The two of them were in a mess, but they were still together.

"Don't, don't hang up. I said it's not okay!" Hearing Qiu Mengyun's threat, Xia Tian decisively chose to admit defeat. Although he didn't think Qiu Mengyun would really give up finding a fake boyfriend to deceive her parents, he really didn't dare to gamble. After all, his situation was much more urgent than Qiu Mengyun's. It would be fine if she just dragged it out for a day or two, but he couldn't afford to drag it out.

Seeing that Xia Tian really admitted defeat, Qiu Mengyun felt so relieved. She said happily: "Well, tell me what happened. Why did you suddenly agree to pretend to be my boyfriend again? What are you thinking?" Xia Tian sighed: "Hey! I can't help it. My grandpa is sick and hospitalized. He will have surgery tomorrow. I came here from school to see him today. But I accidentally told him about my breakup. After he learned about my breakup, he felt that it would be a long time before he could have a great-grandson. So now he is very depressed. The doctor said that his mentality would affect the success rate of the surgery and the recovery after the surgery. In order not to worry him, I lied to him and said that I found a girlfriend again. So, I want you to come to Zhengcheng and meet him as my girlfriend before his surgery. Let him be happy and then have the surgery with peace of mind." "I was wondering why your attitude suddenly changed so much. It turned out to be to make your grandpa happy! I didn't see that you are quite filial." Qiu Mengyun muttered while eating fruit. "So have you agreed? Don't worry, after you help me deal with grandpa, I will definitely help you deal with your parents' urging for marriage." Xia Tian asked impatiently.

"Hey, don't worry, I didn't say I agreed to you." Qiu Mengyun smiled mischievously.

Hearing Qiu Mengyun's refusal again, Xia Tian said depressedly: "Why don't you agree? Didn't you bring it up first? Now we both need someone to pretend to be each other's lovers. Isn't it just right for you to cooperate with me?"

Qiu Mengyun smiled and said: "Hehe, our situations are different. You are already in a hurry, and I still have nearly a month. Even if I don't ask you to cooperate, I have time to find someone else to pretend to be my boyfriend. So now it's obvious that you need me, why should I agree to you, what's the benefit for me?"

Although it was expected, Xia Tian still hated Qiu Mengyun's price when he heard that he was going to raise the price. He gritted his teeth and asked, "What are your conditions? What do you want me to do to agree to my request? Just tell me!"

Qiu Mengyun thought for a moment before speaking, "Well, after I help you this time, you need to help me deal with my parents' urging for marriage, needless to say! Also, after we reach a cooperation agreement, I will be your girlfriend. Although it's just a fake, it barely meets the conditions you proposed at the beginning, so you have to sign a contract with our company. In addition, the monthly salary of 30,000 yuan that I promised you before will be cancelled, and you have to hand over your monthly salary to me after signing the contract with the company. That's all for now. If I think of it again in the future, I will add more."

Listening to the unequal treaties proposed by Qiu Mengyun, Xia Tian's face became darker and darker. He said angrily: "Qiu Mengyun, are you crazy? Even if I need your help, you can't offer such an excessive condition! Let alone asking me to help you deal with the pressure to get married, that's what I should do. You also use this to threaten me to join your company. The most excessive thing is that not only did you cancel the previous 30,000 yuan, but you also asked me to hand over my future salary. You are not looking for cooperation with me, you are clearly trying to get me for free."

Qiu Mengyun said nonchalantly: "Whatever you think, my conditions are like this. Think about it yourself, whether you want to cooperate with me or not "Xia Tian said angrily: "Humph! Dream on, I would rather not have such an excessive cooperation. Don't think that I really have to have you, although I can't compare to you, a big star, who has so many people like me. But I still have some schoolgirls who like me in school. At worst, I can pay to find a schoolgirl to help me play this drama. "

"Really? Since Mr. Xia has made a decision, there is nothing to talk about between us. I'll hang up the phone first, and we won't contact each other again in the future. "Faced with Xia Tian's counterattack, Qiu Mengyun was not afraid at all. Because she was sure that Xia Tian would definitely not ask those so-called schoolgirls for help, otherwise, with Xia Tian's temper, he would not ask for help at all.

Will call me and say something nice.

"Uh! Don't hang up yet, I think we can discuss this matter again. After all, you were able to call me yesterday, which means that I am definitely the best candidate for your current situation. Since we both need each other's help, there is no need to lock the conditions so tightly, everything can be discussed."

Seeing that Qiu Mengyun did not take his threats at all, Xia Tian had no choice but to give in again. He really didn't want to agree to the conditions proposed by Qiu Mengyun. But there was no way, who made him say that the girlfriend he found was older than him. If he asked a school girl to come and deal with it, it would be easy to be exposed. Besides, those school girls who like him are easy to find to help, but it is difficult to send them away. When I was dating Lin Wanqing before, those girls often ran to me to show their courtesy. If I give them the opportunity to meet my parents, they might directly take over the magpie's nest and make it real. At that time, I would be afraid to tell my family the truth immediately, and it would be a big loss if I lost myself.

