After teasing Qiu Mengyun, Xia Tian couldn't help but have a headache again. He had clearly advised her to drink less, but this woman still got herself drunk. Now it's good, I have to trouble him to send her back. He walked up to Qiu Mengyun and patted her back gently twice: "Qiu Mengyun, don't sleep. Get up quickly and I'll take you home. If you want to sleep for a while and go back to your home, you can sleep as much as you want." Maybe it was the effect of alcohol, Qiu Mengyun slept very soundly, and Xia Tian's patting only made her change to a more comfortable posture, and there was no sign of waking up at all. Helplessly, Xia Tian leaned over and patted her cheek a few times: "Get up quickly, it's dark and time to go home, do you want to sleep on the dining table all night?"

"Stop it, let me sleep a little longer." This time Qiu Mengyun finally responded, but she still didn't even open her eyes and muttered vaguely.

"Oh! Forget it, it's not far anyway, just send her back." After a sigh, Xia Tian also gave up the idea of ​​waking her up.

He directly put her arm behind his neck and wanted to help Qiu Mengyun to her own home.

But when he helped Qiu Mengyun up, Xia Tian realized that he still thought things were too simple. At this moment, Qiu Mengyun's whole body was like a freshly cooked noodle, limp and without any support. Xia Tian just helped her up, and her whole body fell softly on him.

Xia Tian tried to walk a few steps, and found that it was more difficult to support Qiu Mengyun, who weighed more than 90 kilograms, than to carry a weight of more than 100 kilograms.

In order to make a quick decision, Xia Tian put his other hand on Qiu Mengyun's waist and hugged her like a princess.

Qiu Mengyun did not make trouble. Not only did she not struggle, but she also cooperated very well and leaned her head on Xia Tian's chest and continued to sleep soundly.

"Haha, you just met a gentleman like me. If you meet someone with bad intentions, you will have no place to cry tomorrow." Xia Tian laughed at himself, picked up Qiu Mengyun and walked towards the opposite door.

After arriving at the door, Xia Tian realized that he did not know the password to Qiu Mengyun's house.

He had no choice but to put Qiu Mengyun back on the ground and shook her vigorously a few times: "Hey! We are at your door. What is the password for your door? Or, do you have the door card? Take it out and let me open the door."

"Woo! Don't panic, I feel dizzy." Qiu Mengyun, who was sleeping soundly, complained very dissatisfiedly after being woken up by Xia Tian.

"If you know it's uncomfortable, tell me the password or give me the door card quickly, otherwise I will have to shake it again." Seeing that Qiu Mengyun seemed to have regained some consciousness, Xia Tian threatened her hurriedly.

"Don't shake it, the door card is in my trouser pocket, take it yourself!" Qiu Mengyun opened her eyes dazedly and looked at Xia Tian, ​​then pointed to her right trouser pocket and closed her eyes again.

"Don't make trouble! Why don't you take out the room card yourself and give it to me? How can I take it if you put it in your trouser pocket?" Xia Tian complained depressedly.

But at this moment, Qiu Mengyun had already fallen asleep again. Xia Tian not only failed to wait for the room card, but also did not respond.

After finding that she fell asleep again, Xia Tian was too lazy to wake her up again. In his current state, even if he woke her up again, he would probably not be clear-headed.

"Forget it, it's just to get the room card! It's just in the pants pocket, not in the safety pocket. With my hand speed, it should be done quickly." After hesitating for a moment, Xia Tian finally made up his mind and took out the room card himself to send this troublemaker back.

He first straightened Qiu Mengyun's body, put his left hand around her waist and let her lean on him to ensure that she would not fall. Then he lowered his head to look at the position of Qiu Mengyun's pants pocket and slowly stretched out his right hand.

Originally, he had planned it very clearly in his mind, and he would just treat it as taking something out of his pocket. However, when his hand was close to Qiu Mengyun's thigh, the movement of his hand slowed down uncontrollably.

His right hand trembled and touched the position of Qiu Mengyun's pocket, trying to take out the room card. But he didn't know whether it was because he was nervous or because he didn't see the position clearly just now. He searched Qiu Mengyun's thigh for a long time but couldn't find the pocket.

"Woo! Don't move, I'm sleeping." Qiu Mengyun's murmur startled Xia Tian, ​​who was already nervous, and subconsciously withdrew his right hand quickly.

He looked at her with a guilty look.

Qiu Mengyun, who was on his chest, found that her eyes were still closed and there was no sign of waking up, so he let out a long breath.

"Fuck, you are so nervous! It's just a door card, what's there to be embarrassed about? Besides, I'm sending her home, doing good things, there's no need for me to feel guilty!" Xia Tian cheered himself up in his heart and finally calmed down his nervous mood.

With the experience of failure last time, he didn't turn his head to look elsewhere this time, and stared straight at the position of Qiu Mengyun's trouser pocket.

Perhaps because of the self-encouragement just now, Xia Tian was not nervous this time. Not only did his hands not tremble, but even his eyes no longer wandered around uncontrollably.

Xia Tian's hand reached into Qiu Mengyun's trouser pocket very steadily. Fortunately, there was nothing in her pocket, nothing but the door card. As soon as Xia Tian's hand reached in, he touched the door card he had been thinking about. Seeing that things were going so smoothly, Xia Tian's heart was also mostly relieved.

Just as he was about to take his hand out of Qiu Mengyun's pocket and open the door to send her back, something he didn't expect happened. Perhaps Xia Tian moved a little too much when looking for the door card, which made Qiu Mengyun feel uncomfortable in her sleep. Her hand subconsciously placed on her thigh, and she pressed Xia Tian's hand outside her pocket.

"Well! Don't move, it's itchy!" After holding Xia Tian's hand, Qiu Mengyun also complained vaguely.

Originally, Xia Tian's movements were very careful. Although his hand was in his pocket, it was always against the piece of cloth on the pocket. Now, under the sudden attack of Qiu Mengyun, his hand was instantly pressed firmly on her thigh.

The weather is already very hot in this season, and Qiu Mengyun originally wore very thin casual pants. Although there was a pocket between them, the thin fabric felt like there was no barrier under Xia Tian's feeling. Strictly speaking, it would be better if there was no cloth, although it prevented Xia Tian's hand from directly contacting Qiu Mengyun's thigh skin. But it was precisely because of this cloth that Xia Tian felt a different kind of stimulation, and his body stiffened in an instant.

His brain crashed directly, and the "color is emptiness, emptiness is color" that he had been silently reciting had been thrown away for a long time. Now he had only one thought in his mind: It's not my fault, you tempted me to commit a crime first!

Even his right hand, which had always been very obedient, seemed to have awakened its self-awareness at this moment, and it spontaneously rubbed in Qiu Mengyun's pocket.

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