Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 41 Did you drop this code or that one?

Chen Qing has now embarked on an extraordinary path.

And he has no intention of stopping.

This means that if he is still alive, he will definitely see the threshold of high sequence in the future. But that knowledge is not available on the stone tablets, and the skills recorded on the stone tablets cannot be practiced at such a high level.

This is also normal.

If there was such a high sequence, then the ancestors of the Qi family would not be driven out of their ancestral land.

Therefore, Li Changsheng is currently the only channel through which Chen Qing can learn about high-sequences!

"Besides, I estimate that Li Changsheng will definitely ask questions about his own strength."

Clenching his fingers, Chen Qing thought: "After all, I have limited myself to answering questions related to him. There is a lot of room for manipulation on this question. If he wants to ask about marriage or the future, then I can Said 'no answer as this relates to other people'..."

So, this is a complete trap.

Li Changsheng could only ask questions related to his extraordinary path!

As for Chen Qing, will he be unable to answer?

The "Barnum Effect" is prepared for this time.

Vague and ambiguous statements often make people feel that they are talking about themselves. Of course, these statements are not wrong, but not many of them are nutritious.

If that doesn't work, just make something big and empty.

Since the [Hippocratic Oath] can have such an effect, how should you respond if I bring out the Tao Te Ching?

How should you interpret the sentence "Tao can be explained, but not Tao; name can be named, but not named"? !

Even worse, there are veteran riddlers like "The Book of Changes".

The first of the hundred scriptures, “Everything comes from Yi” is no joke!

In short, there must be one suitable for Li Changsheng!

With similar thoughts, Chen Qing's attitude seemed very relaxed.

Li Changsheng looked a little nervous.

After thinking for a long time, he finally raised his head and looked in the mirror.

"I've decided," Li Changsheng said softly, "Two questions, two answers."

Chen Qing smiled and nodded: "Of course, equal exchange."

"Then, let's start with the question about 'you'."

Outside the mirror, Chen Qing opened the voice memo and said at the same time: "Do you have any questions about yourself that you would like to clear up?"

Li Changsheng answered quickly: "I have a question."

"Now I am a Sequence Three, but I see no hope of being promoted to a Sequence Two."

Speaking of this, Li Changsheng was quite calm and did not seem to feel depressed about it: "I thought maybe I would be stuck here in my life, but today may be an opportunity. So my question is, should I be promoted to Sequence Two?"

This is the question he came up with.

After all, he was a Sequence Three, and he could still afford the knowledge to advance to Sequence Two.

And once you can be promoted...

Then in the future, the entire depository, no, the entire Yanxia Federation, and the entire human race, will have one more "Sequence Two" top powerhouse!

Now, after the catastrophe, there are only two Sequence Twos, who are the "Two Saints" of this world.

But if you can be promoted.

Then the two saints may become the "three saints"!

Facing this question, Chen Qing's lips almost couldn't help but grin.

That's right.

This is what I've been waiting for!

He was silent for a moment, then suppressed the joy in his heart and laughed softly: "Ha."

"Interesting question."

With a faint laugh, Chen Qing said happily: "But this question is too broad, and this question is far beyond the limit of what you can bear."

Hearing this, Li Changsheng was slightly startled.

Chen Qing's words also responded in time: "The extraordinary path is not the only one."

He recalled Colin's extraordinary journey as a doctor, and said meaningfully: "There is countless knowledge hidden under pollution, and those are the bricks and stones that can pave the way for your promotion."

"You have more than thousands of answers to just one question. They are all dusty ancient knowledge, and each piece of information is enough for you to be promoted to Sequence Two."

"After all, the road is made by people, and everyone takes a different path. Over the past thousands of years, there have been many people like you, and they have all walked an unprecedented path."

"So it's a pity that the only thing you can undertake is the accurate and precise path. Or is it that what you are praying for is also an extraordinary path that no one has ever taken before?"

Extraordinary, not the only one!

This is the revelation that Colin's words gave Chen Qing.

As a Sequence Ten "medical student", he has so many paths to choose from, which means that the path to transcendence is by no means fixed.

This is normal, after all, transcendence itself actually uses the power of pollution, and the power of pollution itself represents "distortion".

Distortion means endless possibilities.

Therefore, Chen Qing once again placed a limit on Li Changsheng.

If he wants to gain knowledge.

Then it must be based on his own situation!

And Li Changsheng probably realized this.

So he didn't hesitate much: "My extraordinary sequence is 'Judge', which is the extraordinary path of 'Judgment'. But this path is interrupted when it reaches sequence three. But according to my guess about the extraordinary path, if you want to be promoted A higher level…”

After hesitating for a moment, Li Changsheng slowly said: "Perhaps we need ancient knowledge that is symbolic enough to represent the 'Law'! Use this to induce visions, and then advance to Sequence Two!"


Chen Qing smiled dumbly when he heard this.

I see.

Just as he thought, promotion through the extraordinary path was actually linked to forbidden knowledge.

Just like Colin needs the [Hippocratic Oath] to step into the transcendent, and [Medical Knowledge] is needed to advance; the ancestors of the Qi family need [Immortal Magic] to step into and advance to the transcendent. These are taboo knowledge.

What Li Changsheng needs is taboo knowledge with the attribute of "law".

As for the reason.

Chen Qing guessed that perhaps it was because taboo knowledge itself was a special form of pollution!

When humans hear this knowledge, their minds will collapse and their bodies will become distorted, but this is actually the effect of pollution on humans.

Extraordinary people may rely on the distorting effect of forbidden knowledge to alienate their spirits, that is, gradually become abnormal.

Potions, rituals, and sources of pollution all act externally, on the body.

And taboo knowledge acts on the spirit.

The double distortion of spirit and body may be the secret of the extraordinary path!

Therefore, the world is really like that sentence.

Human beings are essentially taboo objects!

After figuring this out, Chen Qing had a certain understanding of his future path.

At the same time, more speculations flooded into his mind.

But he quickly put those speculations behind him.

What's more important right now is Li Changsheng's side.

Since the other party has raised questions, of course the "Lord of Truth" cannot keep those who knock on the door of truth waiting for too long.

So he chuckled and said casually: "Is it the law?"

"Hmm, interesting. Then the balance is equal and the deal is established."

"Speaking of which, if you are promoted from Sequence Three to Sequence Two, then ordinary 'laws' may not be enough."

Tapping his fingers on the table, Chen Qing glanced at the bookshelf next to him.

Soon, he nodded slightly: "In that case, it's up to you to make the choice."

He stood up, ran his fingers over the bookshelf one by one, and finally rested on a book.

Picking up the book, Chen Qing opened the pages: "So do you need the 'first civil law code', or the 'long-standing legal foundation', or... 'the first written code in history'?"

At this point, Chen Qing's smile was a bit evil: "Come on, make your choice."

And after hearing this sentence.

Li Changsheng's eyes suddenly burst into light!

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