Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 82 Like the sun rising


The sound of boots hitting the ground echoed in the dark corridor.

This was the only sound that could be heard in the ruins, other than that it was dead silent. The ruins of the ruins hang on the wall like ghosts, the faded wallpaper peels off, and there are still a few sharp claw marks hanging on it, as if human skin has been torn off.

The entire hospital was filled with a suffocating smell of decay, and a cold silence hung in the air, giving people a feeling of utter loneliness and despair.

Messy marks can be seen on the corner of the wall, which appear to be human scratches. In addition, several skeletons were lying in the corner, their sharp finger bones resting on the wall, as if they were making final notes.

Rather than saying this is a hospital, it would be better to say this is... a dead ghost.

In this eerie silence, Alice walked carefully and cautiously through the corridors of the abandoned hospital, carrying a mirror on her back and an oil lamp in her hand.

Her heartbeat was as loud as a drumstick, making her wonder if her heart would jump out of her chest and hit the ground.

Absolute silence and depression, this is how this hospital made Alice feel.

"I even felt like something was going to jump out from behind those shabby curtains and attack me."

Lowering her voice, she said to the mirror.

Chen Qing had no response to this.

He was just watching Alice's actions silently, just like watching a horror movie. But he is also prepared. If danger arises, he will forcefully activate the vision of forbidden knowledge to help Alice get out of trouble.

After all, Alice is his.

He wouldn't let her break down in this abandoned hospital.

One person and one person moved forward slowly. In the empty corridor, only Alice's footsteps and breathing were particularly harsh.

After crossing the already outdated corridor, they finally reached the front desk.

That is, Chen Qing threatened the nurse before and said that he would expose the place where he lost his things.

There are only some old and scattered documents left at the front desk. Perhaps due to some special power, these documents have not been weathered and scattered by time, but some residual fragments are still left.

Looking at the scraps of paper, Alice hesitated.

She really didn't dare to take these things.

Chen Qing had to remind him: "Those are not taboos, but keys to help you understand."

From the ancient mirror's field of view, he could see clearly that those things were not contaminated and were not taboo objects.

Alice trusts Chen Qing's judgment very much.

After all, this man is a master who can trigger the celestial phenomena and bring about the doomsday with just one strike.

Without hesitation, Alice reached out her hand, picked up the pieces of paper, and said softly: "This seems to be...a log."

"The person who left this log is...'Inspector'? Is this some kind of federal agent?"

After sweeping the table in front of her with her hand, Alice finally collected the scattered pieces of paper and managed to piece together some coherent content.

She raised the oil lamp in front of her, and by its light, she read the contents on the piece of paper: "Calamity year 874..."

[July 14, 874 in the Calamity Calendar, we arrived at the ‘White Wall Cross’ today]

[I heard from other people in the alliance that there are several powerful extraordinary life forms in the 'White Wall Cross'. Let us not disturb them, but there is no way. Yu¥ # 's order is very clear, we need to find them The forbidden knowledge in 'White Wall Cross' helped him break through]

[That fucking bastard is so domineering just because he has some relationship with that person. It’s really disgusting]

After reading this page, Alice continued to scroll down: "The following is the 15th."

[On July 15th, we took a day off on the first floor. Let’s start exploring]

[The first floor is safe. We have cleaned up most of the taboo objects, and used special means to contain the taboo knowledge and pass it on, and then move on to the second floor]

Seeing this, Alice frowned.

"There seems to be blood on the back."

She whispered, then looked down.

[Security on the second floor, there’s a monster on the fucking second floor! He is a bit like a patient suturing a corpse, and like a walking stool... Hey, I don't know how to describe it! But it’s just disgusting! 】

[He killed most of us, damn it! 】

[The path up the stairs is full of shit. I have never seen such a beastly guy. The shit even contains strong pollution... ugh]

Seeing this, Alice subconsciously glanced at the traces in the lower right corner.

There are obvious khaki spots there.

"Wait, could it be..."

Without even a moment's hesitation, Alice threw the paper away.

Chen Qing outside the mirror also frowned.

"The sewn-up corpse of excrement..."

He groaned, unable to imagine what kind of twist this would be.

