The two of them went to school together.

"That's great, I just want to take a good walk around the campus before leaving. Let's just walk around, I'll show you the campus where I've lived and studied for four years." Hearing Qiu Mengyun's proposal, Xia Tian happily agreed.

"Then, I'll have to trouble our tour guide Xia to explain it to me." Qiu Mengyun smiled.

"No problem, just follow me." Xia Tian responded with a smile.

The two walked side by side along the artificial lake. Perhaps because he was reluctant to leave the campus soon, Xia Tian didn't walk fast. Qiu Mengyun followed him quietly, accompanied him silently, and didn't disturb him.

After walking for a while, Xia Tian pointed to the basketball court in front and said, "Do you see the basketball court over there? This is one of the most lively places in our school after school. Every time after school, many boys come here to play basketball. Of course, there is another most important reason why it is lively here. That is, when the boys are playing basketball below, there will be many girls watching outside. Whenever someone scores a beautiful goal, you can immediately hear the screams and cheers of the girls outside the court."

Qiu Mengyun laughed and said, "Haha! I think those boys who like to play basketball may not be true, but they like it. I can't escape from hearing the girls' cheers and enjoying their admiring eyes. "

Xia Tian chuckled and said, "Almost! But this is also a two-way thing. Not only those boys who play basketball like to hear the girls' screams. Those girls who watch basketball also like to see those boys running hard on the court and showing their youthful blood. "

"Of course, those boys who come to watch basketball every day are purely to see the girls. "

"It seems that you know a lot! To be honest, have you ever been a member of the basketball watching team?" Qiu Mengyun asked curiously.

Hearing this question, Xia Tian's eyes dimmed a little: "No, in fact, at the beginning, I was a member of the basketball playing team off the court. But later, for some reasons, I stopped playing basketball, and since then I rarely come to the court again. "

"Is it because of your ex-girlfriend?" Although he already knew the answer in his heart, Qiu Mengyun couldn't help asking this question.

Xia Tian nodded: "Yes."

"Why? If she doesn't let you play cards or games, I can understand that, because she is afraid that you will go astray. But playing basketball should be considered a very healthy hobby, why does she have to stop you?" Qiu Mengyun continued to ask.

Xia Tian sighed and said helplessly, "Haha, it's mainly because my basketball skills were better at that time, so every time I played basketball, I would attract many seniors and juniors to watch and cheer. Then he felt that my purpose of playing basketball was not pure. I didn't really play because I liked this sport, but to attract the attention and love of other girls, so I went to play basketball every day. So, she quarreled with me because of this. After the quarrel, she didn't pay much attention to me for a week. In order not to make her angry, I gave up my hobby of playing basketball."

Feeling the loss and sadness in Xia Tian's tone, Qiu Mengyun felt an inexplicable heartache for no reason. She took a step closer to Xia Tian, ​​and directly stretched out her white and tender little hand to hold Xia Tian's rough big hand.

"Ah?" Xia Tian, ​​who was walking with his head down, never expected Qiu Mengyun to suddenly attack and take his hand. Completely confused by the situation in front of him, he looked up at Qiu Mengyun beside him and stuttered several times, but he didn't say a complete sentence.

Feeling the struggle in his palm, Qiu Mengyun not only did not retreat, but instead held Xia Tian's hand more tightly.

She looked at Xia Tian with a smile on her face: "Those are all in the past, don't always think about the unhappiness in the past. In any case, those are your past experiences and part of your college life. Whether happy or sad, they are all your memories of youth."

"We should look forward as people and let go of the unhappiness in the past. It is both forgiving others and forgiving ourselves. Don't worry, you will definitely live happily every day with me in the future."

Qiu Mengyun felt that she must be radiant at this moment. She is now using her kindness, gentleness, and understanding to heal a big boy who was once hurt by love. I don't know how Xia Tian will see me. Does he think he is very powerful now? Do he think he is

The light of his life?

Oh, why did he suddenly stop talking? Was he too moved? Did I overdo it? Wouldn't he burst into tears? If he cried, should I comfort him? If he wanted to borrow my shoulder, should I lend it to him? Or should I give him a warm hug?

"Uh! Are you okay? Why do you suddenly feel weird?" Just when Qiu Mengyun was still thinking about how she should completely heal Xia Tian, ​​a love-sick man who was hurt by love. Xia Tian's words with doubts and a little surprise sounded, pulling her back to reality.

