After the wedding, the two of them finally met.

Xia Tian answered truthfully: "It's normal that you don't know. It was the night before your concert."

Hearing Xia Tian's answer, Qiu Mengyun laughed angrily: "Good for you. It turns out that you just broke up when you confessed to me. It seems that you lied when you confessed to me that you liked me. The real purpose was to let me help you through the emotional window period, right?"

Xia Tian laughed: "How could it be, although I did confess to you right after we broke up. But I am serious about saying that I like you. After all, you are not only beautiful, but also sing so well. The most important thing is that you are not only a national goddess, but also so good at making money. How many men in this world don't like you?"

Listening to Xia Tian's previous compliments, Qiu Mengyun was still quite happy. After all, no matter how a woman looks, it is a very happy thing to hear others praise her for her beauty. But when she heard Xia Tian say that she was good at making money, her face turned ugly again: "Humph! You have a good plan, I think you are about to graduate, and you want to find a long-term meal ticket for yourself, right?"

Xia Tian, ​​whose thoughts were exposed, smiled awkwardly: "Ahem, you can't say that, I just like you simply. Don't disbelieve me, I'm telling the truth. After experiencing a failed relationship, I understand what it means: young people don't know how good their sisters are, and mistakenly treat girls as treasures."

"Bah! Liar, I don't want to be your good sister, you should go find your good sister!" Qiu Mengyun replied angrily and hung up the call.

Looking at the call that had been disconnected on the phone, Xia Tian smiled and shook his head: "Haha, what's wrong with this woman? She's obviously 26 years old, but she's still like a little girl. This is too funny."

In the office, Li Lu looked at Qiu Mengyun who was still staring at the phone and sulking and joked: "Mengyun, I think something is wrong with you. Why do I feel that you are not angry with Xia Tian, ​​but jealous?"

"Sister Lu, what are you talking about? He and I are innocent and there is nothing wrong. How could I be jealous of someone like Xia Tian?" Hearing Li Lu's ridicule, Qiu Mengyun quickly shook her head and refuted.

Li Lu smiled and said: "Haha, there is indeed nothing between you two on the surface. But I don't know whether you have any thoughts about him in your heart."

"Hmph! I think you are too idle. It seems that I should suggest to the leader that you manage more artists." Qiu Mengyun threatened with a fake smile.

"No, Mengyun, you can't do this. I'm busy enough dealing with your affairs every day. If you add more artists to me, I really won't have time to rest and go shopping. You don't want to go out one day without someone to eat and go shopping with you, right?" Hearing Qiu Mengyun's threat, Li Lu quickly admitted her weakness and begged for mercy.

"You know what's good for you. Go out quickly. I'm going back to rest." Qiu Mengyun waved her hand and sent Li Lu out.

After being defeated by Xia Tian, ​​Qiu Mengyun was not in the mood to stay in the company anymore, so she packed up and went home to rest.

After returning to her mansion, Qiu Mengyun leaned on the sofa and started playing the mobile game King of Glory. However, her game level was really average. She played three games in a row, but she didn't win a single game. It wasn't until the fourth game that she encountered a very powerful wild king, and he finally saw the dawn of victory.

Soon they began to push in the middle, and the five opponents also came to defend in a group. Just as she was controlling Xiao Luban to output crazily, a phone number suddenly popped up on the phone screen.

"Oh! Who is it? It's so annoying. Why are you calling when we are in a team fight?" Qiu Mengyun complained very dissatisfiedly, and immediately hung up the phone with a swipe.

But just a few seconds after she hung up, before the phone could restore the network, a new call came in again.

"It's not over yet, are you going to let people play the game?" At this moment, Qiu Mengyun was on the verge of collapse. She was originally going to hang up the phone again, but when her hand was about to swipe the hang-up button, she saw the note of the incoming call number clearly: Mom.

After seeing the note of the incoming call number, Qiu Mengyun shuddered all over. The whole person's consciousness immediately returned to a sober state from the brink of violence just now. At this moment, she no longer cared about the game and the loss of the team battle, and answered without hesitation.

The call was connected.

"Hello! Mom, why did you think of calling me? I was just thinking about you and was about to call you. I didn't expect that we are so in tune with each other. I haven't finished dialing the number here, and you called me." Qiu Mengyun, who answered the phone, seemed to have changed into a different person. She was no longer cold and arrogant as before, and her tone was indescribably flattering and fawning.

"Okay, you should save this trick to deal with your old father, and don't act in front of me. If I don't call you, I'm afraid you won't remember to call me for a year." Qiu's mother knew her daughter too well and was not affected by her sugar-coated bullets.

Seeing that acting cute and coquettish was useless, Qiu Mengyun had no choice but to say helplessly: "Dear mother, I wonder if you called me today to tell me something?"

