After returning to the dormitory, Xia Tian felt more and more that something was wrong. Qiu Mengyun had just started to make moves, and there was no official announcement yet. How did Vice President Wang know about it? He was hiding it well, so where did he get the news? It was understandable that the three buddies in his dormitory could guess it. After all, the four brothers lived under the same roof every day, and everyone was too familiar with him. It was not difficult to guess his identity from those photos. What's more, he didn't deliberately hide it. He had told them about his relationship with Qiu Mengyun before. But Vice President Wang's situation was different. Not to mention being familiar with him, he had never even met him a few times before. Before today, the other party didn't even know me, and probably didn't know that there was such a person in the school. If he recognized me based on those photos without my face on the Internet, Xia Tian would never believe it.

I don't know which link leaked the news. Vice Dean Wang has a friend who knows Qiu Mengyun and got the news from her. Or did I leak the news? But I only told a few good buddies in the dormitory, and they all promised to keep the secret for me. They shouldn't betray me so quickly, right? Besides, even if they wanted to betray me, with their identities, they couldn't talk to Vice Dean Wang. They couldn't be so bored that they ran to Vice Dean Wang and chatted with him, right?

Just when Xia Tian was puzzled, the other three brothers in the dormitory returned to the dormitory together.

Seeing Xia Tian sitting there without saying a word, with a sad face. Chen Shaojie asked curiously: "Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with you? Why do you look so depressed?"

Xia Tian sighed: "Oh! I'm in bad luck today. I don't know what happened, but the news that I'm Qiu Mengyun's boyfriend leaked out."

"Ah, ah? It shouldn't be possible that the news of this morning's incident leaked out so quickly? Brother Tian, ​​did someone ask you? Could it be a mistake? Or, it's not impossible that someone else recognized you through the photos on the Internet!" Hearing Xia Tian say that the news leaked out, Chen Shaojie responded with a guilty conscience.

The other two also lowered their heads guiltily, took out their mobile phones from their pockets, and looked like they were concentrating on playing with their mobile phones. They didn't dare to look up at Xia Tian's eyes at all.

Xia Tian shook his head: "Although I don't know how the news leaked, it was definitely not recognized through the photo. Because the person who asked me this was Vice Dean Wang of our hospital. Do you think that with his identity, how much attention and knowledge could he have paid to me before? Since he was not recognized through the photo, someone must have told him the news."

Facing Xia Tian's questioning eyes, Chen Shaojie quickly shook his head and said: "Brother Tian, ​​don't look at me, this is definitely not what I said. We have been together for so many years, don't you know me! I don't have any other advantages, just one thing, I am very talkative. Yan. "

"Brother Tian, ​​it's not me either. I haven't told anyone about this."

"It's even more impossible for me. I'm not very interested in these gossips, let alone actively talking about them with others. Besides, we promised you that we must keep it a secret for you!"

Seeing that the three roommates all shook their heads firmly to deny, Xia Tian didn't take it to heart: "Don't be nervous, I didn't say that you spread this matter. After all, you are ordinary students like me, and even if you want to say it, you can't tell Vice Dean Wang!"

Hearing Xia Tian say this, the three brothers breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Brother Tian, ​​this is not a big deal! The school never interferes with students' love. Even if Vice Dean Wang knows that your girlfriend is Qiu Mengyun, it shouldn't affect you, right? Why do you look so unhappy?" After temporarily getting rid of suspicion, Li Qingshan asked the most puzzled question in the hearts of the three brothers.

Xia Tian said depressedly: "Originally it shouldn't have had any impact, but who made me miss an elective course to send something to Lin Wanqing and fail the course. Today, Vice Dean Wang called me over and asked me if I was Qiu Mengyun's boyfriend. After I denied it, he indirectly mentioned to me that I failed the course. He also hinted that if I couldn't invite Qiu Mengyun to attend the graduation ceremony in a week, I would have to take the make-up exam and continue to fail the course and not graduate smoothly."

"Fuck! Brother Tian, ​​are you serious?"

