Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 225 Unknown relationship

To be honest, once this idea arises, it is difficult to go away.

It's not just that I want to see Li Changsheng and others after the gender reversal, that's secondary.

The key is that Chen Qing wants to know if his status is reversed into a "War Lord" at this moment, whether there will be considerable changes in the future.

After all, the Lord of Truth relied on knowledge before, and a person like the War Lord looks like the type who just rolls up his sleeves and fights.

In this case, will Li Changsheng's future change?

This is equivalent to the observation of a "parallel world".

By observing different possibilities, Chen Qing can further understand the concept of time.

Thinking this, he groaned.

"Continue to be vigilant," he looked at Qi Sixie, "if my guess is correct, then I'm afraid that person will make some moves soon."

Qi Sixie: "Eh?"

She looked at Chen Qing blankly.

Before the gender reversal, Qi Sixie gave Chen Qing a feeling that he couldn't turn his head around, and it was the same now.

It seems that even if hormones have changed, IQ has not been further improved.

With similar thoughts, Chen Qing explained: "Because it's fast."

"The future crisis is coming soon," he said with a stern expression. "I can feel that the world is moving in a certain direction. Therefore, those guys hiding behind the scenes may not be able to bear it and run out."

"So I speculate that that person will probably appear again soon. Because no one can shake His authority, and He will never allow such behavior to happen!"

This sentence seemed to be approved by Qi Sixie.

She nodded vigorously to show that she understood.

From her performance, Chen Qing became more and more convinced that her role as a "war lord" in this world would no longer be based on wisdom like the Lord of Truth, but would instead be pure power.

But it also made him a little curious.

Because he is not even as strong as Sequence Eight.

What kind of power can be harnessed?

"I'd better go to the ancient mirror and have a look."

Chen Qing thought of the Alice he had seen before. The girl at that time... the boy seemed to have mentioned that he hoped that the war lord could give him the power to tear his enemies into pieces.

So, after the reversal, has the ancient mirror changed towards the power side?

After thinking about it in his mind, Chen Qing stood up and said, "Then let's do this for now."

"When that guy comes back, ask her to wait for me in the next room for a while," Chen Qingru said, "I still have some things to deal with, it won't be long."

Next, he plans to find this guy Tianqi to ask about the situation.

Qi Sixie also nodded slightly.

She climbed up from the chair stiffly, acting like a robot.

It was obvious that the mood that had brought her countless fantasies had not completely subsided, so that she still seemed a little...awkward.

And this didn't give Chen Qing many ideas.

To him, although Qi Sixie looked like a quiet and artistic girl, in fact, after peeling off this outer shell, she was still the shy little boy with whom she had dinner not long ago.

This inherent concept has become so ingrained that even if Qi Sixie completely takes off his clothes in front of him, Chen Qing's heart will not be stirred up.

Of course, this was not just because Qi Sixie had a deep impression on him.

It is also because Chen Qing's strength now allows him to observe many subtleties.

For example...human pores.

The five senses that are beyond ordinary people allow him to easily see the fine pores, just like strawberries, densely packed. In addition, various marks on people's faces and bodies are also clearly visible.

Under such circumstances, he no longer has any idea of ​​the "beauty" and "ugliness" of ordinary people.

Only an appearance that transcends human common sense can arouse Chen Qing's attention for a moment.

It was a pity that he could not observe the future Pandya through the ancient mirror.

Otherwise, he might be able to experience for himself what it means to have a "godly" appearance.

So far, Chen Qing felt that the one with the most superior appearance was Alice from Li Changsheng's time.

Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that he hasn't seen many female supernatural beings.

Of the three Alices he had seen, one was as young as a primary school student, and the other was bitter and resentful and always wanted to fight her adoptive father with a bayonet. There was only one left who was an adult and not that kind. What a troublesome guy.

...Oh, by the way, that guy seems to have a lot of troubles.

As if thinking of something, Chen Qing couldn't help but sigh.

He closed the door and sat back down in front of his seat.

Then he looked at the ancient mirror placed on the table.

I was too shocked before, so I didn't have time to take a closer look at the mirror. At this moment, Chen Qing just took a quick glance to see if he could detect the difference between before and after the reversal in the mirror.

And this look really gave him a clue.

The mirror is still so simple and old, but the various decorations are very different from before. Some of the patterns carved on the previous mirror were obviously more complicated and ancient. Just looking at it gave people a "ceremonial" feeling, as if the person holding it could be seen through the mirror as being rather bookish.

But now the mirror surface gives people a cold and sharp look, and the patterns are no longer pure plants, but bows and arrows, and blades, like the messy pile of weapons on the battlefield, and the broken blade surfaces shine with a pale luster in the air. .

"Can a reversal still do this?"

Chen Qing couldn't understand.

Although it now seems that the reversal has transformed his personality from truth to war, something as mysterious as the ancient mirror can also be adjusted...

It looks like he needs to make a slight mental adjustment to the level of the guy who caused this incident.


"Is it possible that it's an illusion?"

After such an idea came to his mind, Chen Qing originally wanted to press his hand on the mirror for a moment.

This is not a fantasy.

Because as far as Chen Qing is concerned, the ancient mirror is the most mysterious thing he knows.

Even a great being like Apocalypse has not seen through such a thing - the Holy Envoy has always been with Apocalypse before, and Chen Qing's ancient mirror has always been placed next to him. If Tianqi realizes something, it is absolutely impossible for him to do nothing.

Not to mention that this mirror will end up in the hands of different people in the future.

Even if there is an accident, once such a mysterious thing is known to a great being, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of it.

Because this thing makes up for the last shortcoming of the great existence.

It allows those who can travel between different timelines to extend their tentacles into the past and future!