Qiu Mengyun: "What can happen to me? I'm just afraid that you'll be in trouble, so I comfort you specially!"

Xia Tian spread his hands and said, "I'm sure I'm fine. I've let go of the past. If I really care, do you think I can tell you about this?"

Qiu Mengyun: ...

At this moment, many question marks popped up in her mind. So: Am I being sentimental?

Qiu Mengyun, who understood the situation, felt ashamed and angry. It was a waste of her sympathy for him just now. It turned out that this guy was fine. You said you were fine, so why did you speak normally? Why did you speak so low and deep? I thought you were depressed. You really deceived my feelings.

The most hateful thing is that I just told him to let go of the past and look forward. He will definitely be happy in the future. If he is really sad, then it’s okay for me to say so. I am just comforting him. But now he is fine at all. How will he see me? Will he think that I like him and I am confessing to him secretly? Will he think that I want to destroy the cooperation agreement and am a person who doesn’t keep his word? Will he think that I am a very casual person? Oh, I am so annoyed!

Qiu Mengyun, who was upset, became more and more angry. She immediately shook off Xia Tian's hand and said unhappily: "Huh! Since you are fine, why didn't you speak for so long just now? I thought you were emo because of the previous incident. I think you did it on purpose, pretending to be pitiful to win my sympathy, so that I can comfort you and make a fool of myself."

Hearing Qiu Mengyun's complaints, Xia Tian explained awkwardly: "Uh! I really didn't mean it. I was just confused by your sudden chicken soup. I was just walking well, and you suddenly came over and held my hand, and then told me to let go of the past and that I would be very happy with you in the future. My brain crashed directly. Can you understand that feeling?"

It would have been better if he didn't explain. After hearing his explanation, Qiu Mengyun became even more depressed. Good guy, I comforted him kindly, but this guy didn't appreciate it, and now he blames me. Not only that, he also made fun of me for this matter, which was really too much.

"Yes, yes, yes! It's all my fault. I'm being sentimental. I shouldn't care about you or comfort you, okay?" Qiu Mengyun angrily retorted, and walked forward angrily.

"Uh! Wasn't it fine just now? Why are you angry all of a sudden?" Xia Tian stood there blankly for a few seconds, and then quickly chased in the direction where Qiu Mengyun left.

After catching up with Qiu Mengyun, Xia Tian did not rush to explain, but followed her quietly.

After walking quickly for a few minutes, perhaps because she was no longer angry or tired, Qiu Mengyun finally slowed down again.

Seeing that Qiu Mengyun didn't seem so angry anymore, Xia Tian said, "Thank you! Although I wasn't upset about the past, I'm still very grateful that you are willing to comfort and help me."

"No need, I can't bear it. After all, you didn't have anything to do, and I didn't help you much, let alone comfort you. Not only that, but I also confused you because of my abruptness. Don't worry, I will never do such boring things again." Qiu Mengyun said with resentment.

Xia Tian grabbed Qiu Mengyun's hand and pulled her forward figure back to him. Then he looked at Qiu Mengyun with gentle eyes and said very seriously: "I'm not kidding, I really want to thank you. Although I didn't feel very sad just now, I still want to sincerely say thank you to you. You are the first girl who comforts me and makes me happy when I am unhappy."

"I don't know if this is the first time you take the initiative to coax a boy, but it is really the first time for me. So, you are very important to me, thank you! If some of my words or my attitude before made you misunderstand and have bad emotions, then I apologize to you."

When Qiu Mengyun took the initiative to hold Xia Tian's hand just now, he didn't really feel sad.

Without thinking too much, she just wanted to calm Xia Tian's emotions as soon as possible and help him get out of the unhappy past. So, she didn't feel anything when they held hands before, and she didn't feel anything strange in her heart.

But now Xia Tian suddenly held her hand, and then he looked at her with such sincere eyes, and even spoke in an unspeakably gentle tone. This immediately made Qiu Mengyun, a virgin solo with no experience in love, a little overwhelmed. Her face, which was originally a little pale because of anger, turned red in an instant. Not only that, she also felt that her heart seemed to jump out, beating faster and faster.

Qiu Mengyun lowered her head shyly, and she said in a voice that only she could hear: "No, it's okay. In fact, what happened just now was also my own fault. This is my first time to coax a boy, and I don't have any experience and I don't do well."

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