Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 98 Li Changsheng is back online

Originally, Chen Qing believed that products cast a thousand years ago might be passed down in a reasonable way after a thousand years.

Everything he does is forcibly corrected and continues to evolve.

But what I didn't expect was that the flame humanoid seemed to still have some memories of the time before it changed.

But the impression is not much.

Thinking of this, Chen Qing asked Alice again about her impression of the flame humanoid.

However, what surprised him was something unexpected.

"Isn't this guy always like this before?"

Alice looked at the flame figure blankly: "No change?"

Hearing this, Chen Qing's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Alice's perception seems to have been revised.

She didn't remember the black figure before, but thought it was the figure she saw now.

As for asking why she escaped from the abandoned hospital.

Alice answered very confidently: "Because this is your order!"

She did this because the Lord of Truth had previously given her an order to go out and rest.

As for the thought she had not long ago, "Let's run because the black flames look so dangerous," she had no impression at all.

After confirming this, Chen Qing got part of the answer.

But instead there were more questions.

"Why does the Flame Man remember it, but Alice doesn't? Is it because the Flame Man is the person involved, but Alice is not? Or maybe it has something to do with strength?"

Can't figure it out.

But Chen Qing has a good habit.

That is to say, don’t think about things that are unclear for the time being.

He decided to make this guess, together with the origin of the ancient mirror, a key issue to explore in the future.

And before that.

"Can you move freely?"

Looking at the Flame Man, Chen Qing asked.

The Flame Man shook his head: "I can't leave."

Its words were obviously much smoother than before: "I still have a mission here."

"I have never forgotten your kindness to me. But at the same time, I also have things I must do. When all this is completed, I will stand behind you again."

Looking at his chest, the Flame Man said calmly: "Those who have taken away their 'medical license', I will take them back."

"Before that, please wait a moment."

When saying this.

Its mood has never been bleaker.

Seems to be painful and disappointing about something.

Hearing this, Chen Qing's face condensed slightly.

He keenly captured a word from this guy's mouth.

"Medical License".

Colin has said this in the past.

It is said that in the distant past, it was the only forbidden object used by the extraordinary person who became a "doctor".

In the days before the Hippocratic Oath, humans could only become doctors through a medical license.

Unexpectedly, it actually leaked from the Flame Man.

"If I remember correctly, someone seemed to have visited the abandoned hospital before."

Recalling the note from the recorder he had seen, Chen Qing looked thoughtful: "Those people seemed to be looking for something at that time. Could it be that what they were looking for was a medical license?"

It seems that there may be a bigger secret hidden in the abandoned hospital.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Qing didn't hesitate: "I understand your choice."

Although he failed to find a strong thug, Chen Qing was not just a little regretful and quickly adjusted.

Ultimately, having the Flames around is good in the short term, but not good in the long term.

Because Chen Qing has no memory after the disaster.

The signs of the catastrophe haven't appeared yet, so his perception may be different from that of the Flame Man.

If because of these deviations, you say something different from the Flame Man's perception, resulting in a decrease in your favorability...

Then the gain outweighs the loss.

"Even if I may patch it in the future, to be on the safe side, let the Flame Man play with fire by himself first."

After thinking about this, Chen Qing smiled.

In fact, if the Flame Man stays here, it might not be an opportunity.

"In that case, then it's up to you."

The Lord of Truth said softly: "I just want to take care of my business here, and I hope you will stay here for a while."

"In the distant future, someone will find this place. I hope you can give him some guidance then."

Hearing this, the Flame Man was stunned for a moment.

Alice next to her also had a flash of surprise in her eyes.

And soon, the Lord of Truth spoke leisurely: "He is different from other people who seek wealth and reputation. He is a 'doctor' who has followed his oath and made his true intention clear."

"He will have his own legend in the future, and I hope you can write and leave your part on that canvas."

"After all, this is part of my contract with him."

The words fell.

Flame Man's expression changed instantly.

"Follow your oath and be clear about your true intentions..."

It whispered these words.

Alice could see that the flames on it seemed to be getting brighter and brighter.

But unexpectedly, it didn't make her feel hot or painful.

Just pure, visceral joy.

As if he had received unprecedented good news, Flame Man's voice became stiff again: "I... understand..."

"I didn't expect...that there would be...such...people in the future."

"I do."

And looked at the flames in front of him that were getting brighter due to excitement.

Chen Qing nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, the favorability level was once again maxed out.

"This guy is obviously beholden to some people in the abandoned hospital, so he is so trustworthy. And his medical license was stolen, and there are many quacks in the world, which makes him very disappointed."

At this time, he, the Lord of Truth, only needs to say casually that someone will sign a contract with him in the future and become a real doctor.

Then this guy will most likely be very happy.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this guy's stance is lawful good. It neither kills nor destroys. It is simply the kindest taboo that Chen Qing has seen so far.

Just like...a true healer and a kind-hearted doctor.

It's a good fire.

And Chen Qing didn't want such a good person to be disappointed because there were so many quacks.

In this way, just having a thought in its mind is enough to cheer it up, and by the way, Colin will benefit a lot in the future.

Well, by the way, it also demonstrates the reputation of being a person of truth who sympathizes with the world and lowers the gift of a doctor to increase the other party's favorability.

Quite efficient.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Sitting on the chair, Chen Qing smiled and thought in his heart: "I already want to see the doctor Colin, who has been waiting for thousands of years, and finally traveled across mountains and rivers, waiting to see him face to face."

He might lift the torch from the Pyroman's hand.

Become the first great doctor in this wasteland to truly abide by his oath and save the common people!

But not before that.

Looking at the mirror, Chen Qing nodded gently: "It's time to bring Li Changsheng back online."

At this time, it was finally light outside.

At eight o'clock, even a small town has gained some popularity.

And in this small warehouse.

Chen Qing gave Alice the final order.

In this case, he only needs to be able to prepare before the millennium.

Then Li Changsheng a thousand years later.

You will have the possibility to reach a higher level!

In a thousand years, even a speck of dust is enough to crush the arrogant saint.

And this piece of dust is floating, floating.

Soon he floated into a bottomless valley.

Then, it landed gently somewhere at the bottom of the valley.

In the end, this grain of dust of the times landed on the tip of a man's nose.

Next to the man's "corpse".

A nameplate stained with blood hangs on the raised mountain nearby.

There are a few straight black characters imprinted on the nameplate.

"Director of the Forbidden Objects Depository"

"Li Changsheng"

In the bottomless valley.

Li Changsheng, whose whereabouts were uncertain and whose life or death was unknown, quietly opened his eyes.

There will be more in the evening, two updates guaranteed!

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