"Is that Axel?" Star asks as Aluna shows her a picture of a man and woman kissing. The picture is slightly blurred so Star can't really make out if it really was Axel or not. The article was written in Chinese but Star was able to read it. Studying different languages is a part of being an idol so it's normal for her to speak and read in different languages. The article said that the popular Chinese model, Fang Yiyi is kissing with an unknown man.

"I'm not sure. But look, the hair and the built is exactly like him" Aluna said.

"The picture is blurred so we aren't sure if it really is him" Star looked at the picture again, trying to see if it really was Axel or not. The more she looks, the more she thinks that it really is him. Doubt started to build up inside of her. She tries to erase the thought.

Star knows that Axel is not that kind of man. She knows that Axel never breaks his promise. She clenched her fist before saying, "I trust him. I know he won't do this kind of thing but if it really is him, I know that he had a reason for this" Star said, not a hint of doubt can be shown in her raven eyes.

"I agree. I trust him too" Aluna agreed.

After that, Star went inside her room to change into comfortable clothes. She removed her make-up and brushed her hair before laying on her bed. As soon as she went to bed her consciousness faded and she went to sleep.

-The next day-

-At China-

Axel is showering at the hotel when his secretary entered the room. The secretary sat down at one of the couch and waited for Axel to finish showering. Axel was slightly surprised to see her secretary sitting at the couch but he was slightly used to his secretary that knows no personal space. There was that one time when he was doing his business in the bathroom when his secretary opened the door while holding a folder and reported to Axel like a robot.

"What is it?" He asked while drying his hair with a towel.

"Sir, are you not aware of what is happening?" she asked in a monotone voice.

"Tell me"

The secretary sighed before answering. "There's an article of you and a Chinese model and a picture of you two kissing" she reported.

Axel brows furrowed and his eyes turned dark. "Find out who took it and book me a flight to South Korea as soon as possible" he orders and the secretary just nodded.

He blow-dried his hair and dressed in a suit to prepare for a meeting. 'What a nice way to ruin my day' he said in his head.

The secretary secretly gazes at Axel who's mood worsen due to the article. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to let him know about the article. Axel was already in a bad mood since he can't see Star and misses her and his mood got worse than before. He looks like he is about to murder the person who took the picture. The secretary sighs heavily at the thought of his boss murdering someone. 'That's just more work for me'

"Sir, I've booked you a ticket to South Korea. The time of flight is 10 pm"


Axel left the hotel with his secretary following him. They entered the car and arrived at his company. His company has a lot of branches and their branch in China is the second largest. As they enter, they were greeted by the employees who recognize him. They entered the meeting room where the stockholders await. When Axel entered the meeting room, the stockholders' heads turned to his direction. They didn't stand up to greet him whatsoever, they simply just sat there, staring at him until he sat in his seat.

"I called you all here today to discuss a certain problem that this branch is having," Axel said in a loud voice.

"Lately, the sales of our hotel is dropping. Less and fewer customers are checking in. So, in order to solve this problem, I called you all here so I can know your suggestions" Axel said in Chinese.

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