Mother Qiu said unhappily: "Hmph! You still have the nerve to ask me what's the matter? I'm planning to call you, what's the matter, don't you know it yourself? Don't tell me that you forgot our previous agreement."

Qiu Mengyun asked blankly: "Agreement? What agreement? Why don't I remember any agreement between us?"

"Haha, it seems that you really forgot it. I said that the date is coming soon, why don't you react at all. It's all because your father indulged you too much before. It seems that I should take care of your affairs in the future." Seeing that Qiu Mengyun didn't know anything, the tone of Qiu's mother's voice became a little colder.

Qiu Mengyun cautiously probed: "Mom, I've been busy with the concert recently and haven't had a good rest. Otherwise, you can remind me and I will definitely remember it."

"Then do you remember that I asked you to quit the entertainment industry a few years ago, but you disagreed. At that time, we promised you to stay in the entertainment industry with conditions, and you agreed at the time. You wouldn't have forgotten it a long time ago?" Qiu's mother said coldly.

After Qiu's mother's reminder, Qiu Mengyun finally remembered what her mother said.

When she was 22 years old, her mother wanted her to quit the entertainment industry and return to her own company to learn how to manage the company. In addition to helping her parents share the pressure, she can also go on blind dates from time to time and find a suitable partner as soon as possible. However, Qiu Mengyun has no interest in managing the company at all. Moreover, she was in the rising period of her career at that time, so she strongly opposed her mother's proposal.

Finally, seeing her firm attitude, Qiu's mother finally agreed to let her stay in the entertainment industry after her father's plea. But the condition is that she can't just focus on developing her career, but also has to solve her lifelong affairs as soon as possible.

After Qiu Mengyun and Qiu's father fought hard, the agreed time was four years. In other words, before Qiu Mengyun's 26th birthday, she must find a boyfriend to complete the single life. Otherwise, Qiu Mengyun not only needs to quit the entertainment industry, but also has to go home and go on a blind date arranged by her mother.

Thinking of this, Qiu Mengyun had a headache. Now it's less than a month away from her 26th birthday. In such a short time, where can she find a boyfriend?

Although she was already at a loss of what to do, Qiu Mengyun still tried her best to comfort her mother: "Mom, so this is what you are talking about! Don't worry, how could I not take your instructions seriously? In the past few years, I have been paying attention to the excellent and suitable boys around me. I have added several on WeChat alone. I am really serious."

Qiu's mother ignored her empty promise and asked: "Don't tell me these useless things, just get to the point. Have you found a boyfriend? If so, when can you bring him back and show him to me? If not, If so, is there a suitable target? Can you find one before your birthday at the end of the month? "

Faced with her mother's relentless pressure, Qiu Mengyun had to bite the bullet and agreed: "Don't worry, Mom, I have found a suitable candidate. We have already started trying to get along, but we haven't been together for a long time, so I didn't tell you. I will definitely bring him to see you on my birthday at the end of the month."

"Okay, that's what you said! If you can't see your boyfriend by then, don't blame me for being ruthless and bringing you back for a blind date." After getting a satisfactory answer, Qiu's mother gave a few instructions and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Mengyun was no longer in the mood to play games. She began to worry about her boyfriend. There were only 20 days left. Where could she find a reliable boyfriend? This thing is not a part-time job. There are plenty of suitable ones just by waving your hand.

"Huh? Yes, since I really can't find one, why don't I find a fake one to deal with the current situation? "Qiu Mengyun

A flash of inspiration suddenly occurred to her, and she suddenly thought of a good way to get through the crisis.

"But who should I ask to pretend? I can't ask someone unfamiliar or unreliable, otherwise the other party will take the opportunity to make the fake play real, and I will suffer a great loss."

While thinking, Xia Tian's figure suddenly appeared in Qiu Mengyun's mind.

"Bah! How could I think of that shameless guy? He is a big liar and not reliable at all."

Although she said so, she still subconsciously dialed Xia Tian's WeChat call.

"Humph! This guy cheated me before, and it is only natural for me to ask him for help now. The reason why I don't ask others is that I am afraid of troubling others."

Before the call was connected, she kept making excuses to convince herself.

"Hey! Miss Mengyun, why did you think of calling me at this late hour when you are not sleeping? Could it be that you missed me after just a while?" After the call was connected, Xia Tian's lazy voice came over.

"Bah! You shameless guy, stop being so sentimental. Who would miss you? I'm calling you now because I have something important to talk to you about." Qiu Mengyun spat.

"Oh? Big star Qiu, what business can you have with a college student like me who hasn't graduated yet?" Xia Tian asked curiously.

Qiu Mengyun cleared her throat and finally mustered up the courage to say, "Xia Tian, ​​can you be my boyfriend?"

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