Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 39 A Transaction

Holding an ordinary oil lamp, Li Changsheng's hands naturally drooped, his expression relaxed and peaceful.

But anyone who knows him well knows that he has actually entered a "complete victory posture" at this moment.

In the world after the cataclysm, extraordinary realms are divided from low to high, with the lowest being Sequence Ten and the highest being Sequence One. Li Changsheng, on the other hand, is a high-sequence expert and is even called a "demigod".

This means that he has far surpassed the life level of ordinary humans, and can almost be called the first echelon under the true god.

It was precisely because of this that Li Changsheng was able to chat with the mirror for a whole night.

Even in the entire Yanxia Federation, Li Changsheng is one of the few strong men.

However, at this moment, his expression was not pretty.

"Has it been infiltrated?"

Holding the oil lamp, Li Changsheng murmured to himself: "It's okay to bypass all the security measures and break into the depository directly. Then there was someone who was able to send the news to my office without anyone noticing..."

What a terrifying penetration and organizational power this is.

It was late at night, and Li Changsheng originally planned to finish his work for the day and go back to sleep.

But when he came back from a trip to the bathroom, he saw a note on his desk. The scrawled handwriting on the note described something that shocked him - a "little thief" sneaked into the depository.

After learning this, Li Changsheng quickly took action.

Being able to put the note on his desk without even noticing it, even if it was false news, it was still worthy of Li Changsheng personally checking the situation.

Because the symbolism behind this incident is far deeper than the note itself.

I can sneak into the director's office today, but what about tomorrow?

Li Changsheng is not worried about himself.

But he's not alone in the depository.

So in the end he entered here under the cover of night.

Looking across the display racks in front of him one by one, Li Changsheng pondered for a moment and finally put the oil lamp in his hand.

Then the next second, a bright sharp light flashed in his eyes.

The light flickers.

When Li Changsheng placed his eyes on those display racks again, everything in his field of vision was completely different from before.

Countless items emitting various strange ripples were extremely obvious to his eyes, and the pollution fluctuations on them could be identified at a glance.

And among these chaotic diversions.

A bright spot of light was particularly conspicuous in Li Changsheng's field of vision.

That was...except for him, extraordinary fluctuations!

"found it."

He picked up the oil lamp and moved forward at a steady pace.

It doesn’t require too much preparation or being too showy.

Even if a Sequence Three powerhouse only advances slowly, it is enough to make a low-Sequence extraordinary person tremble with fear and even lose his mind.

In the world after the disaster, the transcendent level and the pollution level are exactly the same to some extent. Just like ordinary people who use forbidden objects for too long will be distorted by its contamination, when low-sequence extraordinary beings encounter high-sequences, the oppression they endure is almost the same as facing forbidden objects!

Some people even say that transcendence itself may be a taboo object called "human being"!

After bypassing three or four display racks, Li Changsheng finally stopped behind the display rack marked "S".

He looked at the table with complicated eyes.

Even he is not willing to get too close here.

After all, "S" level taboo objects are all extremely dangerous.

"Did you enter here by mistake?"

Lifting the oil lamp, Li Changsheng took a deep breath.

Then, he walked into the deep shadow.

At this moment, Chen Qing outside the mirror finally saw the twisted figure approaching.

Before, he only noticed that there seemed to be a shadow in the corner of the mirror screen, and this shadow looked somewhat similar to the Li Changsheng he had seen in the past.

And he vaguely saw an emotion similar to... "fear" in Alice's figure.

As for why a shadow can show fear? She was shaking so hard, it was like she wanted to jump out of the screen, and it was hard not to understand...

So Chen Qing was convinced at this moment.

Alice probably entered here through "illegitimate means".

Coupled with her sneaky appearance before.

"So, this is still a little thief."

After figuring out all this, Chen Qing began to think about how to keep Alice.

After all, he is a useful tool, and there is no way that it will be scrapped as soon as he gets it.

After thinking about it, Chen Qing came to a conclusion.

That is……

Negotiate with Li Changsheng himself as the director.

"It seems we have met again."

Sitting on the chair, Chen Qing folded his hands and smiled.

Hear this sound.

Li Changsheng's hand paused slightly.

There was no way he could forget this voice.

The one who appeared not long ago caused a large-scale spread of contamination in the detention center, and was finally suppressed. At the same time, he lost too much blood and had to lie in bed for several days... the "Lord of Truth"!

After a moment of silence, Li Changsheng temporarily put the little thief aside: "It's you."

His voice was steady: "Are you awakened?"

"Wake up? No, no, no."

Chen Qingyu said with a smile: "It's just that I met a suitable contractor, so it was just the right time."

Contractor means...

That little thief?


At this moment, a thought flashed through Li Changsheng's mind: "It seems that the little thief has awakened the 'Mirror of Invisibility', allowing the Lord of Truth to wake up again."

The current difficulty of this matter has far exceeded previous estimates.

A thief who sneaks in secretly, no matter how important it is, is absolutely impossible to compare with the awakening of the "Lord of Truth".

That's the existence inside the S-class forbidden object!

It may be a higher level than his Sequence Three..."monster"!

As if his heart was being held tightly, Li Changsheng's expression gradually changed.

As the director of the depository.

He has an obligation...

When taboo objects may endanger human safety, all possible means should be used to suppress and seal them.

Even if it costs your life, you must abide by it!

He was ready to go.

However, it seemed that Li Changsheng's decision was seen.

Although the voice of the Lord of Truth in the mirror was distorted, it sounded quite clearly: "Well, before that, let us make a proposal."

"My new contractor is, how should I say, quite special, and his life experience is quite interesting, which makes me a little more interested."

The Lord of Truth gave a rare sigh: "But you know, in this era, I am not very willing to actively interfere in the world. But the children related to 'Wonderland' cannot be left alone."

"So, do you want to listen to my terms?"

For some reason, Li Changsheng felt that the Lord of Truth's tone seemed to be... gentler than before.

But that doesn't mean it's any less dangerous.

Even in Li Changsheng's mind, this mirror became more important to be vigilant about.

For the Lord of truth, whose authority determines, if it becomes peaceful...

That will be the greatest temptation for anyone trying to find the answer!

Li Changsheng found it difficult just to think about a great being who could communicate and help answer questions.

But he couldn't refuse outright.

Unless he wants to face the all-round rejection of an S-class forbidden object that may cause large-scale pollution.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, Li Changsheng put away the oil lamp in his hand.

"What conditions?" he whispered.

In the end, Li Changsheng compromised.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because he would soon find out.

This answer will eventually be given to him, to the depository, and even to humanity itself...

What shocking news!

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