The dish was so delicious that it was eaten in a big pot.

"Alas! If Mengyun didn't want to eat the stewed goose, I would have exchanged this tomato scrambled eggs for it no matter what." Seeing that several people were already getting a little impatient, Xia Tian immediately added fuel to the fire. Not only did he reveal his deep reluctance to this dish in his words, but his chopsticks were also not idle, and he took another bite and started eating.

Seeing that Xia Tian was sincere, several people finally couldn't hold back their curiosity and picked up the chopsticks in front of them.

Among the few people, He Yunting, who had just tasted Qiu Mengyun's cooking once, was undoubtedly the most curious. She really couldn't understand how someone's cooking skills could be so unstable and the gap was so big.

He Yunting picked up the chopsticks without any hesitation, and directly picked up a piece of egg and put it into her mouth.

Seeing that she started to eat first, the others stopped in tacit understanding, and then looked at her expectantly. They wanted to hear the most authentic evaluation of this dish from He Yunting.

As soon as the egg entered her mouth, He Yunting knew that she had been fooled. This was not a rare delicacy at all, but a dark dish that was even more unpalatable than the previous smashed cucumber.

However, this time she did not spit out the egg in her mouth immediately. She was very upset to be fooled twice in a row.

She was even more ashamed that she could not control her curiosity and took the lead in picking up the food.

So she immediately decided that such "excellent delicacies" should not be enjoyed by herself alone. Since Xia Tian could fool her and let her be fooled. Then she could continue to fool others, so that the rest of the people could also feel the extreme taste bud stimulation and experience the fear of being dominated by Qiu Mengyun.

After a short pause, He Yunting continued chewing with a calm face.

After slowly swallowing the egg in her mouth, she did not look at the others, but turned to look at Qiu Mengyun.

She exclaimed with surprise: "Wow! Mengyun, you are so amazing. I really didn't expect that such delicious food was made by you."

"To be honest, if I hadn't been there the whole time, I really wouldn't believe that this tomato scrambled eggs and the yellow flower just now were made by the same person."

When Xia Tian praised her just now, Qiu Mengyun was still a little surprised and doubtful, thinking that he might have said that deliberately to please her.

But at this moment, He Yunting, who had just complained about her bad cooking not long ago, also said so, which made her a little confused.

Although she was full of doubts, she was embarrassed not to reply when others praised her so much. She said awkwardly, "Sister Yunting, please stop praising me. I just made it casually. Speaking of which, I should apologize to you. If it weren't for my poor cooking skills, you wouldn't have been choked to tears just now."

He Yunting waved her hand nonchalantly, "Hey! That's all in the past. Let's not talk about it. I think it's worth all the suffering I've endured before to be able to eat your fried tomato and eggs."

"Besides, it's not your fault. It's my own poor vision. I missed such a delicious fried egg with soul and chose the smashed cucumber."

Under He Yunting's deliberate actions, the atmosphere between the two was extremely harmonious.

After seeing He Yunting's reaction, the others were more convinced of Xia Tian's words. After all, if Xia Tian was deceiving them, it was understandable because he was trying to save his girlfriend's face.

But if He Yunting lied to them, it didn't make sense at all! Everyone was a guest, and He Yunting was not familiar with Qiu Mengyun before, so there was no need to please her so much. What's more, it was He Yunting who said that the smashed cucumbers made by Qiu Mengyun were unpalatable.

The second person who couldn't hold back was He Yunting's boyfriend Xie Jinglong.

He is also a food lover. Not only does he like to cook, he also often takes He Yunting to various places to eat local famous food. However, he has been to so many star-rated hotels and has eaten many dishes cooked by big names in the industry. This is the first time he has seen He Yunting react so much to a dish and praise it so highly.

"Oh? Is it so delicious? I rarely hear Yunting praise other people's cooking skills. Let me try this dish called soul scrambled eggs. What is the magic?" Xie Jinglong said with a smile while picking up the dishes.

Seeing that her boyfriend was the first to jump into the pit, He Yunting kindly touched him with her arm, wanting to remind him to pick less.

But at this moment, Xie Jinglong was completely blinded by his strong curiosity and didn't notice He Yunting's little movements at all.

With the chopsticks, he picked up a large piece of tomato and egg.

"Ah! This..."

As soon as the food entered his mouth, Xie Jinglong found something wrong. But how could He Yunting, who had worked so hard to act for so long, watch him ruin her plan?

Just when Xie Jinglong was about to tell the truth, her hand under the table quickly twisted Xie Jinglong's thigh, instantly interrupting her words.


Xie Jinglong took a breath of cold air in pain.

Seeing his reaction, Fang Wenxuan and Chen Qingqing, who were about to pick up the food, immediately stopped their chopsticks and looked at him in confusion.

At this moment, Xie Jinglong had already understood the thoughts of his girlfriend He Yunting, and knew that he had almost been exposed.

