After Wang Min finally asked the question everyone wanted to know, all the audience and guests turned their eyes to Xia Tian, ​​wondering if he was just guessing or if he had any tricks.

Faced with everyone's curious and expectant eyes, Xia Tian smiled and kept it a secret: "I think I'll answer this question after the game is over and I choose the person I want! Because I'm not sure now, I will definitely choose Meng Yun accurately in the end."

Hearing Xia Tian's answer, all the audience sighed in disappointment. Originally, I thought that the secret of Xia Tian's blind selection would be revealed soon, but now they are told to wait.

Wang Min didn't force him, and smiled and said, "Okay! In that case, let's continue to identify!"

Then, she helped Xia Tian put on the headphones again, and held his arm to the next substitute guest.

This time, before Wang Min walked over and took the hand of the substitute guest opposite, Xia Tian shook his head and said, "Change to the next one, this one is not Meng Yun either."

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience on the scene was boiling again.

Everyone started to discuss enthusiastically, speculating how Xia Tian recognized the other party's identity.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also noisy at this moment.

: Damn! I just left to take a look. This is indeed a live broadcast room of a variety show, not a movie or TV series. If I didn't know that this show was live, I almost thought I was watching a movie.

: This Xia Tian is something. This kind of scene that usually only appears in movies and TV dramas was actually performed by him in the live broadcast.

: Do you think that this Xia Tian will be like Fang Wenxuan just now, who actually knows nothing and is just gambling on luck? Perhaps, he guessed that the program team would not release Qiu Mengyun at the beginning, so he was so decisive in denying that the first two were not Qiu Mengyun.

: It is really possible. After all, if the identification is carried out according to the normal process, Xia Tian will undoubtedly suffer the most. He and Qiu Mengyun have only been together for a few days in total, and he is definitely not as familiar with the other two groups. Without knowing the situation of the other groups, it is reasonable for him to take a risk. After all, if he did not even have physical contact, he would directly select Qiu Mengyun blindly. That would undoubtedly become the most eye-catching performance today. Even if he failed in the end and failed to successfully select Qiu Mengyun. He can also shirk that it is more difficult to have no physical contact, and it is understandable that he accidentally overturned.

: Damn, what you said makes sense to me! Maybe Xia Tian has no unique secrets at all, he is just a simple gambler.

: Hahaha! Are you trying to say that there are no children crying every day, and no gamblers losing every day?

: Let's just wait and see. If he is really a gambler, he will probably get into trouble this time. Who made the program team so unkind to arrange Teacher He to appear in the third position?

: Tsk tsk tsk! I am already looking forward to the scene of Teacher He holding Xia Tian with his left hand and Fang Wenxuan with his right hand. It is so beautiful.

With the previous explanation, Wang Min did not ask why he rejected the other party directly this time, but simply took his arm and walked towards He Hao.

Seeing Xia Tian coming to his side, Fang Wenxuan said maliciously: "Teacher He, your fingers are a bit thick, not like a girl's hands. Otherwise, let me do it this time!"

He Hao looked at his hand, then at Fang Wenxuan's hand. Finally nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll give you this opportunity."

After getting He Hao's permission, Fang Wenxuan didn't wait for Wang Min to come over, and directly reached out to hold Xia Tian's hand.

He had already thought about it, and he must find a way to make Xia Tian make the wrong choice. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing if he was the only one who made the wrong choice. If Xia Tian could help him share the burden, the accusations and pressure against him would be much smaller.

Fang Wenxuan felt that he was invincible at this moment, with an extremely clear and flexible mind. He even thought of a good way to mislead Xia Tian in a very short time. After holding Xia Tian's hand, he secretly wrote on Xia Tian's palm with his fingers, telling him that he was Qiu Mengyun. He didn't believe that Xia Tian would still have the mind to consider other things after such a straightforward statement from himself.

It's just that ideals are full and reality is skinny. His self-proclaimed perfect plan was ruined before it was officially started.

The pressure was over.

Just when Fang Wenxuan's hand was about to touch Xia Tian, ​​Xia Tian quickly raised his arm to block it.

Then, in the confused eyes of Fang Wenxuan and all the audience, Xia Tian whispered: "Sorry, please make way."

After that, he walked straight to the position where Qiu Mengyun was, just like an ordinary person with normal vision.

"What... what's the situation? Why do I feel that his vision is not affected at all, as if he can see everything on the scene." Fang Wenxuan, who was pulled aside, looked at Xia Tian's figure leaving and said blankly.

This result was not only beyond Fang Wenxuan's expectations, but also the host He Hao who had been standing next to him.

Seeing that Xia Tian was about to walk in front of Qiu Mengyun, He Hao quickly took a step back and blocked Xia Tian.

At this time, he was extremely grateful that Xia Tian's eyes were covered and he was not walking fast. Otherwise, he would have given this level in vain.

Standing in front of Xia Tian, ​​He Hao also took the initiative to extend his hand and wanted to hold Xia Tian's hand.

Everyone looked at Xia Tian expectantly, wanting to see him pull Teacher He away without hesitation, just like he did with Fang Wenxuan just now.

Unfortunately, Xia Tian did not do what everyone wanted. When Teacher He's hand touched his hand, Xia Tian subconsciously stopped.

Moreover, when the two held hands together, Xia Tian did not immediately shake off Teacher He's hand. Instead, like Xie Jinglong before, he gently slid his fingers on the back of He Hao's hand a few times.

Seeing this scene, the audience at the scene all sighed with regret.

In their opinion, Xia Tian's performance was already good enough. Not only did he pass the two stand-in guests in front without contact, but he was also able to avoid the pit dug by Fang Wenxuan in time. It's a pity that he ran into Teacher He, such an unethical old man. Obviously, he had passed the test, but he still shamelessly ran over to make up the knife.

The audience in the live broadcast room also jumped out to speak up for Xia Tian.

: Damn, Teacher He is too much. He is not going to stop until Xia Tian cries!

: Yes, yes! He had just agreed that Fang Wenxuan would take the test instead of him this time. As a result, after Xia Tian passed Fang Wenxuan's test, he ran out to stop him. This is too shameless.

: Hey! I can already imagine Xia Tian's confused expression after taking off the blindfold. I can only say that Xia Tian should not cry, we are still honorable in defeat!

: Damn, our Mengyun is too difficult. It's hard to see the dawn of victory, but now it's all covered by Teacher He.

: I won't say anything. Although Xia Tian failed in this game. But just for what he said on the stage just now and his performance in the game, I decisively turned to a fan.

Whether it is the fans in the live broadcast room or the audience on the scene. Everyone's views at this moment are surprisingly consistent, that is, Xia Tian must have failed this time.

After all, he had always been very decisive in keeping his distance from the other party before, and he didn't even have any physical contact. Now, he not only allowed Teacher He to get close to him, but also didn't react after the two shook hands.

These abnormal behaviors made everyone feel that Xia Tian must have been played by the program team, and now he probably mistook Teacher He for Qiu Mengyun.

"Come on! Xia Tian, ​​come on! You must know that it wasn't me, right?" When the audience and guests were sighing for Xia Tian, ​​only Qiu Mengyun was still looking at Xia Tian with expectation, cheering him up in a low voice.

Even though she knew she couldn't hear her own cheering, even though she didn't care so much about winning or losing at this moment, she still did it. Because she didn't want Xia Tian to fight alone, she wanted to accompany him in this way.

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