In the private room of Genting Hotel.

Looking at the magnificent decoration of the hotel, Xia Tian asked curiously: "Qingshan, what's wrong with you, did you win the lottery? Otherwise, why would you suddenly be so generous today and take us to Genting Hotel for dinner."

Chen Shaojie also He smiled and joked: "Tell us the truth, are you going to graduate soon so you stop pretending and are you ready to tell us your identity as a rich second generation?"

Li Qingshan smiled and said: "You two should stop I joked that my family is at most an ordinary well-off family, and has nothing to do with the second generation of the rich. The reason why I am so generous this time is because I am about to graduate. I thought that I would take advantage of this time. It's our birthday, so let's have a good reunion, otherwise we won't know when we'll be able to sit together and drink again after graduation."

Hearing Li Qingshan talking about graduating and going our separate ways, The atmosphere suddenly became dull.

Sun Wenjun, the fourth in the dormitory, also sighed, "Alas! Time flies so fast. It seems like what happened when we entered school happened yesterday. But in the blink of an eye, we are about to graduate. From now on, this kind of There will never be a life without worries or pressure again. What awaits us are all kinds of disasters in life. "

Seeing that everyone was in a low mood, Xia Tian smiled and said, "What are you doing? Everyone is so sad. Don't forget, we are here today to celebrate Qingshan's birthday. With your expressions, people who don't know would think we are celebrating his anniversary. "

"Get lost now You, you just celebrated your anniversary." Li Qingshan retorted to Xia Tian unhappily.

Chen Shaojie also calmed down and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about these unhappy things. It's better to think about it. What are we going to eat later? Since this guy dared to bring us here today, we have to give him a good meal no matter what. "

"Yes, yes, yes! Where's the menu? Bring it over quickly. I want to order." Sun Wenjun also echoed.

"Uh! There's no rush to order. Let's wait a while before ordering. Everyone hasn't arrived yet." Li Qingshan said awkwardly when he heard them say they were going to start ordering.

Xia Tian smiled and teased: "Haha, You said you wanted to have a good time with your brothers, but I knew you had ulterior motives. Tell me who this distinguished guest is who made you spend so much money on him. "

"Lanlan, Wanqing, Yanping , come here quickly, this is the private room. "

Before Li Qingshan could answer, a gentle female voice came from the door of the room.

"Xiaoyun, why are you so confused? We are about to graduate, why did you agree to Li Qingshan's What about the guy's pursuit? Every year when we graduate, it is the peak period for couples to break up. After entering the workplace, we will come into contact with the real social elites. Why are you so reluctant to agree to him at this time? "Several Before the girl entered the room, Liu Yanping's annoying voice came into the room.

After hearing her words, the smile on Li Qingshan's face became much stiffer. However, in order to save face for his girlfriend Fang Xiaoyun, he pretended to be calm and opened the door with a smile to welcome the girls.

"Xiaoyun, you are here! Come in quickly, I am waiting for you to come over I'm ordering food."

Fang Xiaoyun smiled and nodded at Li Qingshan: "Qingshan, will it affect your dinner if I bring my roommates here?"

Li Qingshan smiled heartily: "It's okay, we all know each other anyway, so we are not strangers." When they sat down, Fang Xiaoyun naturally sat next to Li Qingshan. As soon as Lin Wanqing entered the room, her eyes stayed on Xia Tian. Seeing Xia Tian sitting at the edge, she quietly pulled Liu Yanping's sleeve. , and asked the other party to make way for her and sit next to Xia Tian.

Xia Tian didn't take Lin Wanqing's arrival seriously. After she entered the door, she chatted with Chen Shaojie beside her without looking away. There was no extra glance. It was as if he didn't even see them coming in.

While the girls were ordering food, Li Qingshan pulled Fang Xiaoyun's sleeve and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you tell me that you were only bringing Lanlan here? Why did you bring the other two people from your dormitory as well? "

Fang Xiaoyun apologized: "I'm sorry! I originally wanted to bring only Lanlan here, but they stayed in the dormitory all day. When we set out, Liu Yanping asked where we were going.

