The party was originally a good one, but the appearance of Lin Wanqing made the atmosphere awkward.

Xia Tian and the others' wish to drink until they were drunk was also dashed. After they hurriedly finished the food on the table, they got up and left. Even Li Qingshan, the host, did not mention the proposal to go to the next party.

After returning to the dormitory, seeing that Lin Wanqing was in a bad mood, Fang Xiaoyun asked with concern: "Wanqing, did you have a bad talk with Xia Tian today, and he still refused to forgive you?"

Lin Wanqing nodded with a lonely look in her eyes: "Yes! He said that he no longer loves me, and this time it may really be over between us. Maybe, our fate is really over."

Hearing Lin Wanqing's answer, Liu Yanping said in surprise: "It's impossible! Xia Tian obviously liked you very much before, how could he say that he doesn't love you anymore? Is he still angry with you and Chen Qingyu? This guy is too petty, a grown man actually has no tolerance at all, so shameless."

Lin Wanqing sighed: "This It's different this time. He's not still angry with me, but he really broke up with me. "

Liu Yanping said nonchalantly: "What's the difference? You've been with him for four years, and he's not the first time he's angry. As long as you listen to me and ignore him, he's always come to you to apologize. I think you're too nervous about him this time, making him feel that he has a high status with you, so he's taking advantage of you and deliberately taking advantage of you."

"Yanping, stop talking. This time it wasn't Xia Tian's fault, and if it weren't for the previous things, Xia Tian might not have broken up with Wan Qing this time." Lan Lan couldn't stand Liu Yanping's attitude of talking without any pain in her waist, so she pulled her arm to interrupt her.

"I say, Lan Lan, which side are you on? Our good sister Qing Qing is so sad, and you don't help comfort her, but you actually speak for Xia Tian's subordinate man. "Liu Yanping not only didn't realize that there was anything wrong with her words, but stared at Lan Lan and questioned.

"Lan Lan is right. It is indeed my fault this time. I was too self-centered and did not consider Xia Tian's feelings. He also said that the reason he broke up with me was not just because of this incident. My behavior in the past four years also broke his heart. I am sorry for him and failed him for all the kindness he showed me." Lin Wanqing said in a low voice.

"Qingqing, how can you think like that? I tell you, you are the best, and you deserve the best man in the world. You are not only beautiful, but also the school belle of our school. Your family conditions are so good. Not to mention our school, even many boys in nearby schools have always regarded you as their dream lover. And what does he have in the summer? He is just a little handsome, his family is ordinary, and his studies are ordinary. How can he be worthy of you? You liked him in the first place, which was his blessing in his previous life. He treated you well, which was what he should do. Now this guy doesn't know how to be grateful, and he even said such excessive words to you. In my opinion, he clearly wants to PUA you, so that you can't leave him in the future and obey him. In that way, he can use you to defraud your family's property. It's really insidious." Liu Yanping guessed sinisterly.

"It shouldn't be. I don't think Xia Tian is that kind of person. Besides, he also told me that he already has a new girlfriend, and there is no possibility for us to be together in the future." Lin Wanqing shook her head and refuted.

Not to mention that Lin Wanqing didn't believe it, even Lan Lan and Fang Xiaoyun on the side were almost amused by Liu Yanping's words. Although Lin Wanqing is indeed very good, it's not that Xia Tian is not wanted by anyone. How come in her mouth, Lin Wanqing is as noble as a princess in the sky, while Xia Tian has become the most inconspicuous dust on the roadside. It is also said that Xia Tian wants to PUA Lin Wanqing and wants to defraud her family's property. This is even more nonsense. Xia Tian has been dating Lin Wanqing for four years, and Xia Tian has never spent a penny on her. If Lin Wanqing hadn't taken the initiative to veto her statement, the two of them would have been unable to help but defend Xia Tian. As roommates and besties, it is normal to scold Xia Tian a few words to comfort Lin Wanqing who just broke up. But Liu Yanping's behavior is completely groundless speculation and awkward blackening, which is completely unnecessary.

"Haha! What do you mean he has a girlfriend? This must be his way of playing hard to get. He has only been apart from you for a short time, how could he have a new girlfriend so soon? He told you his new girlfriend's name.

What, what do you say? A junior girl from our school, or a woman in society? "Liu Yanping said with a firm face, obviously she didn't believe that Xia Tian would find a new love so quickly.

Lin Wanqing nodded: "I said, his new girlfriend is Qiu Mengyun. You don't have to look at me like that, it's the one you think of, the national goddess Qiu Mengyun."

After hearing Lin Wanqing's answer, the other three people in the room looked at each other. Fang Xiaoyun and Lan Lan's faces were full of shock and disbelief. And Liu Yanping's face was full of mockery and sarcasm.

