You're The Brightest Star In My Sky

30 Chapter 29: Accident or is it?

It's been an hour ever since the performance started. The fans were still screaming. It was Lily's solo and their fans were ecstatic for her performance. Lily was tired but she had a big grin on her face while staring at their fans who were cheering for her.

Star was next to perform. After Lily exited the stage, she was next. She went to the backstage and stood there until Lily ends her performance.

It was dark, so without any of the fans seeing it, she went to the center of the stage and prepared for her performance. A few seconds passed and the spotlight was on her. The music started and she started to sing her solo song.

She started her performance smoothly. Nothing was wrong, everything was perfect and going well. Axel had a smile on his well-proportioned face whilst staring at Star perform. He felt proud of his childhood sweetheart and at the same time girlfriend who became so successful throughout the years.

All of a sudden, in the midst of her performance, the light that was above her fell immediately. The light that fell almost on her head. Luckily, star moved a bit to the side. The entire concert hall was silent, all of them were too shocked to say anything.

Star stared at the light that fell close to her. She stared at it with wide eyes, analyzing what just happened. The song stopped and staffs came rushing to her, asking if she was ok.

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"Star! Your leg! It's bleeding" Star looks down and notices that a glass shard was stuck to her leg and it was bleeding immensely.

Axel ran to her and pushed himself through the crowd. He picked up Star who was looking at her bleeding leg and carried her like a princess. "Axel? People will see you" Star said. Axel looked like he didn't hear what she said. The only thing that is on his mind was to take Star to the hospital.

Star gazes at Axel's distressed expression. It was the first time that she ever saw Axel with an expression like that. 'He must be worried' she thought, feeling a little guilty.

"I'm sorry"

Axel looks at her with a frown. "Why are you apologizing?"

Star looks up to him, "For making you worry"

Axel sighs, "It's not your fault, little star" he exclaimed, trying to comfort her. He kissed her on the forehead and smiles reassuringly.

They got to the parking lot. Axel opened the door of his car and gently placed Star inside. He then went to the driver's seat and drove to the hospital.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Axel asked while driving.

The moment Axel asked the question, Star realizes how painful her injury is. She looks down on her leg and saw that it was bleeding a lot. Star started to worry about the stain that it will leave. "My blood is leaving a stain on your car"

"Don't worry about the stain, worry about your leg" Axel said and continued driving.

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