"Everyone, please be quiet. I can assure you that our game rules are absolutely fair. Please watch it patiently. If you still think the game rules are unfair, you can scold me as much as you want." Looking at the noisy crowd below the stage, He Hao raised the microphone and loudly soothed the audience's emotions. Although there were still many people in the live broadcast room protesting that the game was unfair to Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun, the audience finally quieted down under He Hao's soothing. Seeing that everyone had quieted down, He Hao continued, "In order to ensure that there will be no communication between the male and female guests during the game, in addition to the eye mask, each male guest needs to wear the noise-canceling headphones prepared by our program team. Before the end of the game, some dynamic music will be played in the headphones to ensure that you will not be disturbed by the outside sounds and your inner choices."

As soon as he finished speaking, three more staff members came up with three pairs of head-mounted noise-canceling headphones.

He Hao first picked up the three pairs of headphones and put them in front of the microphone one by one to let everyone confirm that the dynamic music was indeed playing inside. Then he gave the three pairs of headphones to Xia Tian and the other three and asked them to put them on themselves.

After the three of them put on the headphones, He Hao smiled and said, "Okay, the female guests can get ready."

As soon as he finished speaking, two beautiful girls immediately walked onto the stage from the backstage. Then, under everyone's surprised eyes, the two girls stood directly in front of He Yunting and Chen Qingqing and stretched out their slender hands. And He Hao himself walked directly in front of Qiu Mengyun and stretched out his hand.

Seeing this scene, all the audience finally understood why He Hao dared to say that the rules of this game were absolutely fair.

There is no real body here, all of them are substitutes, isn't it absolutely fair!

The live broadcast room, which was originally full of scolding, suddenly changed its tone at this moment. There was no comment scolding He Hao and the program team, and all of them were praising them for their ability to make things happen.

: Hahaha! I was saying, how could this program team come up with such a big loophole in the game? It turns out that they have made plans to replace the prince with a cat from the beginning!

: It's you, Teacher He, you are so hardworking that you even personally acted as a substitute.

: I'm curious now, will someone really choose Teacher He later?

: Damn, brother, are you serious? Even if you are not familiar with your girlfriend, it is impossible for a man's hand and a woman's hand not to feel each other, right?

: Oh, go, don't tell me, I am now looking forward to someone choosing Teacher He. I can't help but laugh when I think about what kind of expression the other person will have when he takes off his blindfold and sees Teacher He standing in front of him with a shy face.

: Damn, are you devils? How can you expect two grown men to hold hands? If that scene really happens, I hope that person is Xia Tian. I want to see Qiu Mengyun's expression after seeing Xia Tian holding Teacher He's hand, hahaha!

: I won't say anything else. I'm following this live broadcast. This program group understands us and is so good at making things happen.

: Decisively follow +1. I didn't expect that a love variety show could come up with so many interesting things. Teacher He and the director group understand the program effect.

Not only were all the audience stunned by the program group's operation, but even the three female guests on the scene were stunned.

Qiu Mengyun looked at He Hao standing beside her and said speechlessly: "Teacher He, is this what you call absolute fairness?"

He Hao nodded proudly: "Well! Just tell me, is it fair enough?"

The three female guests nodded in unison: "Fair, it is really fair and can't be fairer."

After such a change, the mood of the three female guests was relaxed. Anyway, all the people standing in front are substitutes, and those three guys can't choose the right one anyway.

In this way, they have nothing to worry about. After all, if only your group made the wrong choice, it might be embarrassing and shameful. But now that everyone has made the wrong choice, then under the mutual offset, doesn't it mean that everyone is not wrong!

He Hao did not continue to chat with them, but said to Wang Min on the side: "Minmin, it's time to start. Let's take our oldest brother Jinglong to choose first, and see who he will choose in the end."

Wang Min nodded and came to Xie Jinglong's side.

She first took off Xie Jinglong's headphones and whispered in her ear

Shi Dao: "Brother Long, I will take you through the game process now. During the game, if you think someone is your girlfriend, you can just hold her hand and stand aside."

Xie Jinglong nodded and said: "Okay, I understand."

After Xie Jinglong put on the headphones again, Wang Min took his arm and brought him to He Yunting, and handed a slender jade hand to his palm.

Xie Jinglong first gently held it, felt the size and thickness of the palm, and then let go of the hand.

"This is not it!" Xie Jinglong shook his head decisively, indicating that the owner of this hand was not the partner he was looking for.

Seeing that Xie Jinglong only took five or six seconds to deny the first substitute, He Yunting, who was standing opposite him, showed a smile on her face.

Wang Min didn't say much, and directly brought him to Chen Qingqing and handed the other hand to him.

Perhaps this girl's hand is somewhat similar to He Yunting's hand. After a simple handshake, Xie Jinglong did not immediately determine whether it was He Yunting's hand. He stretched out his fingers again and gently touched the girl's knuckles a few times. After about 30 seconds, Xie Jinglong shook his head again.

Seeing that Xie Jinglong successfully avoided the two smoke bombs in front and came to the last He Hao, all the audience became excited.

: Wow! It's finally Mr. He's turn to appear. Will he be picked in the first round?

: I don't think so. After all, Xie Jinglong and He Yunting have been in love for five years. He must be very familiar with He Yunting's hands, and Mr. He's big pig's hoof will definitely not be fooled.

: That's not certain. After all, these male guests don't know that the program team is cheating and replacing all the female guests with stand-ins. In the normal thinking of people, since the first two are not, then the latter one must be. Maybe he won't identify carefully at all and just pull Mr. He away.

: Impossible! Everyone has seen Xie Jinglong's performance just now. When he identified the first double, he only took 5 seconds to deny the other party's identity. Even if the second one took a little longer, it only took 30 seconds. This must be based on the fact that he knows He Yunting very well, so he can make the correct judgment so quickly. If the last one is also a girl, I think it is possible that he made a misjudgment without knowing it. Now the last one is Teacher He. I think Xie Jinglong will definitely not mistake Teacher He for his girlfriend.

: It makes sense. I also think that Brother Long is not such a careless person. He will definitely not take Teacher He away as his girlfriend.

: You don't have to be too mythical about Xie Jinglong. Maybe the first two were all his tricks?

In the expectant eyes of all the audience, Wang Min quickly placed He Hao's hand on Xie Jinglong's palm.

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