Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 216 Getting into trouble


This is a name that Chen Qing is somewhat familiar with, but is quite unfamiliar in this era.

He has met two Alices in the past. The first one was in the "Dark Ages", who fell from Wonderland, and finally formed an intricate relationship with Yamashita.

The other one is the "witch".

To be honest, Chen Qing still doesn't know what the witch looks like until now.

He knew about Alice in Wonderland, after all, he had seen it outside the mirror before when he used his out-of-body ability.

So he wasn't very sure whether the child in front of him, also named Alice, had the same appearance as the Alices in the future.

Well, if that's the case, then maybe we can figure out the connection between these Alices.

Although there may not be any important connection, Chen Qing will not let go of any possible special features.

This was the reason why I called the blond girl over this time.

"I took a look at your records." Chen Qing looked at the information in his hand. "You didn't seem to be doing well before you came here?"

Alice didn't look shy in his presence.

She behaved very calmly and generously: "Yes, our family lived in a slum before this. My mother is a sex worker, and I have never known who my father is since I was very young. My mother raised me."

This is similar to what is described in the data above.

Through a few thin pieces of paper, Chen Qing saw the life of the girl in front of him.

Her family was poor, and her mother was a prostitute. Due to some romantic reasons, she became pregnant with Alice at a very young age, and eventually had to work in the slums.

But she was very kind to Alice, and basically did her best to provide the girl with everything she could, including education, environment, and various conveniences.

Judging from the records in the documents alone, this is a humble mother who is full of love for her children.

There is no bitterness or hatred, there is just pure devotion.

This saved Chen Qing a lot of effort.

Children with problems in their native families, no matter how outstanding they are, will sometimes have many mental problems. This kind of problem may become very difficult when faced with pollution.

Especially in the early stages of pollution caused by cataclysms, such mental problems may be more dangerous.

But now this girl looks normal.

I just don't know if this is because of the influence of the special power in her body, or because her mother taught her better.

Putting away the pieces of paper, Chen Qing looked at Alice: "Why do you want to come to this place?"

Upon hearing this question, Alice hooked her hands together and smiled at Chen Qing.

"Is this question just for me, or will it be for everyone else at that time?"

She did not respond immediately, but asked a question.

And this question gave Chen Qing some new impressions of her.

He is a relatively smart child.

Therefore, he did not shy away from it: "It's specifically for you. Because of certain things, I can't spend most of my time on you. So I will only teach you the necessary things and then let you complete some things." "

"To put it simply, everyone gets what they need."

Children from poor families tend to be more sensible.

So even if Chen Qing said it so purely, Alice just nodded: "Well, I understand, it is equivalent to 'employment'! Before we came here, many people told us that such a situation would happen."

"As for the reason you asked, on the one hand it is of course 'money'. The funds you provide for us 'students' are very generous, and can even prevent my mother from having to work again in this life."

"As for the second reason..."

Alice took a step forward.

She looked directly at Chen Qing: "The second reason is to look for...'same kind'!"

"I heard them say that you are an extraordinary person. I didn't quite understand what this word meant before, and I didn't understand what forbidden objects they were talking about. But at least one thing is certain, that is, you have strange powers that are beyond ordinary people. ."

"And I also have similar power. So I have been looking for the 'same kind' that is very similar to me!"

Along with her voice.

Chen Qing could clearly see that there was a bright white light flashing in Alice's eyes.

That ray of light occupied Alice's pupils in an instant, making them look enchantingly pure white. It was like a crescent moon falling on the water, casting a fragmented phantom.

Can't go wrong.

Chen Qing confirmed.

This is "spiritual power".

Before that, he only had a little knowledge of spiritual power, but he didn't know much about the specific situation. But at this moment, after having real contact with Alice, he could feel the specialness of this power.

Just Alice's negligible power made Chen Qing feel that the pollution in his body was being pulled by something, and he began to become restless.

And the sequence progress in his body, which had been silent for some time, slowly began to rise at this moment.

Pressing his chest gently, Chen Qing had a premonition.

I'm afraid it won't be long before he can become Sequence Eight.

It sounds easy and simple.

But it’s still very difficult.

Compared to Sequence Nine, Sequence Eight's promotion is much more troublesome. This kind of trouble is not only reflected in the familiarity with the realm, but also in the perception of "knowledge".

The extraordinary system established on the wasteland world is indispensable for "pollution" and "knowledge".

Every difficult level for promotion often requires complete forbidden knowledge.

Compared to humans after the catastrophe, Chen Qing was undoubtedly lucky. Because he can find a path that suits him without having to pay too much.

But he was also unlucky.

Because at this time, most of the knowledge was not considered taboo, and there was no way to fill his extraordinary sequence.

So all he could do was hold the Qi family's slate unwaveringly, and walk all the way to the dark side.

However, the Qi family members themselves did not understand higher-level knowledge, so they naturally blocked the path to advancement.

But things are different now.

"In the final analysis, the Qi family's slate is adapted from the nameless immortal method of the past. It is a pollution-extraordinary system suitable for the future cataclysmic era."

Looking at Alice, a trace of thought flashed in Chen Qing's eyes: "But no matter how it is adapted, a certain foundation remains unchanged. For example, the 'spiritual power', the Qi family transforms pollution into an existence similar to spiritual power."

But now, genuine spiritual power appeared in front of him.

This means that he can use the characteristics of this energy to gradually analyze it and finally continuously improve it.

In this way, he would be able to understand to a greater extent the key points of the cultivation methods on the Qijia stone slab.

And this is exactly the key point for Sequence Nine to be promoted to Sequence Eight.

