The two of them were very happy.

"Come on! Let's have a drink together. I wish you two can shine on the show and make your careers more successful." The happiest person at the scene at the moment was not Xia Tian, ​​but Li Lu, their agent.

She raised her glass happily, clinked glasses with Xia Tian and Qiu Mengyun, and drank it all.

"Let's eat and talk at the same time, otherwise the food will be cold and not tasty." While drinking, Xia Tian did not forget to invite them to eat.

After eating a few bites of food, Qiu Mengyun put down her chopsticks and asked curiously: "Sister Lu, what is the name of this program? What will we mainly do after we go there? I have never participated in a love variety show, and I know nothing about these. Can you tell us about them?"

Li Lu nodded: "This program is called "Sweet Summer", and the main focus is on the daily love life of celebrities. After you go there, there is nothing special to do, just follow the arrangements of the program team. From what they told me, it seems that there is nothing particularly difficult, basically some interactive games or some projects that test the tacit understanding of couples."

"You don't have to worry too much , didn't Xia Tian just say that everyone knows that you two have just been in love for a short time. Even if you don't perform well in the show and lose the game, it's nothing to be ashamed of. The audience and fans can understand. "

Qiu Mengyun smiled and said, "Don't worry, we won't put too much pressure on ourselves. In fact, games and the like are not important at all. It's enough to let the audience and fans see that we get along naturally and harmoniously. "

Li Lu agreed and said, "You're right, you just need to do your best. This is originally a reality show, not a competitive show, there is no need to care about winning or losing. Just be careful when playing and don't ruin your character. "

Qiu Mengyun promised "You can rest assured about this. I know what to do in different occasions after so many years. I will definitely not ruin my image."

Seeing Li Lu's inquiring eyes looking at him, Xia Tian smiled and said, "There is no need to worry about me. After all, I have just entered the industry, and I haven't even officially entered the industry yet. In this circle, I should not have a personality now, right? Anyway, everyone is not familiar with me, so no matter what I do, they should not be too surprised, and there is no possibility of ruining my image."

Li Lu did not agree with Xia Tian's statement, but corrected him, "You are wrong to think so. Although you have just entered the industry, the popularity and attention you have received recently is not at all. Worse than a second-tier star. So, you can't think of yourself as a real newcomer. Also, who said you don't have a persona? Now your persona is a musical talent. Remember this. It doesn't matter how you play around on the show, but if it involves music-related things, you have to take it seriously. Otherwise, you, a newcomer, will also be at risk of breaking your persona. "

"Ah? When did my persona become a musical talent? Who set this persona for me? Did the company just set it? Why didn't you communicate with me in advance? I didn't even know it yet." Xia Tian asked in surprise after learning that he not only had a specific persona.

Li Lu smiled and said, "You just signed the contract today. How can the company be so efficient? This is the persona that netizens set for you based on your experience after your relationship was exposed yesterday."

"Oh! I was careless. How could I accidentally set up a talented persona?" Xia Tian sighed depressedly.

Qiu Mengyun asked in surprise: "What's wrong? Don't you like this character? I think the character of a musical genius is pretty good. Whether you go the traffic route or the strength route based on your works, this character will not conflict. I don't know how many people want to create such a character, but netizens don't approve of it. Now you have such a likable character just after entering the industry, shouldn't you be happy?"

Xia Tian shook his head: "What do you know? I originally wanted to make the character lower and more down-to-earth. Although this musical genius character is okay now, there is still a lot of room for decline."

Li Lu was also confused by Xia Tian's words. She asked curiously: "Why? When everyone sets up their character, don't they all want to set their own character higher? If you don't like the innocent boy, the infatuated singer, or the traffic singer character, I can understand, but this musical genius is obviously good, what are you dissatisfied with?"


Facing the two girls' puzzled eyes, Xia Tian explained earnestly: "You two are too naive. Do you know what is the best personality in the entertainment industry?"

Qiu Mengyun and Li Lu looked at each other and finally shook their heads at the same time. If you ask them what kind of personality is good, they may be able to say a lot, but if you ask them which personality is the best, they really can't say it.

Xia Tian continued: "The best personality is actually no personality. Of course, this is basically impossible. As long as a person enters the entertainment industry, he will definitely be labeled by netizens in various ways, which is the so-called personality."

"Putting aside the unrealistic situation, the lower the personality, the better. For example: smoking, drinking, perming, bathing master, sauna prince, or skewers master. Anyway, the more down-to-earth, the better."

As Xia Tian talked, Qiu Mengyun and Li Lu's expressions became more and more strange. The look they looked at Xia Tian also changed from the previous doubt to questioning. If Xia Tian hadn't spoken clearly and coherently, they would have thought that Xia Tian was drunk.

In the end, Qiu Mengyun couldn't help but ask, "Are you kidding us? In the current entertainment industry, which big star has these personalities? All the celebrities who are well-known in the entertainment industry have personalities related to their character, such as charity experts and public welfare stars. Or they are love song princes and the most beautiful villains, which are related to their works and their own abilities. Who would set up those unreliable personalities like you said?"

Xia Tian: "I'm not kidding. In fact, my favorite personality is smoking, drinking, and perming my hair. When Of course, I don't usually perm my hair, so this character doesn't quite fit. But the bath master is also good, I was thinking about slowly shaping myself into that character, but it's a pity that I don't have the chance now. "

"Why? You just signed the contract, and you haven't seen the dark side of the entertainment industry! Our Xingyun company gave you a good contract, and even I, your agent, am ready to do my best to make you famous, why did you suddenly give up? "In Li Lu's opinion, Xia Tian chose such a character because he didn't want to develop well in the entertainment industry and wanted to give up.

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