So he quickly made amends: "This... Such an ordinary dish, how can it be so delicious? This is not scientific, is this really fried tomato and eggs?"

"Mengyun, you must teach me how to make this dish after the show. Don't keep it to yourself, I will make it for Yunting every day after I learn it."

Although he behaved a little abnormally when he didn't know at first. But after deciding to cooperate with his girlfriend to keep it a secret, Xie Jinglong's acting skills were instantly turned on. Not only were his expressions and tones very appropriate, but even the reasons were found so perfectly.

Seeing Xie Jinglong sincerely asking her for cooking skills, Qiu Mengyun said in a daze: "Uh! Actually, I don't remember it very clearly, but I will try my best to help you."

The two groups of viewers who had been arguing in the live broadcast room praised Qiu Mengyun's dishes after seeing that in addition to Xia Tian, ​​two other guests had tasted Qiu Mengyun's dishes. Those who praised Qiu Mengyun's good cooking skills instantly prevailed. Although those who questioned had reasons and evidence, everyone was more willing to believe what they saw with their own eyes.

: Hehe! What do you think? I will say that goddess Mengyun is a good wife and mother who can do both housework and cooking!

: Now there is nothing to criticize, right? When Xia Tian praised Qiu Mengyun's cooking skills, you said that they were in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. You must have said that deliberately to save her face. But now even He Yunting and Xie Jinglong said so. What else can you say?

: What are you talking about? Facts speak louder than words. Now the matter is clear. If Mengyun's cooking is not delicious, there is no reason for He Yunting to only complain about her cucumber and not tomato scrambled eggs. As for Xie Jinglong, as He Yunting's boyfriend, it is even more impossible for him to deliberately lie and say that Qiu Mengyun is a good cook.

: Wow! I envy them so much, they can eat the food made by Qiu Mengyun herself. Seeing them eating so happily, I really want to taste what kind of top-notch food it is that can make these stars who are used to eating delicacies praise it.

: Fuck, I envy them to death. Did Xia Gou save the Milky Way in his previous life? How could he be so lucky to find a girlfriend like Mengyun who is both beautiful and good at cooking?

: Woohoo! Brothers, I am really about to collapse. I guarantee with my twenty years of experience as a chef that it is absolutely impossible for Qiu Mengyun to cook any delicious food based on what she did just now. But in this situation, I am also a little confused. I really can't figure out why things are like this.

: Although they all boast that Qiu Mengyun's dishes are delicious, I really don't believe it unless I can eat a bite myself.

: Humph! Without further ado, I am the executive chef of a five-star hotel. I'll put it here, the tomato scrambled eggs made by Qiu Mengyun is really not that good. If she can make delicious food that everyone recognizes, it can only be said that her cooking skills are so advanced that she can establish a school of her own. This tomato scrambled eggs is a new school of dishes.


Seeing this scene, Chen Qingqing and Fang Wenxuan's doubts were completely dispelled.

Chen Qingqing picked up a small piece of egg with chopsticks and put it in her mouth, pretending to want to taste it slowly.

Fang Wenxuan put down his chopsticks because of Xie Jinglong's abnormality just now, and was pouring water to drink at this moment.

"Wow! No wonder everyone says that this dish should be called soul fried eggs. This is true, and it feels like the soul is trembling after taking a bite." Chen Qingqing, who noticed the abnormality, tacitly did not tell the truth.

Although she and Fang Wenxuan are both lovers and partners, she has no intention of helping him avoid pits. Since participating in the show, he has always acted on his own, making himself a laughing stock in the audience, and causing her to be laughed at.

What's more, when he knew that Qiu Mengyun's cooking was unpalatable, he still tried all kinds of reasons to push it to himself.

Now she felt sorry for herself if she didn't cheat that guy once.

Seeing that everyone was unanimous in praise, Fang Wenxuan had no doubt in Qiu Mengyun's cooking skills.

After putting down the cup in his hand, he directly picked up the soup spoon in front of him.

He scooped a full spoonful of tomatoes and eggs, and sent it to his mouth along with the soup.

Seeing his actions, the other guests who had already tried the taste couldn't help but twitch their faces twice.

He shouted in his heart: Good man, you are asking for trouble!

At this moment, Qiu Mengyun, under the continuous flattery of several people, had long ignored her real cooking skills. She really believed that the plate of tomato scrambled eggs she had just cooked was really delicious.

At this moment, seeing that the last guest Fang Wenxuan on the scene also began to taste the food he cooked by himself, he immediately asked impatiently: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

"Cough cough!"

As soon as the food entered his mouth, Fang Wenxuan couldn't help coughing.

Just when he looked at everyone angrily, ready to spit out the food in his mouth, and then questioned the others why they deliberately lied to him. But he happened to meet Qiu Mengyun's expectant eyes.

He could see that Qiu Mengyun was eager to be praised by him, so that she would be the only one who received praise from the audience.