I mentioned that I would help you celebrate your birthday. Who knew that Lin Wanqing would insist on coming over when she heard that your dormitory was celebrating your birthday together. I thought that we were all roommates in the same dormitory, and she was also the girlfriend of Xia Tian from your dormitory, so it was difficult to refuse her and I just brought her over. "

"But don't worry, Qingshan, there are the same number of people coming from our two dormitories this time. I won't let you suffer a loss. When we pay the bill later, we will go AA. You are responsible for inviting the brothers in your dormitory, and I will be responsible for the girls in our dormitory."

Li Qingshan knew that Fang Xiaoyun had just returned from internship, and she must have some extra money in her hand. But what he cared about was not how much this meal would cost. He secretly glanced at Xia Tian and Lin Wanqing who were in an awkward atmosphere in the corner, and whispered to Fang Xiaoyun: "Xiaoyun, don't mention the AA thing. I don't care about having two more people for dinner. The main reason is that the two people you brought today are not very suitable. You just came back from internship and you may not know that Xia Tian and Lin Wanqing have broken up. "

"Ah? Is it true? When did it happen?" Fang Xiaoyun asked in astonishment. She really didn't expect that Xia Tian and Lin Wanqing actually broke up.

"It happened a few days ago."

"Alas! Xia Tian has paid so much for Wanqing, but I didn't expect that the two of them couldn't get together in the end. I really don't know what Wanqing is thinking. With a boyfriend as handsome as Xia Tian who treats her so well, what else can she be dissatisfied with? Why must she break up?" Fang Xiaoyun said regretfully.

Li Qingshan leaned over to her ear and whispered, "You are wrong. This time it was Xia Tian who took the initiative to break up. I heard that Lin Wanqing looked for Xia Tian several times and wanted to get back together with him. But all of them were sternly rejected by Xia Tian. I guess he is determined to break up with Lin Wanqing this time. Otherwise, with Lin Wanqing's personality, how could she take the initiative to rush to attend my birthday party with you."

Seeing that Li Qingshan had been whispering with Fang Xiaoyun since she entered the door, Chen Shaojie couldn't help but interrupt and said, "Hey! Qingshan, shouldn't you introduce us? You can't always follow Brother Tian and do everything before reporting to him! "

Seeing everyone's eyes looking at him, Li Qingshan stood up and said with a smile: "Hehe! Since you all saw it, I won't hide it. The beautiful and gentle girl Fang Xiaoyun next to me is my girlfriend. "

"How about being envious? You two single dogs can be envious and jealous. The poor guy who can't get rid of singleness for four years in college is probably destined to live alone in the future. "

After the introduction, he didn't forget to attack his two bad friends in the dormitory.

"You kid is too much! I can see that you are here for this birthday party today to kill people and hurt their hearts. I warn you not to go too far, otherwise we will tell all your black materials to my sister-in-law. "Chen Shaojie threatened sinisterly.

"Tsk! Do you think I'm afraid of you? I confessed my past black history on the first day of my official relationship with Xiaoyun. "

As the few people were talking and laughing, the atmosphere in the box gradually became lively. Everyone also consciously ignored Xia Tian and Lin Wanqing, the former couple, and focused on Li Qingshan and Fang Xiaoyun.

Soon, the waiter brought the dishes they had just ordered.

"Come on, Xiaoyun, try this king crab, it tastes quite good."

As soon as the food was served, Li Qingshan began to show his courtesy to Fang Xiaoyun beside him.


"Can you two pay attention to the impact? There are so many people here."

"That's too much. We haven't even started eating yet, and the dog food is almost full."

"Great Sage, please put away your magical powers and spare us single dogs a way out?"

Looking at the two people showing off their love in a high-profile manner, the people in the venue began to tease and make a fuss.

"Xia Tian, ​​I remember that you love shrimp the most. I just peeled it. Eat it quickly. I will continue to peel it for you after you finish eating. "

Just when everyone was laughing and teasing Li Qing and Fang Xiaoyun, a cold female voice sounded, and the atmosphere in the box instantly dropped to the freezing point.

The original laughter and joy disappeared the moment Lin Wanqing finished speaking, and everyone looked in the direction of the two of them. When looking at Xia Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and expectation. They wanted to know, facing Lin Wanqing's humble flattery, facing this girl he had liked for four years, what would Xia Tian do? In the end, would he refuse coldly as usual, or would he be moved by the other party's tenderness and change his mind from then on.

