After Wang Min was about to bring Xia Tian over, He Hao took Fang Wenxuan's hand and walked towards Qiu Mengyun. Seeing He Hao reappearing in the same position as before, Fang Wenxuan asked in confusion: "Teacher He, shouldn't we go to the back row and stand with Sister Wenting and Brother Long who have finished the game? Why did you come here?" He Hao smiled bitterly and said: "Your game session is indeed over, but my tool career is not over yet. I have to wait until Xia Tian finishes the game before I can return to my original job." "You mean, you still have to stand here and pretend to be a female guest for Xia Tian to identify?" Fang Wenxuan asked incredulously. He Hao nodded: "Yes, that's what I mean."

Fang Wenxuan said a little depressed: "But, haven't you been chosen by me? Logically, no matter who I choose, I should take the other party to the next challenge. Now you continue to come here to pretend to be a female guest, isn't it not good? Isn't this a bit of a two-timing suspicion?"

Hearing Fang Wenxuan's complaints, He Hao was also a little broken. Good man, I was doing a good job as a host, and suddenly you pulled me over to become your love partner. I haven't even started to complain yet, but this guy is complaining.

He immediately retorted angrily: "Do you think I want to? Originally, I came here to make up the numbers. Who knew that you have such a unique taste that you chose me instead of two delicate girls."

Fang Wenxuan, who was originally a little dissatisfied, was immediately speechless by He Hao's words. What about the promise not to hit people in the face and not to expose their shortcomings when scolding them? Teacher He, this is a bit unkind. Why are you picking at my scars?

While the two were silent, Wang Min had already finished communicating with Xia Tian. At this moment, he was walking towards the first substitute guest with Xia Tian.

Looking at Xia Tian's figure getting closer and closer, Fang Wenxuan asked nervously: "Teacher He, what should we do if Xia Tian is chosen by you by chance like me?"

He Hao rolled his eyes and thought: Can't you think of something good? Why do you always think of these unreliable things? It's unlucky enough that this program can produce a weirdo like you. How can it gather all the dragons and phoenixes at the same time?

However, as a professional host, although he was very disdainful of Fang Wenxuan's performance in his heart, he didn't show it on his face at all.

He still smiled and said: "The situation you mentioned should not happen. After all, it is much more difficult to mistake a boy for a girl than to choose your girlfriend from a few strangers."

"I also know that the probability is very small. It's better to be safe than sorry! I mean, if he really chooses you, what should we do? How can the three of us get along? We can't go hand in hand to do those tasks specially prepared for couples, right? I just want to know, if this situation really happens, does your program team have any alternative plan?" Fang Wenxuan asked in a low voice.

He Hao, who was already in a bad mood, was even more upset at this moment. He said with an ugly face: "Listen to me clearly, there is no if, no if!"

Seeing He Hao's broken defense, the audience in the live broadcast room had already laughed.

: Oh my god! Fang Wenxuan and Teacher He, these two guys, are they trying to make me laugh to death and then inherit my Huabei? ”

:Fuck! What kind of explosive chat is this? What do you mean by three people holding hands to do a couple task together? Damn, I get goose bumps when I think of that scene.”

:Haha! I told you that Fang Wenxuan just chose Teacher He on purpose. Now it seems to be confirmed. He cares so much about whether Xia Tian will choose Teacher He. He is obviously jealous!

:You know what, looking at Fang Wenxuan’s worried little eyes just now, he really looks like a young wife who is worried about her husband cheating on her. ”

:I don’t know if Xia Tian is good enough. If he really chooses Teacher He, then this program can be renamed "Brothers’ Summer".

:I have a suggestion. If Xia Tian chooses Teacher He later, please ask the teacher in the backstage to give them a BGM. Just play the interlude "This Bow" of the Three Heroes of Peach Garden in the Three Kingdoms.

:Brother, are you a devil? How can you send voice? When you sing, the picture in my mind is about to overflow.


The fans in the live broadcast room discussed ten

There was a lot of joy, almost all of them were wondering whether Xia Tian would make the same mistake as Fang Wenxuan and take Teacher He away as his girlfriend.

But their idea was doomed to fail. Although Xia Tian didn't have much contact with Qiu Mengyun, he had already thought of a solution as early as the moment the host announced the program rules.

After coming to the first female guest, Wang Min just took the other party's hand, and before putting it in Xia Tian's palm, Xia Tian frowned and retracted his hand.

Seeing Xia Tian's reaction, the substitute guest standing opposite him was stunned.

What's going on? She, a girl, is not shy yet, so why is he shy?

What's more, her hand hasn't touched Xia Tian's hand at all. Could it be that this young handsome guy named Xia Tian knew that he had been in contact with his girlfriend Qiu Mengyun for too short a time and couldn't tell which one was Qiu Mengyun in this situation. In order to avoid the same dilemma as Fang Wenxuan just now, he chose to surrender?

"Sister Min, look. This... what should we do?" The substitute female guest looked at the host Wang Min standing next to her with a depressed face.

Not only was she looking at Wang Min, but even Fang Wenxuan and another substitute female guest were also looking at Wang Min at this moment, wanting to know how she was going to solve it.

Noticed that many audiences at the scene were also confused at this moment, all discussing why Xia Tianwu suddenly retracted his hand. Could it be that he was like those domineering novels, suffering from a very rare misogyny, and was allergic to other girls besides Qiu Mengyun?

Or did he have the ability to predict the future and knew that the girl standing opposite him was fake?

In fact, not only the audience was curious, but even Wang Min, the host, was also very curious at this moment. Want to know why Xia Tian did this.

She quickly took off the headphones on Xia Tian's head and asked with a smile: "Xia Tian, ​​do you remember the rules I just told you? Do you need me to read them to you again?"

Xia Tian shook his head: "No, I remember what you just said very clearly. If you need me to, I can help you memorize and write it down now."

Hearing Xia Tian's answer, Wang Min became more curious. She quickly asked: "Then can you tell us why you did this?"

Xia Tian smiled confidently: "The reason I did this is because I am very sure that the girl standing in front of me is not my girlfriend Qiu Mengyun. So, sister in front of you, don't blame your brother for being impolite. I really can't hold another girl's hand in front of my girlfriend. Even if I don't know in everyone's eyes, it won't work, because I can't deceive myself, let alone my heart."

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