With this thought in mind, Fang Wenxuan resisted the urge to vomit and swallowed the food in his mouth with great effort.

After eating the food, he quickly picked up the water cup on the table and took a gulp of water. Then he picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

After doing all this, he said in a low voice: "Well, it's delicious. It's more delicious than I expected. Eating your food even reminds me of my deceased grandmother."

"You haven't tasted this dish yourself, right? I suggest you try it immediately. This taste will definitely make you unforgettable for life. Finally, I strongly recommend that you eat it directly with a spoon like me. This will not only make it more enjoyable to eat, but also a much better experience."

After praising Qiu Mengyun's cooking skills against his will, Fang Wenxuan also revealed his true purpose.

He praised Qiu Mengyun, but not to curry favor with her. Anyway, because of Xia Tian's incident, the relationship between him and the other party has been like that, and there is no point in trying to please him.

The reason why he said this is that he wanted Qiu Mengyun to taste the dish she cooked. Let her also feel the pain and despair when she just ate this dish.

At the same time, let this woman remember that if you don't have talent, don't cook blindly, it will hurt others and yourself.

"Really? I didn't expect everyone to give such a high evaluation of my dish, then I must try it to see how delicious it is." Qiu Mengyun was very happy, picked up the spoon in front of her and was about to scoop up the plate of tomato scrambled eggs.

At this moment, several guests at the scene all looked at Xia Tian tacitly.

Want to see how he, the initiator of weaving this lie, would react when he learned that his girlfriend was about to jump into the pit?

Will he immediately tell the truth and stop her from eating such unpalatable food? Or will he find another excuse to forcefully change the subject in order to save Qiu Mengyun's face?

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Xia Tian gave them a kind smile in return.

Then he half leaned back on the chair, and looked at Qiu Mengyun lazily as she scooped up a spoonful of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and put it into her mouth.

He didn't say anything until Qiu Mengyun put the food into her mouth, and didn't even make a small move.

In fact, this guy had a very expectant expression, as if he wanted to see Qiu Mengyun embarrassed more than they did.

"Ah! Bah bah bah! What... what is this?"

Qiu Mengyun, who was full of joy, was about to enjoy the food she cooked by herself, and she had no psychological preparation for the taste of the food.

So after chewing a bite, her face changed immediately, and she spit all the food that had just been put into her mouth into the trash can. Even until this moment, she was still a little confused, and didn't understand what happened? Why did everyone eat the same dish, but others ate a rare delicacy, but it suddenly became so unpalatable in her mouth?

"Are you sure this is the soul scrambled eggs that you just praised to the sky?" Qiu Mengyun asked depressedly and aggrieved.



"Mengyun, this is called good and evil will be rewarded in the end."

"Mengyun, how do you feel? Now you understand how it feels to be tortured by your food twice in a row, right?"

"Okay, drink some water and rinse your mouth!"

Seeing Qiu Mengyun's puzzled expression, everyone couldn't help it anymore and laughed wildly.

"What's going on? It seems that you lied to me just now. You teamed up to act for me?" Qiu Mengyun also understood what was going on, and said with a black face.

He Yunting smiled and said, "Hehe! Mengyun, you can't blame us for this. If you want to blame someone, blame your boyfriend Xia Tian. He started this thing. If he didn't want to

If we were fooled together, no one would continue to act, and you wouldn't be fooled either!"

Seeing Qiu Mengyun looking at him, Xia Tian hurriedly shook his head and said, "Don't look at me, you can't blame me for this! I wanted to tease them, but who knew that you would be fooled in the end. You should be very clear about your cooking skills, how could you be fooled?"

Xia Tian looked innocent and directly threw the responsibility to Qiu Mengyun.

"Humph! What do you mean, are you mocking me for not knowing my own weight? "Qiu Mengyun, who was depressed, immediately chose to vent her anger on Xia Tian.

At this moment, not only was Qiu Mengyun caught off guard by this sudden change, but the audience in the live broadcast room was also dumbfounded.

: Damn! This is too outrageous, it's all fake after all this time, I've been bragging for so long and it's all for nothing!

: Shameless, so shameless. These guys are actually all acting, they are not trying to deceive Qiu Mengyun, they are clearly deceiving all of us.

: If Xia Tian was just a spoof when he first lied, I would believe it. After all, his lies were too outrageous, and Qiu Mengyun was embarrassed to hear them. But the guys behind them definitely acted and deceived people in order to attract more people. But what did we, the audience, do wrong? Why did they deceive us too?

: Damn it! Is this a serious love show? How come they turned a simple cooking exchange into an acting competition?

: Haha! If anyone dares to say that their acting is bad in the future, I will be the first to disagree.

: Hahaha! Now you are convinced, I have said it long ago that the thing Qiu Mengyun cooked cannot be delicious.

: Liars, a bunch of liars! Isn’t this just a copy of the emperor’s new clothes and the emperor’s new dishes! They are simply treating everyone as fools, which is too much.

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