Ordinary great beings are limited by their power levels and cannot do this.

At this moment when pollution has not yet completely erupted, those who can cause disasters in the future and are even called "gods" are just thieves lurking in the shadows.

But if they have ancient mirrors, they can bring future taboos and pollution to this era one step ahead.

Such a terrifying weapon, Chen Qing couldn't think of anything that could be stronger than this thing.

Therefore, it was difficult for him to imagine any great being or forbidden object that could even change an ancient mirror.

But if it is an "illusion", then everything is easy to explain.

Because the establishment of the illusion is based on his own cognitive concepts.

He has a certain understanding and understanding of the ancient mirror, so he took the initiative to "brain-make up" the settings of the ancient mirror after the reversal.

Only in this way can it be explained.

After thinking about this, Chen Qing subconsciously retracted his hand.

He realized that now was not the time to touch the mirror.

If someone is really staring here, then maybe that guy is waiting for his move.

Waiting for yourself to touch the mirror, activate it, and reveal more clues to your identity.

"So the Kunpeng tattoo was actually a warning to me?"

Chen Qing murmured to himself: "And I can also feel that the reversal happened gradually. At the beginning, I could still see the female Alice, and then the male Alice gradually took over. The two people The voices gradually overlapped and finally merged into one."

And then there is the illusion that the world is turned upside down.

So the reversal probably happened after Alice became one.

This also means that the guy who secretly observed him probably didn't see what happened before.

At least, not fully seen.

This is good news.

After figuring this out, Chen Qing no longer looked in the mirror.

He stood up and took out his mobile phone carefully.

and opened his memo.

On the memo, he wrote down a new line.

[Taboo: Kunpeng Tattoo]

[Danger level: B]


This has been Chen Qing's habit all along.

After obtaining those forbidden objects, he had the consciousness to file all the forbidden objects he obtained and finally record them in a memo.

This habit continues to this day.

But before that, the most terrifying taboo object he encountered was just the chess game, which had a B level of danger.

And now he has once again recorded a Class B dangerous forbidden object.

This is to make up for one's own behavior.

Previously, Chen Qing wanted to use the ancient mirror to drive Qi Sixie out, but when he realized that it was not the best time, he needed to make some compensatory explanations for his behavior.

The best explanation is to record forbidden objects.

Not only because this thing is very private, but also because recording Kunpeng's tattoo can attract the other person's attention to a great extent.

If someone is really staring at him, then after he sees Chen Qing writing this down, he will definitely focus on this tattoo.

This can divert the guy's attention to a certain extent.

This tattoo has brought a lot of help to Chen Qing so far, but this time, Chen Qing thinks it should have a greater effect.

"But when it comes to chess..."

After pondering for a moment, Chen Qing took out the chess he carried with him.

The chess pieces lay quietly in the small box.

This is a taboo item that Chen Qing got from a man in white in Zenya Federation some time ago.

This forbidden object allows the holder to summon the phantom of chess, and in this phantom, even the weakest soldier has great power.

Chen Qing had never used this thing before.

Because he does not need to rely on this chess to support himself.

But now it seems.

If it is really a dream, then maybe this chess piece can be a good breaking point...

Holding a chess piece, Chen Qing was thoughtful.

And at this time.

"Hoo, guys, you haven't started yet!"

The voice of the Holy Messenger came from outside the door.

Chen Qing stood up immediately when he heard the voice.

Then, he opened the door directly.

Soon he saw the holy envoy covered in sweat and holding a plastic bag in his hand. He looked very tired.

When she saw Chen Qing at the door, she was stunned for a moment: "Oh, you are so fast?"

Before she could finish speaking.

Chen Qing took her hand with a serious look and took her into the room.

And slam the door hard.

This made Qi Sixie, who was about to speak outside, stunned.

She looked at the closed door blankly, suddenly.

As if he understood something, he turned around and left mechanically.

"I'll go outside... to look out."

She seemed to be talking to herself or to the people inside the door.

Of course, the Holy Envoy and Chen Qing inside the door couldn't hear it.

In fact, the Holy Envoy could no longer pay attention to the situation outside at this moment.

"Wait!" She immediately raised her hands and crossed them on her chest, "What do you want to do?!"

Her attitude was defensive.

This is normal. Anyone who is forced into a small room and closes the door so hard will be frightened, let alone someone of the opposite sex who does this.

If you are a colleague, then...

No, if a colleague did this, the level of terror would be a thousand times higher!

This thought flashed through the Holy Envoy's mind.

And just when she was on guard.

Chen Qing completely shattered her vigilance with just one sentence.

"War Lord," Chen Qing said calmly, "That guy is looking at us."

Just one sentence.

It doesn’t even add up to more than twenty words.

But just such a short content made the Holy Messenger's whole face turn pale instantly!


She looked at Chen Qing in disbelief: "Wait, you mean the war... that guy?!"

She turned her head, as if she wanted to see what Chen Qing was saying from the side.

This action proves this guy's current mentality.

Because if Zhan could watch them, it would be absolutely impossible for him to discover them!

Therefore, her actions have already sent a signal to Chen Qing.

That is, the Holy Messenger is afraid of the War Lord.

But this is a little strange.

Because the war was strictly on Apocalypse's side, he was one of the knights, and he and the Holy Messenger were even colleagues.

If you are facing a colleague.

It shouldn't be so...fearful.

"Unless, for some reason, the war is not on their side."

Looking at the panicked Holy Envoy, Chen Qing thought: "Maybe it was betrayal, maybe Apocalypse was unable to control the war from the beginning, or maybe..."

"The guy who created this dream is not clear about the relationship between apocalypse and war!"

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