The "understanding" of one's own knowledge is one of the cores of promotion!

Thinking like this, Chen Qing began to wonder how he could figure out the basic composition of spiritual power from Alice.

In fact, if possible, he still hopes to find someone with more spiritual power.

But unfortunately, since that old Taoist priest, there is no one else who can use spiritual power.

Alice was "discovered" by Chen Qing and was the product of his overwhelming luck. If you really want to find another one, you know how long it will take.

So, Chen Qing finally nodded: "I understand."

"You guessed it right," he looked at Alice calmly, "I do have similarities with you in some ways, but there are also some places where we are very different."

Alice didn't really care about his social rhetoric.

She just looked a little happy, and even the white light in her eyes became brighter: "Really? I had a feeling before I came here. I can have good luck here!"

"You don't know, I was shocked when I found out that I was different from others when I was a child! If it weren't for my mother, I might have had some mental problems! Speaking of which, you also had some problems unknowingly when you were a child. An experience like bringing a rag doll to life and accelerating plant growth?”

Come alive?

Chen Qing was thoughtful.

As he listened to Alice's gushing voice, he gradually understood the specificity of spiritual power.

First, it seems to, like pollution, "enhance" something.

It's just that pollution is running wildly in the twisted direction of the wind, while spiritual power blossoms and bears fruit on the positive path.

Just like facing a dying tree, spiritual power will gradually restore its breath of life, and eventually it will flourish again. The pollution will only make the tree indescribable, and finally twist into a mass of rotten scarlet tissue structure.

The second is that the focus of spiritual power on strengthening humans is not the human body itself, but other aspects.

This is a bit like Chen Qing's release of Qi after reaching Sequence Nine. The spiritual power is also released outwards, unlike pollution that comes from the inside out.

This is the most critical difference between these two forces.

I have to say that when hearing these things, Chen Qing felt that these two forces were like mirror twins, opposing each other.

But he soon realized that compared to spiritual power, pollution was obviously much stronger.

Because pollution can also distort knowledge, but spiritual power has no way of dealing with such abstract and conceptual things.

So, it’s not so much that pollution is a force.

Rather, it is a distortion of some kind of "conceptual" level, and power is just one of its manifestations.

At this moment.

Chen Qing thought of many things.

He fell into thinking: "If pollution is a certain concept, does it mean that pollution also has its roots?"

“Is it because the concept of pollution has been destroyed, or because the concept itself is harmful to human beings, so it is so targeted at abstract intellectual and spiritual realms?”

"But in this case, the authority held by those great beings should also be concepts. And they were born because of pollution, so pollution overrides all concepts?"

"Then what is my time? I can transport the pollution from the downstream to the upstream, which is equivalent to making something out of nothing..."

Matter does not appear out of thin air.

The taboo objects that Chen Qing has obtained so far, including the ancient mirror itself, should all have their origins.

Even if there is a setting like a time closed loop, there should be a starting point as the starting point of the cycle.

So, is this related to the concept of symbolic pollution?

What does the concept of pollution have to do with time? Why can the ancient mirror fish out a forbidden object out of thin air?

Why are those great beings of Apocalypse hostile to time? If it was just because of the limitations I set, it would be a bit too far-fetched.

And the most crucial point is.

From the next second starting from your "this moment", what are you doing in those times that do not belong to the "now"?

What will happen to the Lord of Truth hundreds of years later, the Lord Truth thousands of years later, tens of thousands or even countless years later?

"Even if the great existence is unique, then why am I the 'fundamental' at this point in time?"

Chen Qing thought a lot at this moment.

He had a vague feeling.

It seems that I have touched the ancient mirror and the secret of my identity.

But it is obvious that this problem cannot be solved by him now.

The only thing he could be sure of was that as Descartes thought, the current "Chen Qing" existed objectively.

As for the rest, I'm afraid he still needs to wait until he knows more about the secrets of the ancient mirror before he can understand it.

"Looks like I need to go back to my hometown."

Chen Qing sighed.

The ancient mirror was found in his hometown. It was used to cushion the corner of the table in his warehouse.

This also means that the ancient mirror has a certain relationship with their family.

Then he thought about the genealogy that he had put on the corner of the table before, and the records of "killing the white snake" and the Yellow Emperor recorded in the genealogy.

Chen Qing felt that if he went back and used pollution now, he might be able to find more information.

And he now has a rather important factor.

Taking a look at the Kunpeng tattoo on the back of his hand, Chen Qing was thoughtful.

I guess I can give myself a surprise when I take this thing home.

Just when Chen Qing thought so.

The next second, Alice's voice rang in his ear: "Oh, what a beautiful tattoo!"

Alice glanced at Kunpeng on the back of Chen Qing's hand and widened her eyes: "And it always feels a bit familiar, well, I seem to have seen it somewhere!"

After hearing this, Chen Qing's hand movements paused slightly.

Soon, he looked at Alice: "Can you remember where you saw it?"

Facing his gaze, Alice didn't feel any stage fright.

She just thought for a moment and then gave an answer: "It seems to be over there in my house. I remember someone had this tattoo before!"

Hear the words.

Chen Qing nodded.

He stood up directly and walked towards the door.

Then the confused voice of the Holy Messenger sounded: "Huh? What slum? What holiday? Wait, what are you going to do?!"

Soon, in Alice's sight.

Chen Qing pulled someone into the room.

"Excuse me," Chen Qing pulled the Holy Envoy with a calm expression, "Please take me to the place you saw before."

Looking at the expressionless Chen Qing.

Alice swallowed subconsciously.

I always feel... like I'm causing trouble?

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