Seeing that Xia Tian, ​​who was so tough before, was controlled by me so quickly. Qiu Mengyun smiled proudly and said, "Haha! You are smart, since you said so, I will give you another chance to talk. Tell me, which condition are you not satisfied with, I can help you relax it appropriately."

Xia Tian: "First of all, can the condition of signing with your company be removed? Anyway, this company is not yours, and how much money you make has nothing to do with you. You don't have to help the company squeeze me, right? You have been in the industry for so many years, you should understand that if a newcomer like me who has no reputation really signs a contract with a company, the contract content must be poor treatment and more restrictions. I don't want to sell my youth for the next few years just after graduation and become a bound bird."

"Who said it has nothing to do with me, this company is originally..." When Qiu Mengyun was halfway through, he realized that he seemed to have said a little too much, and quickly shut up.

Xia Tian asked in confusion: "What's wrong with the company? What does the company's profit have to do with you?"

Qiu Mengyun: "Well, it's nothing, I also own a small share of this company. If the company makes money, it means I make money, so the contract with the company cannot be changed."

Xia Tian: "You are a small shareholder, even if the company makes money, how much can you get? Besides, I didn't graduate from music or film and television majors, I'm just a newbie, why do you have to sign me?"

Seeing Xia Tian's resistance to signing, Qiu Mengyun's tone softened: "Xia Tian, ​​how about this! I don't ask you to sign a contract, but you can go to the company to see the contract terms they offer you. If you think it's relatively relaxed and free, and the treatment is relatively generous, then you can sign it. However, if their The content of the contract is quite harsh, so you have the right to refuse to sign it, okay! "

Xia Tian asked vigilantly: "You said nothing. What kind of contract is considered loose and free, and what kind of contract is considered harsh? There is no standard at all. What if you insist that the content of the contract is already very good and force me to sign it? "

Qiu Mengyun smiled and said: "Don't worry about this. I can assure you that if the contract you sign is not two levels better than the ordinary contract on the market, then you have the right to refuse to sign it. "

"Okay, then we have a deal, and we can't regret it. But I have a request, that is, the signing of the contract must be put off until next month. This month I have to be busy with graduation. "After thinking for a while, Xia Tian agreed, but he also kept a backhand for himself. He believed that with this month, relying on the songs in his memory of his previous life, plus the popularity at Qiu Mengyun's concert before, he would definitely make his fame and popularity change dramatically. At that time, his commercial value would be improved, and the level of the contract he signed would naturally be improved. He didn't believe that if his contract level reached B level, Qiu Mengyun's company would be willing to sign him with an S contract. After all, no matter which entertainment company, if you want to give an S-level contract, the entire management needs to hold a meeting to discuss it.

"No problem, I can promise you this." Qiu Mengyun agreed without any hesitation. Although she didn't know why Xia Tian deliberately delayed time, she was confident that no matter what Xia Tian did, the final result would not change.

Hearing Qiu Mengyun's agreement, Xia Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Then he continued: "Then let's discuss other unreasonable things. You promised me 30,000 yuan before, and since you regret it, I don't want it. But, I have to work in the future.

Can I not turn over my salary? After all, I just graduated and don’t have much savings. If I turn over all my salary to you, how can I live? I can’t keep asking my family for money after graduation, right? "

Qiu Mengyun laughed and said, "Haha! So you are worried that you will starve me? You don’t have to worry about this. I will give you 5,000 yuan pocket money every month in the future. I will never starve you."

Seeing that Qiu Mengyun was unwilling to give in, Xia Tian said depressedly, "I say, beautiful Qiu, you are such a big star, you should not be short of my little money, right? Why do you have to starve to my little salary?"

Qiu Mengyun said proudly, "It’s different. I don’t need your little money. But since you are going to play my boyfriend in the future, I will naturally ask you to meet the standards of a boyfriend. As a boyfriend, turning over your salary is not a matter of course!"

"When you become my wife, come and talk to me about turning over your salary card! "Although Xia Tian had already prepared to develop a side business, and didn't care much about the salary after signing with Qiu Mengyun's company, he still refused the condition of handing over the salary.

"Humph! If you don't want to give it, then don't give it. Who do you think cares about your little salary? I don't want to be your wife." Qiu Mengyun muttered dissatisfiedly.

Xia Tian: "Since everything has been negotiated, then you should hurry over. My grandfather is in an emergency."

Qiu Mengyun: "Then send me a seat, I will book a flight to fly over in a while."

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