Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 230 It’s not you who won, it’s me who stopped playing.

Right now, the eyes of most of the world are focused on this bamboo forest.

Everyone wants to know what the only remaining saint in the world will do in the face of such a provocation.

"What are your plans?"

Yu Sheng held the railing in his hand and looked into the distance with deep eyes.

She actually wouldn't want to do anything if she could help it.

This was the time when she was at her weakest. Even in the past many years, she had never had such an unbearable experience.

At this time, a guy who was probably closely connected with the "War Lord" came to the door, accompanied by an old antique and zombie from thousands of years ago.

No one with any brains would take the initiative to challenge, right?

If we use the analogy of the war chess deduction game she once played when she was a child, her own health is now less than half, but the guy opposite has super skills and also carries an unknown pendant with her.

Yu Sheng didn't want to have a head-on confrontation with the opponent at this time.

It is true that many people must be waiting for their own failure or retreat right now.

Once you choose silence in this place, the saint's transcendent status may be shaken. In the future, many Sequence Three people will start to try to move up a level. The suppression by thunderous means that he and Yue Changming have suffered for such a long time may not come back to them.

Even if there is no way for those Sequence Three people to really advance to the Sequence Two level, if this hole is opened, who knows if there will be a guy like the "Devil King" in the future who will follow the path of a saint again?

To be honest, except for Li Changsheng, Yu Sheng is actually not worried about anyone in this era who is qualified to climb to the level of a saint.

But she's worried about the future.

The future is unpredictable. Just like when she first became a saint, she felt that there would no longer be a new Sequence Two in the world. She and Yue Changming will be the only two pillars in the world, supporting mankind while cutting off the hands and feet of those who dare to stretch out their claws.

But who knew that Yue Changming would be cut off by Li Changsheng later?

Therefore, the future is difficult to predict.

And this is what Yu Sheng is worried about.

She knew very well that human beings have unlimited possibilities. This possibility may not be discovered normally, but if there is an opportunity, such as the plan of a great being, or the temptation of a forbidden object, then these possibilities may explode.

Finally, a new "monster" is created.

Therefore, she shouldn't have stepped back.

If you step back, the world will be in chaos.

As a saint, as one of the two poles that maintains peace in this world, she should stand there, crush the demon king on the opposite side with a majestic appearance, and then hang the opponent's body in the sky above the bamboo forest to let those who dare to touch the taboo Know that once they do this, this guy will be their fate!

...that's how it should be.

The wings behind him fluttered, and Yu Sheng looked back at his bamboo forest.

"Even if there are so many great reasons, it is still not as important as your own life." Yu Sheng murmured to himself in his heart.

What "responsibility" and what "authority"?

Once she loses her life here, there will really be nothing left!

Coupled with the previously thought of the origin of mankind, Yu Sheng quickly made a cool decision to escape.

She drained the life out of her followers and hubris, which gave her some of the strength she needed to escape from the house silently without alerting anyone.

And before leaving, Yu Sheng also left behind a clone of himself.

There are really many clones of her. Although their strength is uneven, at least in appearance they are enough to look fake.

Moreover, the clone she left in the house was specially made. Anyone who saw her clone would probably be deceived into thinking that it was the real Feather Saint.

Even if the Demon King comes by himself, this is probably the case.

In fact, that clone was used by Yu Sheng to delay his escape.

She had created a clone very early that year, originally intending to use it in her fight with Yue Changming, but she didn't expect that the two sides later reached a certain agreement, and they were no longer enemies, but friends with a delicate relationship. Because of this, the clone remained silent for a long time.

After Li Changsheng was born, Yu Sheng secretly took out the clone because he was afraid of the other party's power. After Li Changsheng disappeared, she let him go again.

And now that the devil has arrived, it is the third time that she has taken out that thing.

Since it can be used as a "life-saving means" over and over again, that clone naturally has strong power and almost identical external characteristics.

With that thing, Yu Sheng was sure that the Demon King would be delayed for a few days.

And these few days were enough for her to escape somewhere to recuperate.

Of course, Yu Sheng also knew very well that the clone would definitely be no match for the Demon King himself. And when the time comes, I'm afraid that people all over the world will see themselves killed by the devil "personally".

By then, her influence and authority will probably plummet!

"But so what?"

The wings on his body flapped vigorously, and the figure of Yu Sheng was like a stream of light.

While carefully avoiding possible sights nearby, she thought in her mind: "It only takes a little time, and I can start all over again. By then, whether it is Li Changsheng or her little brother, I will be able to catch them all!"

At that time, it will be time to regain the authority of the saint!

Yu Sheng has even thought out the rest of the script.

After the guy kills his clone with his own hands and claims to have killed himself, let him dance for a while. Wait until you have completely recovered your strength, then with the help of other people, return to this place, and then kill the opponent easily and freely in front of everyone!

The script is a bit cliché, but cliché often means it works.

In the final analysis, she just needs to show her strength again to let others realize that she was not crushed to pieces by the devil's own hands, but that she didn't want to play anymore!

As if he thought of something interesting, Yu Sheng couldn't help but smile.

And at this time.

"What do you think makes you so happy?"

A voice echoed in her ears: "Why don't you tell me and make me happy too?"

Listen to this voice.

Yu Sheng's heart suddenly suddenly jumped!

She folded her wings behind her almost uncontrollably, then made an emergency stop and landed in a small forest.

The trees in the forest were lush and leafy, enough for her to hide her figure from outsiders.

Standing on the tree branch, Yu Sheng gently pulled a few branches that blocked her view, and then looked outside with a solemn expression.

Soon she saw the owner of the sudden voice.

That guy has long, shiny golden hair, and looks like a second sun under the sun. Moreover, he was wearing a rather gorgeous robe, which made him stand out even more in Yu Sheng's sight.

