faintly at this moment.

If it weren't for this tattoo, Pandya might have thought he was dead.

But even so, the condition of the man in front of him was definitely not perfect.

He was probably badly injured, pale, and had a big hole in his body.

Pandya didn't know what was going on with this guy.

He only knew that not long after he appeared, his mother was holding the giant cocoon and quietly waiting for the cocoon to hatch.

The town at that time was quite normal, not as weird as it is now.

And then, the "dream" arrived.

His arrival was not pleasant at first, but after reaching a certain agreement with his mother, the dream finally entered the town and brought wonderful dreams to the residents of the town.

But the mother still guarded this giant cocoon, not planning to move at all.

This kind of day seems to last forever until the arrival of space.

The day He came, everything changed.

The town has gone completely wrong, and everything that was once right has been distorted.

But the reason why the space comes here is not for mother or dreams.

From the beginning, He was for the person in the giant cocoon.

"So, yes."

Looking at Colin and Qi Lu, Pandya's eyes were sharp: "That is the guy we need to deal with, and it is also the target that our apostles need to master from the beginning."

"The war lord who was sealed in the giant cocoon!"

Staring at the other two people, Pandya spoke slowly: "He is the strongest knight under Apocalypse, even more powerful than Apocalypse himself. He is the last extraordinary person in human history and the first extraordinary person after the disaster."

"He was the leader of a certain organization and the dean of the college. Over a long period of time, he left his own footprints in countless eras."

"People who know him call him 'Singularity'. It means that his very existence is a singularity that can distort everything in this world."

Pandya straightened up.

"The God of Space came for him and changed this town; Apocalypse ran for him, looking forward to awakening his strongest weapon. And the same is true for other enemies, because they always believe in one thing."

"That is when the War Lord awakens from his slumber, and that is when the throne of truth is overthrown."

Pandya's voice was low: "Because thousands of years ago, before the catastrophe had begun, this war lord was obsessed with seeking the truth. He even got close to the apostles of truth of that era..."

The apostle of truth of that era?

Qi Lu and Colin were shocked: "Were there already apostles at that time?"

Pandya quickly gave the answer to the question: "Yes, it was there at that time. And by coincidence, his surname is also Qi."

"His name is Qi Sixie. Perhaps he should be the real original apostle!"

After Pandya finished speaking.

Beyond the world of mirrors.

There was a knock on Chen Qing's door.

"Mr. Chen!" Qi Sixie, whom Pandya considered to be the original apostle, knocked on the door, "It's time for lunch!"

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