Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 29 Suppression (please follow up)

Of course, Chen Qing, who is outside the mirror, cannot know the world of extraordinary beings inside the mirror world, which is like boiling hot soup.

There is a mirror between him and that world.

Even Colin, who was inside the mirror, was completely unaware of the reaction from the outside world.

As the vision center, he can only feel that the concentration of pollution around him seems to have spread, and then his body seems to have grown something...

Maybe something is missing.

But no matter what, this is a unique moment!

When he heard the distant voice of the Lord of Truth in the mirror, Colin pressed his hand on the mirror at the first moment, gritting his teeth and bulging his eyes.

He discovered last time that as long as he pressed his hand on the mirror, the impact of pollution seemed to be smaller.

As for the principle behind this, he was not very clear.

Maybe it's because the contact process allows contamination to travel faster?

After thinking about the theories that he had never understood before, Colin quickly placed all the things he had prepared in front of him.

They were a purple glass bottle, a few beautiful pebbles, and a glass rod that exuded a faint cold light.

That's all he's prepared for so far.

The extraordinary method of being promoted to "doctor" is actually similar to the extraordinary rituals of the ancestors of the Qi family. In other words, the extraordinary methods in the land after this disaster are generally quite similar.

Essentially, it is divided into three steps, namely drinking the magic potion, setting up the ritual, and placing the source of pollution.

Previously, Colin had used the oil lamp for too long and had too much contact with forbidden substances. He was deeply contaminated. In fact, he had already half-stepped into the transcendent world.

The three extraordinary steps have only one purpose.

That is to let the law of pollution itself enter the body!

Magic potion is something refined from various contaminated medicinal materials. It does not necessarily have to be a liquid, but it is definitely something closely related to pollution and almost equivalent to radiation. It is called "blood";

The ritual uses various contaminated objects to create an external environment that exposes people to this extraordinary power, which is called "flesh";

The source of pollution is the foundation of everything. The energy in the natural environment cannot achieve the purpose of extraordinary achievement, so additional pollution sources need to be arranged to ensure the energy supply, which is the "bone".

Of course, this is not what all extraordinary people will follow, it is just the general direction. Just like some extraordinary paths would not choose such a gentle method, but would take a more direct approach - such as killing.

After relying on weapons to kill all kinds of mutated creatures that exude pollution, bathing in their blood, and then achieving the path to transcendence, this is a radical approach. Or, like the Qi family's secret book, rely on meditation and practice instead of relying on sources of pollution.

Colin certainly could not have chosen these options.

He just chose the extraordinary ritual that might be most suitable for the "doctor" based on what the pharmacist in the town said and his own understanding of the extraordinary.

As for why it is possible...

Because currently there are only a handful of people involved in the extraordinary path of "doctor".

Moreover, their promotion is not orthodox, but relies on the "doctor" qualifications obtained by taboo items such as "medical license" to become extraordinary. This taboo can help them achieve doctor-like abilities, but there is no way for them to go further because they are not "standard" themselves.

Failure to standardize means there is no upward channel.

This is actually a very common thing after a disaster.

Now that all the knowledge in the past has been contaminated, those familiar abilities from the past cannot be passed on. Naturally, it is impossible to move forward step by step.

It is especially normal for a profession like a doctor to become a transcendent path after being polluted, but because the oath of entry cannot be uttered, and it is directly reduced to a legend.

After all, Colin is actually betting. Bet this universal ritual would accomplish what he desired.

It seems that he made the right bet this time.

The non-existent legend in the past was quietly broken at this moment.

On the snowy mountains, only a calm voice echoed: "Rely on the God of Medicine..."

Every word, every word, is like a drop of water falling into a pool.

And the vision above the head became more and more obvious with the process of chanting.

Taboo knowledge essentially arises because knowledge is contaminated.

That is a mystery that will cause various pollution phenomena once it appears in the world. After some knowledge is deciphered, the mystery will quickly fade away, such as the "Modern Football Rules" of the Sith Federation.

But some knowledge, even if deciphered and studied, can still maintain extraordinary characteristics. Like the secret book of the ancestors of the Qi family, or...

At this moment, the golden laurel crown appears in the sky because of the "Hippocratic Oath"!

The laurel crown fell slowly and floated on the top of the mountain, suppressing the vast rolling snow below.

And the direction it's in...

It happened to be on top of Colin's head, who had just opened the potion bottle and planned to drink it "tons, tons, tons"!

After taking the potion, Colin felt that his five senses were sharper than ever before.

He could even see the gray turbidity surrounding him.

"Is this pollution?"

Staring at the floating gray air masses, Colin had a hint of enlightenment: "The magic medicine opened my vision and allowed me to see and absorb pollution."

And what he needs to do next.

Just finish reciting this oath and follow the possible medical methods to achieve the extraordinary goal of becoming a great person!

Thinking like this, his voice became firm again: "I am willing to do my best to the best of my ability and judgment, and abide by the creed of seeking benefits for the patients..."

With his voice, the gorgeous laurel crown above his head became brighter and brighter.

That seemed to be some kind of symbol and some kind of recognition. It is a spirit that is far longer than anything in the world, reappearing in the wasteland after the disaster.

It is gentle, soft and calm, an emotion that has almost disappeared in this wasteland.

That is……


The wind stopped at this moment.

The mist that shrouded the snow-capped mountains also dissipated in the air like water vapor.

The mountains that have been covered in dust for thousands of years are bathed in sunshine for the first time after receiving the laurel crown.

However, this sunshine is only for a moment.

The invisible force rippled through the soft shimmer, gentle but unmistakable.

When the light dissipated, the vast snow peaks were once again shrouded in the ice and snow that never melted all year round.

Just like what the doctor in the small town said.

This mountain holds secrets deeper than anyone imagined.

But just this subtle change has shocked many extraordinary people!

In the night, only the sound of silence echoed.

A few minutes later.

A voice broke the silence.

"The fog in the 'Snow Mountain' has dispersed."

"Can this be considered one of the scariest news stories of the year?"

"You know that the snow mountain was where... was buried before the disaster?"

"This snow cannot melt away, unless you want to experience the 'unfettered disaster' in the past again."

"Indeed, the... in the snow-capped mountains cannot appear. In order to deal with that monster, the past federation spent dozens of high-sequence extraordinary people, and even... still couldn't completely suppress it. If there is another one, I feel My hair needs to fall out.”

"What about the person who caused the vision on the snowy mountain?"

"Incorporate it, or deprive it of it. In the final analysis, it is also extraordinary, so be as careful as possible."

"Then it's decided to solve all possible hidden dangers on the snowy mountains."



"Let's get started."

The crisp sound of clapping disappeared in a flash.

"Send an action team into the snowy mountains."

"Suppress...any possible anomalies!"

It’s Tuesday, please follow up and read, three grams of oil~

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