"This... this is too outrageous, he

After all, he is a vice president. How can he do such a thing of taking advantage of others' misfortune? "

"This is a naked threat. Brother Tian, ​​what are you going to do?"

After hearing Xia Tian's complaints, the three brothers felt a little guilty and began to mourn for Xia Tian.

Xia Tian said helplessly: "What else can I do? I will graduate soon. I can't give up halfway. I can only shamelessly ask Qiu Mengyun for help. I just don't know what kind of unequal treaty she will ask me to sign this time."

"Brother Tian, ​​don't be too depressed. Maybe Qiu Mengyun just wants to attend your graduation ceremony, and she will agree as soon as you ask her." Chen Shaojie smiled and comforted.

"Haha, based on my understanding of her, if she can be so easy to talk to, she will not be called Qiu Mengyun."

"It's a pity that the news leaked too quickly. If it can be leaked two days later, until the end of my make-up exam tomorrow, then everything will not matter. Humph! Don't let me know who stabbed me in the back, or I will definitely not let him off." Xia Tian said with gritted teeth.

Seeing Xia Tian's angry look, the other three couldn't help but secretly sent WeChat messages to the person who leaked the news to them.

Li Qingshan: "Xiao Yun, it seems that Xia Tian is Qiu Mengyun's boyfriend. Did you spread it?"

Fang Xiaoyun: "Of course not, I promised you to keep it a secret, how could I tell it to others?"

Chen Shaojie: "Cousin, you didn't tell others about what I told you this morning, did you?"

Cousin: "Cousin, what do you mean by that? Don't you believe me? You know me, I'm as tight-lipped as you are."

Sun Wenjun: "Le Le, did you tell others about Xia Tian?"

Le Le: "Humph! Sun Wenjun, what do you mean, are you doubting me? ”


After seeing the reply on the phone, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

But before they could be happy, someone sent a message in their class WeChat group.

"Brothers and sisters, have you eaten the big melon on the hot search today? I really didn't expect that the mysterious boyfriend of Qiu Mengyun, who was envied by the whole network, was actually Xia Tian from our class."

"Haha! Your news is too behind. I knew about this in the morning."

"Tsk, what's the big deal? I knew about it in the morning."

"Huh? Where is the person involved? @Xia Tian, ​​come out and chat for a while, tell us how you chased the goddess Meng Yun. Let us single dogs learn from your experience."

Chen Shaojie and the other two who had just relaxed looked at each other, and a bad feeling instantly rose from the bottom of their hearts.

Li Qingshan asked in the group with some reluctance: "Are you kidding? Why does this sound so outrageous? Who told you?"

"Tsk! Stop pretending. This matter has long been a secret known to everyone in the school. I don't believe that you and Xia Tian, ​​who are in the same dormitory, would not know it. "

"You are really pretending. Maybe you guys spread this news. Hahaha!"

Xia Tian, ​​who was originally struggling whether to call Qiu Mengyun now, subconsciously looked down at the phone in his hand after being @ed by a group friend.

Chen Shaojie and the other two looked at each other, and all stood up and walked out of the dormitory at the same time.

"Chen Shaojie, Li Qingshan, Sun Wenjun, you three bastards, stop right there. What is going on? Explain it to me clearly. "

When Xia Tian saw the message in the group, his face turned red. It was not because he was embarrassed by the teasing of his classmates, but because he was angry.

No wonder Vice Dean Wang knew about this. No wonder when he went to eat today, he always felt that someone was secretly staring at him and talking about him. It turned out that all this was not his illusion. This matter spread so quickly in the school. And he couldn't think of anyone else who could expose this matter in such a short time except the three bad friends in his dormitory.

What a good guy. He treated them as his brothers and didn't hide such a private matter from them. Who knew that these guys actually treated him as his cousin and sold him out. It seems that these three guys are itching for skin and think that they can escape from their clutches when they are about to graduate. When they come back, they must teach these guys a lesson and let them relive the taste of their iron fist again.

Unfortunately, Chen Shaojie and the other two had already escaped at this moment, and no matter how angry he was, it was useless.

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