The words "Love really needs courage to face rumors" not only completely ignited the enthusiasm of the audience, but also directly ignited the emotions of the online live broadcast room.

: Woohoo! I would like to call this song the best song I have heard this year, no doubt about it.

: It's so well sung, love does need courage. I have been in love with my boyfriend for four years, but my family has always disagreed. I originally felt that I couldn't hold on. I was going to break up with him in the next few days, but after listening to Qiu Mengyun's song "Courage", I felt that I had found the courage to hold on. I must be with my boyfriend well, and then walk into the palace of marriage happily together.

: Xia Tian is so talented that he can write a song like "Courage". It seems that he really understands Qiu Mengyun.

: Brothers, I like this song so much. Love is like this, it takes courage to face rumors. Just like me and my girlfriend, even if we are together, our two families disagree, but it still can't stop us from living happily together. In the future, I will be more determined to be with him, even if my parents and her husband are against it, they can't separate us.

: Damn, buddy upstairs, do you have any misunderstandings about this song? People say that love requires courage, not immoral extramarital affairs like you!

: The guy who is having an extramarital affair above, stop right there, I advise you to stay away from my wife in the future, otherwise I will be rude to you.

: Damn, can you guys be serious? I was quite moved by listening to the love song of goddess Mengyun and savoring their love story. But now you guys are making me laugh so hard that I am about to have cramps.

Seeing the audience so enthusiastic, Qiu Mengyun also smiled and waved to everyone.

Then, the beautiful music sounded again.

[Finally made this decision, I don't care what others say, as long as you are also sure. ]

[I am willing to follow you to the ends of the earth, I know everything is not easy. ]

[My heart has been reviewing and persuading myself, and I am most afraid that you will suddenly say you want to give up. ]

[Love really needs courage to face rumors. ]

[As long as you give me a look of affirmation, my love will be meaningful. ]

[We all need courage to believe that we will be together. ]

[I can feel you in the crowded crowd, in my palm, your sincerity. ]

[If I am strong and willful, I will accidentally hurt you. ]

[Can you gently remind me that although I am too anxious, I am more afraid of missing you. ]

With the previous performance, many students at the scene have roughly memorized the melody and lyrics of the song. So when Qiu Mengyun sang the second time, many students in the audience spontaneously sang along with her. The original graduation ceremony was made to feel like a live concert by Qiu Mengyun.

Qiu's mother, who was far away in Hangzhou, looked at her daughter singing with a sweet smile and affection in the video, and sighed with relief: "It seems that Mengyun and Xia Tian have a good relationship! Why don't we call our daughter tonight and ask her to bring this boy named Xia Tian back to meet him!"

Qiu's father said hesitantly: "Do we have to call him back to meet him now? I think we should wait a little longer, although they are indeed in love now. But our daughter has only known him for a short time, and even if they are really dating, it is probably just the beginning. You asked me not to object to their dating, and I can accept this, but isn't it too fast to bring him back to meet the parents now?"

Qiu's mother said nonchalantly: "What's the hurry? Hasn't our daughter already met Xia Tian's family? "It's grown!"

Father Qiu shook his head and said, "That's different. Mengyun went there because Xia Tian's grandfather was sick and needed surgery. She went there mainly to visit Xia Tian's grandfather. This is not a formal meeting with the parents, but more of a visit to a sick elder. This kind of thing can be done even if they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, but just ordinary friends. "

"Besides, they just started dating, and we asked Xia Tian to come to meet the parents. This will make Xia Tian feel that we are very satisfied with him, and that we seem to be eager to marry Mengyun off. Moreover, if that boy passes this test so easily, what if he doesn't know how to cherish and treats Mengyun badly in the future? "

Hearing what Father Qiu said, Mother Qiu also hesitated. She said uncertainly: "It shouldn't be, I don't think Xiao Xia should be that kind of person. "


Father: "How can you be sure of such a thing? After all, you can't know a person's heart from his face! Besides, Xia Tian has just graduated and must be busy looking for a job interview. It's not appropriate for you to ask her to come back with Meng Yun to meet your parents now!"

His words successfully convinced Qiu's mother. She suppressed her eagerness to see her future son-in-law as soon as possible, and nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's wait for them to date for a while. When the work there is stable in the summer, we will call them over, or we will go to see them secretly at that time."

Qiu's father smiled and said: "That's right! Don't be impatient about everything. Once you are impatient, you will easily make mistakes. After all, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Qiu Bowen, who was sitting in the office watching the live broadcast, saw Qiu Mengyun with a sweet smile in the video, and said helplessly: "Huh! Seeing that my sister likes you so much, I will give you a chance temporarily. If you can keep her happy like this, I can barely accept you as my brother-in-law. But if you dare to make her unhappy or treat her badly, you will be dead."

[Love really needs courage to face rumors. ]

[As long as you give me a look of affirmation, my love will be meaningful. ]


[Can you gently remind me that although I am too impatient, I am more afraid of missing you. ]

The song ends.

Warm applause and cheers immediately broke out at the scene.

"Qiu Mengyun, we love you!"

"One more, one more!"

"It's so beautiful, sing it again."

"Wow! I love you two so much, please get married right here!"


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