Although he looks bright and bright on the outside, that guy's aura is very dark and crazy. It's like a volcano that may erupt at any time. Even if the weather is calm now, if there is a ball of sparks, this mountain peak may erupt into unprecedented terror.

Yu Sheng is very familiar with this guy.

Not only because she had done something with this man before, but also because this guy's wanted order was issued by Yu Sheng himself.

"Demon King", the rebel under Li Changsheng.

He once personally controlled a black dragon to destroy a federation and killed countless lives. He then escaped and has never been caught.

This guy is the most notorious criminal and the most terrifying madman in hundreds of years. Even if we go back to the Dark Ages, there probably won't be many people more terrifying than the Demon King.

But Yu Sheng also knew that the real danger of this man was not here.

In fact, he was the reason why Sheng Yu had to issue a wanted order and even send his own grandson out to pursue him.

Behind him stood the evil god.

"War Lord"!

"Damn it!"

Hiding behind the trees, Yu Sheng cursed secretly.

The first time she saw the other person, she had already realized that the clone she had left behind might not be able to confuse the Demon King's sight.

But this shouldn't be the case.

That clone is Yu Sheng's proud work. Even a great being would probably be confused at the first moment.

That's what he said, but Yusheng didn't show the clone to the great being. But this does not prevent her from being confident in her craftsmanship - you must know that she is a saint, the strongest among humans! Even though she looks a little stretched now, before today, she was a well-deserved champion!

And now, not only did his clone fail to deceive the Demon King, but his escape route was even discovered by the other party?

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng felt as if a layer of cold sweat was breaking out on his back.

Because this means that maybe all of your performances have been within the other party's plan from the beginning!

as expected.

While Yu Sheng was hiding, the Demon King on the opposite side walked leisurely towards her direction with his hands behind his back.

"I guess you must be very confused now, wondering how I saw through your clone."

The devil's words were full of jokes: "It doesn't matter if I tell you the answer. In fact, I knew the direction in which you would escape from the beginning. So I had no real intention to enter that bamboo forest from the beginning."

"To me, that bamboo forest is just a way for me to test your grandson. In the final analysis, I am kind-hearted and want to leave a good result for your grandson. But guess what?"

The Demon King took two steps forward.

And with his footsteps, the sound of some heavy objects falling in pieces was also clearly audible: "It's true that he found a way for me, but I could see at a glance that it was a long way around. If I go in that direction, then I It could take three times as long.”

"I have to say that guy is really smart. He chose the right path and took a long time. I can even guess what that guy was thinking. He didn't go against my will and left you with enough time. Response and preparation time. In this way, if I win you, then he will be exempted from punishment for showing the way. If I lose, then he will also be forgiven by you for buying time..."

"A very flattering method, don't you think so?"

As he said this, Yu Sheng heard a dying voice.

The voice came from her grandson.

Just by listening, Yu Sheng could tell how much torture his grandson was suffering now.

His voice was weak, full of exhaustion and pain: "Kill me... Uh-huh!"

Then there was a heavy trampling sound.

A trace of unbearability flashed across Yu Sheng's face. Even if she didn't see this scene with her own eyes, she could still imagine how powerful and heavy this kick would be.

But she still didn't move.

She was still waiting, waiting for the Demon King to reveal more flaws.

And Yu Sheng's silence seemed to make the Demon King a little less interested.

He kicked a piece of rotten flesh next to him that seemed to be human: "What a pity. I thought we could become friends. But now it seems that the fate between us will end here at best."

"Then, my dear Yu Qianqiu."

The Demon King raised his head: "Now that the last obstacle that hinders us has been removed, shouldn't you temporarily put aside your shy personality and stand in front of me in person?"

Although his words were ridiculing, his tone was full of mockery.

Yu Sheng was even able to detect a trace of deeply hidden... resentment in the other party's tone.

Yu Sheng could understand the Demon King's resentment.

After all, strictly speaking, she was the one who made the other person's life fall apart.

But what she couldn't understand was that this resentment didn't seem to be directed only at herself.

Judging from the twisted expression of the Demon King at that moment, it was obvious that the guy had just thought of something else.

But what could make him feel so complicated?

How did he know that the person he left behind in the bamboo forest was his clone?

And how did he know that his grandson was taking him a longer way?

Yusheng didn't understand.

She felt that the Demon King seemed to have a certain understanding of certain things. Not only did he awaken the old bastard from thousands of years ago, but he also seemed to have a complete understanding of the secret of his own clone.

What does this mean?

Yu Sheng felt that he had vaguely touched upon a certain guess.

She remained silent, constantly clarifying her thoughts.

And this also made the devil outside become more and more annoyed.

"Okay, okay," he sighed, "it looks like you don't want to be my friend anymore."

"In that case, I can only take some extreme measures."

The Demon King gently patted the guy next to him.

"This is one of my good friends, the Death Knight."

The Demon King looked at the woods with a smile: "She is just like a dog, able to smell the places she has marked. So now, I will let this guy have some fun with you first."

"When this is all over, I hope you can at least still have a mouth that can move. After all, I still have to ask something out of your mouth."

As he spoke, he gently patted the giantess next to him.

And the giantess roared towards the woods as if she had been given an order.

Behind her, the Demon King looked interested.

But soon, his expression quickly darkened again.

As if he saw something annoying, the Demon King frowned, his expression contorted, and he sighed softly.

"What are you here for this time?"

He said, with undisguised resistance and disgust in his tone: "War Lord?"

In his hands.

A mirror was glowing slightly, and a twisted human figure could be seen faintly in the light.

Behind that human figure, there were layers of high platforms. And He was sitting alone in the center of the high platform, leaning down and looking at the Demon King indifferently.

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