Noticing that everyone's eyes were all focused on him, Xia Tian refused indifferently: "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't need it. I have my own hands, if I want to eat

If I don't, I can peel it myself, and I'm not used to eating food that has been touched by other people's hands. "

Although Xia Tian's tone was relatively calm, his words were extremely cold. For a proud girl like Lin Wanqing, being able to peel shrimp for Xia Tian today can be said to have reached her limit. But Xia Tian's response was not to give her any face. He directly rejected her kindness in front of everyone. He didn't even want to keep the shrimp that had been put in his bowl, and directly picked up the serving chopsticks and put it back in Lin Wanqing's bowl.

Staring at the shrimp in her bowl that she had just peeled with great effort, Lin Wanqing's tears flowed down. Thinking back to the four years she had been with Xia Tian, ​​when did Xia Tian not help him peel shrimp and serve her when they went out to eat? Although Xia Tian himself loved shrimp, he would always wait until Lin Wanqing was full before he started to take care of his five Dirty temple. In the past, she would not even peel shrimp for Xia Tian herself. Even sometimes when she was full, she would pick up the shrimp peeled by Xia Tian and give it to Xia Tian again, which would make him happy for a while. But now, Xia Tian is still the same Xia Tian, ​​but the person who is willing to peel shrimp for her and pay attention to her feelings can no longer be found.

Lin Wanqing did not wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, but let them slide down her cheeks. While she was crying, she smiled and picked up the chopsticks in front of her, picked up the shrimp that Xia Tian had just returned and put it into her mouth. She ate very slowly, chewing in very small bites, as if what she was eating at this moment was not the delicious prawns, but the bitter fruit of regret that she had planted with her own hands.

"Do you have anything else you want to eat, or I'll ask someone to add more soup! "Seeing the strange silence at the scene, Li Qingshan, the protagonist, came out to smooth things over.

But before anyone could say anything, Lin Wanqing, who had just finished eating shrimp, spoke again.

"Xia Tian, ​​do you really hate me so much? To the point that you even dislike the food I picked for you?"

Xia Tian shook his head: "No, you are wrong, I don't hate you. You are just a stranger to me now. I just think that with our current relationship, picking up food for each other is a bit too intimate and not appropriate. "

Originally, when Lin Wanqing heard Xia Tian say that he didn't hate her, she felt a little bit of joy in her heart. But when she heard Xia Tian's next words, the joy that had just risen was instantly covered by endless despair. Now she even hoped that Xia Tian's answer just now was that he hated her, even if he hated her very much. In that case, at least it means that she still has a place in Xia Tian's heart, but now Xia Tian's answer makes her understand that he really let her go.

Lin Wanqing wiped the tears from her face with her hand, and smiled casually: "Even if we are not lovers, at least we are classmates for four years! It shouldn't be too much for me to care about you out of friendship. "

Although she pretended to be relaxed and indifferent on her face, the look in her eyes betrayed her current state of mind. In her eyes looking at Xia Tian, ​​there was hope and begging. She wanted Xia Tian to give her a way out and leave her dignity for the sake of their past relationship.

However, her expectations were obviously going to be dashed. She didn't understand at all how heartless Xia Tian was who had completely given up on her. How doting he had been on her before, how indifferent he was to her now.

Xia Tian smiled lightly and said, "I'm sorry, maybe it's not too much for you to pick up food for other students, but it's not appropriate to put it on me. Because, I'm afraid my girlfriend will misunderstand. "

"You... you have a girlfriend?" After hearing Xia Tian's answer, Lin Wanqing widened her eyes and asked in disbelief.

Xia Tian nodded: "Yes."

"No! This is impossible! How could you have a girlfriend? You are lying to me, right? You must want me to give up completely, so you deliberately said this to lie to me. We have only been apart for a few days. You loved me so deeply before that you had never been in contact with other girls. How could you find a girlfriend so quickly? Yes! That's right, you are lying to me. "

Although Xia Tian gave a positive answer, Lin Wanqing still couldn't accept this fact and kept making excuses to convince herself.

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