Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 95 Let’s start playing chess

The red chariot drifted across the wasteland.

It had charged toward the sun once before. After a brief collision, it quickly turned around, turning the entire body to the other side and starting to accumulate power again.

There are no special abilities or fancy visions.

Some are just pure and surging violence and speed!

Just a few breaths.

This luxurious chariot has begun preparing to charge again.

Watch this scene.

In Zenya's queue, the man in white was obviously relieved.

"Sure enough, the 'rook' is the most powerful piece on the chessboard."

He could easily see that in the previous wave of close combat, it was obvious that the car on his side was better.

All that is needed next is time.

The "car" is very fast and powerful, which means that as long as it is targeted, it is only a matter of time before the high-sequence extraordinary being is defeated.

Although the guy opposite is not a pure Sequence 3, the "car" cannot be underestimated either.

The academics at the institute once conducted experiments.

If we just talk about destructive power, speed and strength, then the "Car" is far better than the ordinary Sequence Three.

The peak of its explosion can barely compete with that of a saint!

This is already a very exaggerated achievement.

You must know that a saint is a monster who can move mountains and fill seas, like a god.

And the car, at its peak, could barely reach the heels of those monsters.

So after confirming the opponent's strength, the man in white no longer worried.

He sat back down again, and his face regained some rosiness: "Fortunately, the operation of the car is the simplest, just run wildly."

Compared with the unclear cannon and the horse whose legs are always pinned, the car is the most convenient and easy to move.

However, such a powerful chess piece was used.

Will the other side of the game respond in the same way?

With similar worries, the man in white began to consider whether the price was appropriate.

Use hidden potential dangers in exchange for a saint's favor...

"Let's consider it a profit."

Taking a long breath, the man in white nodded with satisfaction.

The next step is to wait until the car consumes the extraordinary person to death.

Once that sequence is unbearable.

Then the World-Destroying Witch is just a thing in the palm of their hands!

"After catching the witch, I will first send some people back to the capital, and then I will go to Yanxia to seize the chess record..."

In this way, Zenya’s great development will be unstoppable!

After completely annexing Yan Xia, they will become the largest federation in the world.

From then on, a new order was established in the wasteland!

"This land has been lacking 'order' for too long and needs a new king to lay the foundation of authority."

And Zenya...

He will be crowned with the blood of others, and from then on he will have the right to speak in this world!

The man in white adjusted his posture easily: "In order to restore the glory before the disaster, absolute efficiency is needed. People should be divided into four levels. The low-level people are consumables, the middle-level people are responsible for execution, and the high-level people need to coordinate."

"As long as necessary sacrifices are made, I believe that the taboo knowledge in the past will be cracked one by one. From now on, the world will become a sophisticated machine."

This is also what other senior executives of Zenya hope for.

They will become the leaders of mankind!

Dreaming bigger than ever before.

The man in white raised his eyes and looked at the witch in the distance.

However, this look made him slightly stunned.


Subconsciously straightening up, the man in white couldn't help but frown: "What is that guy doing?"

As far as he could see.

The blond witch was holding a mirror and walking slowly toward the military formation.

While everyone was quickly approaching her, she was wandering backwards with a calm expression.

With his excellent eyesight, the man in white could see the expression on the witch's face at a glance.

It was pure peace and... ease.


Why can she be so calm?

At the moment when she was entangled in that high sequence, what else could she rely on? !

The man in white didn't know.

But he realized something.

That is, once something goes abnormal, you must try your best to eliminate all troubles that are beyond the ordinary.

So he stretched out his hand again and grabbed a chess piece from the void: "Pawn!"

Under his angry scolding, a red soldier covered in heavy armor appeared in the air again.

It just stood in the void, neither moving forward nor retreating.

However, the long knife in its hand was pointed at the blond witch at every moment.

As long as there is any abnormal movement, it will step forward and crush it with absolute strength!

Faced with this almost certain death situation.

The blond witch raised her head and stared at the military formation in the distance.

The wind blew her hair, and the golden strands brushed the ancient mirror she was holding.

The mirror in her hand chuckled: "It looks like the other party is eager to fight."

"Since he is so eager, then as he wishes..."

"Let the game begin."

The words fell.

A fierce wind blew up from under the battlefield, blowing everyone's hair away like ashes.

Indescribable pollution energy surged out from the mirror in the witch's hand and swept invisibly in all directions, covering everything in this wasteland.

But the man in white in the carriage suddenly stood up and hit his head heavily on the top of the carriage without even realizing it.

At this moment, there was only horror in his eyes: "How...possible."

"How can it be!"

He pointed to the opposite side tremblingly: "Those black chess is that possible?!"

At the end of his sight.

Next to the witch with flowing blonde hair.

Dark chess pieces rose up from the shadows, holding swords in both hands or prancing horses, surrounded by chariots and heavy artillery, surrounding the robed girl in the middle.

The soldiers in heavy armor held long swords in their hands, and the dark air flowed over their bodies; the shadowy figures in long gowns stood on both sides, and their faces hidden in the shadows seemed to have a faint smile.

And between these shadows of pure black.

The blond girl is like an absolute queen, bowing to the stars.

Looking at Alice opposite, the man in white suddenly opened his mouth.

But that's not the end.

With strong winds blowing from the ground upwards.

At this moment, the man in white in the carriage suddenly realized that something was not right with the chess pieces in front of him.

As if inspired, the red chess pieces jumped up from the chessboard in front of them one by one and took their seats in front of Zenya's military formation.

The boundary river of nothingness shines into reality.

On both sides of this imaginary river, dark warriors and red puppets faced each other in silence.

And in the middle of black's piece.

Alice raised her head, her emerald eyes reflecting the man in white opposite her.

After a moment, her eyes lowered.

"I'm ready," Alice said.

Hear her words.

Chen Qing in the mirror is smiling.

Then he pressed his hand against the mirror.

Pure Qi slowly flowed out of his hands.

"let's start."

He looked into the mirror and said: "Let me see how exquisite the chess game will be a thousand years from now."

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