Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 32 Xu Xiangyang

“Boss, how do you sell this fish?”

Standing in front of the fish stall, Chen Qing pointed at the crucian carp lazily blowing bubbles in front of him and asked the boss.

The boss looked up at Chen Qing, and then casually reported a number.

This number was not too different from what Chen Qing expected, so he didn't get too hung up on bargaining, but nodded: "Then help me pick a few. By the way, no need to kill."

Five minutes later, Chen Qing was already holding a red opaque plastic bag in his hand.

After buying some vegetables and pork on the way back, Chen Qing finally concluded his trip to the vegetable market.

He behaved quite calmly throughout the whole process, without any strangeness or looking to see if anyone was watching.

Because Chen Qing knew that if someone was really monitoring the other party, it would be absolutely impossible for him, an ordinary person with no extraordinary power at present, to find out.

…Of course, that’s just “for now.”

Carrying large and small bags in his hands, Chen Qing took the bus back home.

When you open the door to your home, the entrance looks exactly the same as before.

After putting down those bags, Chen Qing planned to cook some food for himself first.

He quite likes cooking. The reason is that it is not too tiring and requires a certain amount of concentration, which allows him to temporarily forget about his problems.

It took more than forty minutes to prepare the dishes and another twenty minutes to finish them. Chen Qing then put away the dishes and chopsticks.

Then he stood in front of the glass bottle, holding a basin of water with a lively fish swimming in the basin.

Looking at the fish swimming leisurely, Chen Qing said: "Originally, I wanted to buy a chicken, but I thought if the forbidden object in the experiment made too much noise, the chicken would be very noisy, so I chose you."

They're all animals anyway, that's okay.

Putting the fish basin on the table, Chen Qing took out the carving knife and picked up a ball of "slime" again.

He soon noticed that the color of the "slime" seemed darker than before he bought the food.

It seems that due to some factors, its activity has been reduced to a certain extent?

After pondering for a moment, Chen Qing's wrist shook slightly.

Then the next second, the big red "slime" fell into the basin.

And the moment he just entered the basin.

"Slime" is like a sponge soaked in water, expanding rapidly!

Just like red dye falling into clear water, the scarlet color floats in the water layer, quickly replacing all the liquid and making everything its own.

Before the poor fish in the basin realized what was happening, all the surrounding water turned into that ball of red slime.

It also wanted to swim twice, but its tail slapped on the red water. Instead of moving forward, it sank deeper and deeper.

It looks pretty cool.


In Chen Qing's eyes, the red water that had occupied the entire basin suddenly lifted up and wrapped up the crucian carp!

Then... it was completely locked in that scarlet red.


Seeing this sudden change, Chen Qing raised his eyebrows slightly.

He stretched out his hand and stabbed the carving knife towards the red water.

When the carving knife approached the red water, the slime jumped a little, and even separated part of it, intending to attack Chen Qing's hand.

Then Chen Qing made a merciless stroke and flew forward, trying to cut the slime in his hands into two pieces.

Then the red water became quiet again.

Chen Qing just put away the small piece that fell on the ground and shook his head: "It's really restless."

Then he used a carving knife to open up the slime, and the location where he opened it was exactly where he had swallowed the crucian carp.

When the red water covering the fish's body is lifted open, the inside is exposed to the light.

Even with Chen Qing's determination, he subconsciously frowned!


He looked at the crucian carp with somewhat shocked eyes.

In fact, the crucian carp is still in good condition and nothing is missing.

But it's not like it's missing somewhere. But...all places are "separated".

The fish bones and fish flesh were evenly shaved into two pieces, and the long skeleton was juxtaposed with the white fish flesh, each intact. The only thing missing is each other's appearance and inside.


Under Chen Qing's gaze, the white fish bones and flesh...

They all started to flap their bodies like the crucian carp before, as if trying to swim!

And this was what made Chen Qingdu feel weird.

The exterior and interior, which had been split into two halves, at this moment, were as if they were once complete living creatures. Each was completely unaware of the missing part, and even retained its previous habits...

This kind of picture can already be called "weird".

Staring at the ball of fish, Chen Qing took a deep breath.

"Forbidden objects are really scary." He whispered to himself.

Before long, he was experimenting again.

Whether they were living or dead, he put them into the red water one by one.

The final result was that he roughly understood the effect of red water.

That is, you can separate the "surface" and "inside" of a thing and still maintain its previous characteristics.

If a medicine bottle is thrown in, the medicine and bottle will be separated. If a live animal is introduced, the bones and flesh will separate.

That is to say, everything is divided into two sides, but they all maintain the same identity.

In addition, Chen Qing also discovered that if during the process of separating living creatures, he did not use a carving knife to remove the red water covering them.

Then the final result will be two beautiful crystals.

One black and one white.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Qing fed the two crystals to the remaining crucian carp.

The final result was that the crucian carp that ate the black crystals died, while the crucian carp that ate the white crystals became more energetic.

This made him think.

"Two states, white life, black death..."

Perhaps, the essence of this forbidden object is actually to produce these two kinds of crystals.

"If that's the case, then let's call it the 'Water of Life and Death'."

White is life, black is death. After all, it is a tentative name, so of course the simpler the better.

Opening the memo, Chen Qing recorded the name [Water of Life and Death (to be determined)] on his phone.

As for the risk...

For the time being, he settled on a D, rather than carving a knife.

After all, this thing was suppressed by the carving knife, and it didn't look like it could be more dangerous than this thing.

After constructing the file, Chen Qing raised his head.

At the moment, he still needs more tests to see what derived properties these two crystals have.

Thinking this, he looked at the crucian carp that was jumping alive after eating the white crystals.

His eyes gradually became malicious.


the other side.

Lu Mingcheng carried various gifts and knocked on the door with a smile.

After a long time, an old man opened the door and frowned at Lu Mingcheng.

Lu Mingcheng's eyes lit up when he saw the old man: "Hello, I'm..."

Before he could finish speaking, the old man interrupted him directly: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, come in if you want, remember to take off your shoes."

After saying this, the old man turned around and walked directly into the house.

Seeing the old man leaving, Lu Mingcheng was slightly startled for a moment, then he woke up and quickly followed him, taking off his shoes at the same time.

As he walked through the door, he glanced up.

The next second, Lu Mingcheng's pupils shrank slightly.

Because he clearly saw a pennant hanging close to the wall next to it.

The content on the banner is nothing more than praising someone for his high virtue and respect, and thanking the elders for their kindness.

But under the banner, what really attracted Lu Mingcheng's attention was that line of writing.

That's the giver's signature.

[Xu Xiangyang presents Shan Tiexiong]

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