Seeing Xia Tian in a dilemma, the host He Hao beside him not only had no intention of helping, but laughed and teased: "Xia brother, why don't you confess! It's normal for men to be more fickle and have more girlfriends. I believe that as long as you are with sister Mengyun and stop going out to play, she won't mind."

Qiu Mengyun also nodded in agreement: "Yes! As long as you confess the truth, I promise to forgive your past."

Xia Tian laughed in his heart: Humph! Go fool the devil, even children know that confessing will be lenient and jailed for life, and resisting will be strict and go home for the New Year.

"I swear, I've only had one love affair. If I lie, I'll never get married and end up alone..."

Xia Tian's oath was sonorous and powerful. Anyway, he didn't lie. He really only had one girlfriend in this life, Lin Wanqing. As for those bad peach blossoms in the previous life, what does that have to do with him? Those people are not in this world. Besides, even if the debts of love in the previous life are really counted on him, he is still not afraid. After all, he only swore that he couldn't get married in this life, but he didn't say that he wouldn't find a girlfriend. This didn't have much impact on him.

"Okay, stop talking. I believe you, isn't it?" Although Xia Tian didn't care, Qiu Mengyun didn't want him to finish his oath, so she interrupted him directly.

"Wow! Xia Tian, ​​you've only had one love affair in your life?" The host Wang Min asked in surprise when she saw Xia Tian's serious look.

Xia Tian nodded: "Of course, I swore in front of so many people, how can this be false?"

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Wang Min looked at him and praised him a few times, but she didn't say a word. But the look she gave Xia Tian was a little strange, and it was hard to tell whether it was pity or sympathy.

Even Teacher He on the side said with a look of grief: "Alas! It's really a waste of God's gift. If I had your height and looks, why would I be single today?"

Many fans who didn't know Xia Tian in the live broadcast room were also stunned by this answer. Many people questioned Xia Tian's words at the first time. They really couldn't believe that Xia Tian, ​​who looked so handsome, could have only had one girlfriend. Or the kind of love that didn't even have a fight.

: Brothers, I don't believe this wave, with Xia Tian's appearance and his talent in singing and composing, how could he have only had one relationship?

:I don't really believe it either. I think this must have been arranged by the agency before the show, in order to help him establish a simple and loyal personality.

:It's normal. This kind of thing is too common in the entertainment industry. Didn't the guy who was called the eternal god of the music industry always claim to be a pure boy? In the end, it was revealed that he not only had a child, but he didn't even want to recognize it.

:Humph! You haven't known him before, so why do you conclude that brother Xia Tian is lying? Maybe he is really a very pure boy and has only had one relationship since he was a child.

:Sisters, don't wash it. As a girl, I think it's impossible. To be honest, if there is a boy like Xia Tian in our school, who is not only tall and handsome but also so talented, I will be the first one to not let him go. Don't say he is pure, even if he is gay, I have to straighten him out.

:Hahaha! The lady above is too temperamental, but there is nothing wrong with what she said. Many people always think that boys are very lustful, but in fact, girls are often more lustful than boys. With Xia Tian's conditions, whether he wants to fall in love is not something he can decide at all.

: Don't guess, I am Xia Tian's schoolmate. I don't know what he was like in high school, but I can prove that he did only have one relationship during college. What you said is also correct. As the school grass of our school, many girls do like him, but they were all rejected by him.

: You can't control your lower body, don't think that everyone is as unbearable as you. If you don't believe it, you can go to our school forum and search for a post: The shame of the school grass world, the most loyal licking dog. This post describes in detail the emotional experience of Xia Tian and his ex-girlfriend. You will understand after reading it.

The testimony of two alumni in a row made the barrage in the live broadcast room quiet down. Not everyone believed what they said, but

Everyone went to the campus forum of Magic City University to search and read the post.

Seeing that everyone was teasing Xia Tian, ​​Qiu Mengyun couldn't stand it anymore: "Teacher He, that's enough! Others don't know, but I don't know? You have been single all the time, is it because of your height and appearance? Don't think that no one knows about your past gossips!"

"Ahem! Just kidding, I'm just curious, Xia Tian hasn't been in contact with so many girls, how did he develop this ability to smell a woman's scent?" Seeing that the war was about to burn to himself, He Hao very tactfully chose to change the subject.

His words successfully diverted everyone's attention. Even Qiu Meng looked at Xia Tian with curiosity: "Tell me, how did you develop this skill? Why did you develop this skill in the first place? How many times did you use it after you developed it?"

Xia Tian glared at He Hao with resentment, and then slowly explained: "This skill was actually developed unintentionally. It was not developed to identify the smell of women. Because our family is a martial arts family, I have been practicing martial arts with my grandfather since I was a child."

"It is said that medicine and martial arts are inseparable. While practicing martial arts, my grandfather often taught me some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. This keen sense of smell was developed in order to learn to identify medicines at that time."

After listening to Xia Tian's explanation, everyone's faces showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Only Xie Jinglong continued to ask like a curious baby: "Then you rely on this to identify women, it should be the first time, right? Why were you so sure before, aren't you afraid of making a mistake?"

Xia Tian smiled and shook his head: "Haha, in fact, it is much easier to identify women by smell than to identify medicinal materials. Because nowadays, most girls like to spray all kinds of perfumes on themselves before going out. The smell of these perfumes is much easier to distinguish than the smell of medicinal materials."

Chen Qingqing smiled charmingly: "So, brother Xia Tian, ​​you are very knowledgeable about perfumes? I don't know, based on your experience, which perfume is suitable for me, sister?"

Before Xia Tian answered, he felt a pain in his arm. He didn't need to look at him to know that it must be Qiu Mengyun who was secretly pinching him.

As expected of the top star in the circle, this acting is really amazing. In such a short time, he has been deeply involved in the role.

Xia Tian did not blame her. In his opinion, this was just an appropriate reaction made by Qiu Mengyun after she took on the identity of his girlfriend.

However, in order to save his arm from suffering, Xia Tian wisely avoided Chen Qingqing's seductive eyes.

He coughed lightly, took Qiu Mengyun's hand and said, "You really guessed wrong about this. In fact, I know nothing about perfume. The reason why I can find Mengyun by the smell of perfume is because I am very familiar with her perfume smell, and I am only familiar with this smell."

Qiu Mengyun was a little emotional when she saw Chen Qingqing flirting with Xia Tian. After hearing Xia Tian's answer, the resentment and unhappiness on her face disappeared instantly, just like snowflakes touching the sun.

Only a sweet smile was left, which stunned the audience watching the live broadcast.

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