The content on the note continues.

[The third level is safe. There are monsters here too, but they are better than the second level. Only about twenty people died this time]

[The fourth level of security, there are also monsters, it only took sixteen people to solve them]

[Fifth level security, death toll eight]

[Security on the sixth floor, zero fatalities and seventeen serious injuries]

[Seventh level of safety, no casualties]

[The eighth floor... We found what we wanted, we dare not touch other things, and are ready to start the return journey]

Much of what is written here is rather vaguely documented.

As if the death toll had put the recorder in a bad mood, he recorded no details at all.

"But, are there eight floors in total?"

Looking up at the stairs, Alice was thoughtful.

According to the recorder, it seemed that they found what they were looking for on the eighth floor. And apart from that thing, they didn't touch anything else.

That means...maybe there are still many secrets on the eighth floor?

Burying this matter deep in her heart, Alice continued to look down.

There is obviously more content in the back.

It seemed that the recorder was in a much better mood now that he could go home, and he began to record the chats with other people.

In this chat, someone mentioned a very strange phenomenon.

"Why do the monsters become less powerful as you go up?"

"More than half of us died on the second floor, but fewer died on the third floor than on the third floor. But without the number of people, our strength should not be as good as before, but the number of deaths has dropped sharply."

"Does this mean that the difficulty of the third level is...much lower than the previous level?"

This question raises a question.

That's why it's the first layer to start with.

No monsters at all?

Seeing this line of words, Alice's hands trembled slightly.

Behind it is the last piece of paper.

The piece of paper was almost burnt to char, but the words were still legible.

【I'm mad】

[The first floor is not safe at all, not safe, not safe! 】

[That thing is simply incomparable. He is the sun, the volcano, the source of flames, and all light and heat! 】

[He did not kill any of us, but His existence itself is the ultimate harm to us. The pollution on Him... is far beyond our imagination! 】

[My consciousness is being melted, and everything about me is being swallowed up]

[He just looked at me quietly, without saying anything, but strangely, I vaguely felt that he seemed a little...disappointed]

【What is he disappointed about】

The writing stops abruptly here.

And it was this moment.

Alice suddenly felt something strange coming from behind her.

It was like... something was heating up rapidly, igniting everything around him.

The intense heat even made Alice feel like a sun was rising in front of her!

I didn't dare to look back.

Alice jumped forward suddenly and rushed directly to the stairwell.

The note was accurate.

The thing on the first a monster!

But He doesn't seem to do anything.

The recorders died because they could not bear the pollution, not because they were killed by the monster.

So this means that if you are fast enough, you can avoid the intensity of the pollution.

The only thing you need to worry about is that the second floor may not be safe either.


"No matter how unsafe it is, it's better to be burned alive!"

She was carrying the ancient mirror on her back, and the skin on her body was burned away, exposing her muscles.

And those muscles turned black in an instant.

This terrifying high temperature, even for just a moment, is enough to make Alice miserable!

But, the stairs are also close.

Just get to that place…

Alice stared intently at the stairwell ahead.

However, just when she was about to jump in.

The scalding high temperature suddenly dissipated without a trace at this moment.

The light and heat that were like the sun before have completely disappeared.


Feeling the inexplicably cooler air, Alice turned back in surprise.

Then look back.

She suddenly saw the distance.

A dark red human shadow that seemed to be compressed to the extreme, even the facial features could not be seen clearly.

He was looking towards her, watching quietly.

What the hell? !

Alice could clearly see that the air around the guy was distorting.

That's...a disorder caused by the dual effects of pollution and high temperature!

The blurry shadow looked at Alice quietly.

Say nothing.

Just watch.

And in Alice's horrified sight.

His eyes looked behind Alice.


Behind her...that mirror!

And Chen Qing in the mirror, after seeing the dark red twisted figure.

For the first time, there was a slight change in his calm eyes.

He folded his hands.

His face darkened.

I finally finished it, 3k, thank you for your hard work! (ω)

I have agreed with the editor that it will be put on the shelves next Wednesday, and there will be a lot of updates when it is put on the shelves. I hope that those who are able can support the first order and let the author add an egg to the instant noodles! (ˊ)

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