"Hahaha! Qingqing, you are too easy to fool, why do you believe everything he says? Don't you think about who Qiu Mengyun is? She is the most popular national goddess in the entertainment industry. How could she be interested in Xia Tian, ​​a college student who has not graduated yet? Is it just because he is handsome? You know, the entertainment industry is not short of handsome guys. If Qiu Mengyun was such a superficial person, she would not have been involved in scandals for ten years since her debut. "Liu Yanping seemed to have heard a big joke, and ridiculed Xia Tian unscrupulously.

Lin Wanqing: "But he told me this himself."

"Qingqing, you are too naive, and you were fooled by Xia Tian's words. He said Qiu Mengyun was his girlfriend, right? Did Qiu Mengyun admit it on the spot? Or did she call Qiu Mengyun in front of you and ask Qiu Mengyun to explain their relationship to you?"

"That's not the case, but he shouldn't lie to me about this, right? After all, he is about to break up with me, why would he make up such a lie to lie to me?"

"Humph! This is the insidiousness of Xia Tian. To be honest, I just thought he was not worthy of you before, and never found him so despicable. If I hadn't been a bystander, you would have been tricked by him this time." Liu Yanping said contemptuously.

"Yanping, what do you mean by this? Although Xia Tian and I broke up, I still know him well after four years of love. I believe he is not the kind of person with bad character. "Lin Wanqing asked puzzledly.

"Qingqing, you can't know a person's heart by knowing his face! I tell you, I have completely seen Xia Tian's real intention of breaking up this time. Think about it yourself, he took advantage of Chen Qingyu's concert to break up with you. But after the breakup, he didn't feel sad or painful at all, and he didn't apologize to you or talk to anyone. But the next day after he broke up, he went directly to Xiangjiang to listen to Qiu Mengyun's concert. He was chosen as a lucky guest at the concert, and he happened to take out an original song, which amazed the audience at the concert, and then took the opportunity to confess to Qiu Mengyun. Do you think all this is just a coincidence? "

"According to my analysis and judgment, all this was planned by him a long time ago. First, he broke up with you by taking advantage of Chen Qingyu's matter, so that you would feel guilty about him. Then he made a big splash at Qiu Mengyun's concert and confessed his love. In this way, not only did you see that his talent was not inferior to Chen Qingyu, but you also gradually developed a sense of crisis. It made you feel that he didn't have to have you in the summer, and he might like someone else, and you might lose him. After coming back, he knew that you were already confused, so he deliberately ignored you and made you fall into his trap and get deeper and deeper. Now he even told you that Qiu Mengyun was his girlfriend, which was even more murderous. He wanted to tell you that he was very good in the summer, and that you two were together not because he was not worthy of you, but because you were not worthy of him. "

Listening to Liu Yanping's analysis, Lin Wanqing still didn't quite believe it: "But he broke up with me, why did he do this? What good does it do for him?"

Liu Yanping smiled and said, "Haha, this is the cleverness of that guy. He broke up with you now, and told you that his girlfriend was Qiu Mengyun, who was better than you. This made you sad and painful, and it also made you feel ashamed. But in fact, only he knew that all this was just a trap he set up. What Qiu Mengyun is his girlfriend is a lie. His ultimate goal is to return to you and firmly control you. "

"Think about it! If I hadn't reminded you, you definitely wouldn't know that his girlfriend is Qiu Mengyun. He was just lying to you. You would really think that he found a better girlfriend. If he suddenly came back to you when you were sad and upset. He said that he couldn't let go of you and the relationship between you. So in the end he chose to break up with Qiu Mengyun and come back to you. Would you be surprised and touched?"

Lin Wanqing nodded subconsciously in agreement.

"That's right! This way

First of all, you will feel that Xia Tian gave up Qiu Mengyun for you. He gave up a better future and prospects for your relationship, and he paid too much for you. Even when you have conflicts in the future, he will bring this up, saying how much he gave up for you, and how deep and sincere his feelings for you are. In exchange for your constant concessions on various things, you will gradually become a puppet who obeys his orders. "

"This... this is too terrible! Is Xia Tian as bad as you say?" Lin Wanqing asked in a daze.

"Although this is just my speculation, I think it is very credible. "Liu Yanping said confidently.

Looking at Lin Wanqing's lingering fear, Lanlan and Fang Xiaoyun looked at each other, shook their heads, and consciously returned to their beds to play with their phones.

They believed such an outrageous statement. They really didn't know whether to say that Lin Wanqing trusted Liu Yanping too much, or that this woman was stupid.

At the same time, they all gave Xia Tian a thumbs up in their hearts. This decision to break up with Lin Wanqing was simply too wise. With a best friend like Liu Yanping as a military advisor, even the steel bars welded by Yue Lao would be broken.

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