After reuniting, Star and Axel decided to go to a cafe to spend time with each other after being away from each other for so many years. Star ordered her favorite tea while Axel ordered a normal coffee.

They sat facing each other. Star took a sip of her tea not noticing the firm gaze from Axel until her eyes wandered to him. "Are you just going to stare at me until this cafe close?" she teasingly asked him. "Yes" he answered not removing his eye from her.

"Why are you so rude to me when we met?" She asked him.

"Well, I didn't know it was actually you. I just thought you were one of the women I've bedded" he answered nonchalantly. She didn't say anything after that. 'Does that mean he has bedded a lot of womenbefore?' she didn't know why her chest suddenly tightened at the thought of him having sex with another woman.

After a moment of silence she decided to start another topic. "I've heard that you disappeared. Where did you go?" she suddenly remembered about what Madelia told her about Axel.

"America. My grandpa decided that it would be best to stay in another country after what happened to my father" Axel answered. Star panicked when she realized she opened the wrong topic again.

"It's okay Star" Axel said reassuringly after he noticed Star's panicked expression. He then smiled gently at her as if telling her that it's ok to ask those kind of questions but Star knew it was not alright. She knew that Axel doesn't want to be reminded of those memories. After all, she knew him ever since they were kids.

Star's expression saddened. She wanted to cry but she will try to be strong for him. She knew that he always worries every time she cried. He had always been like that ever since they were little. He will hug her while gently stroking her hair calming her down.

There was one time when Star's parents scolded her and she ran away from their house. Little Axel searched for her and found her at the playground crying while sitting on a swing. He sat down beside her and wiped her tears and told her that it was okay. He told her that her parents scolded her because they were just worried about her. Star looked up to Axel and with a gentle expression he smiled. Star instantly stopped crying at the time and he took her home. Her parents were so worried and thanked Axel and tried to give him candy. He said that it was fine and he told Star to say sorry which she did immediately. When he went home his father slapped him for coming home late and his mother tried to protect him which turned into an accident. Axel and his mother both fell down the stairs and his mother protected him which resulted in her mother death. He woke up in a hospital a few days later and found out about his mother's death. After that he loathed his father. They moved to another city when he recovered. Even though he didn't want to, his father threatened to move his mother's grave to a place he can't reach so he was forced to move away from Star, away from his only treasure.

They talked for a few hours, telling each other what happened in the last 16 years that they've been away. Both of them didn't notice the sun go down from the west until a lamp post was lit up just outside cafe that they are in. Axel decided that it was time for them to go home.

"I'm going to find where I parked my car. Wait here" Axel walked away to find his car. While he's busy Star encountered two men who recognized her.

"Woah! Aren't you Star from Night Illusion?" One of them said and pointed at her.

"Why are you alone in this dark street? Are you with someone?" The other one asked her which made her feel uncomfortable.

"Yes" she said and tried to walk away from them since they were both so close to her.

"But I don't see anyone with you. Do you wanna have some drink with me?" The guy with a red shirt said. This kind of scenario is not new to her. She and the other members have been harassed so many times.

"No, thank you" she said and was about to run away when the guy with a green shirt grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.

"Where are you going? We were just about to have some fun" the red-shirt guy said and smiled disgustingly at her. 'Help! Axel!' Star screamed in her head.

When the guy was about to rip off her clothes a black car stopped in front of them and Axel came out of it. Without even giving them time to think, Axel came running towards them and punched the red-shirt guy. The green-shirt guy was surprised. He looked at Axel and Axel gave him a glare that could penetrate through anything. The green-shirt guy ran away like he saw a ghost leaving the red-shirt guy on the street, unconscious.

"Should we call the police?" he asked Star and grabbed his phone from his pocket. Star shook her head and said that it's fine.

"It always happen to us anyway. It doesn't matter how many times we report them" Star said and grabbed his arm and looked at his chestnut eyes. Axel sighed and walked her to his car.

They got in. Axel started the car and drove to her apartment. When they arrived Star was about to open the door of the car when Axel grabbed her and before Star knew it, Axel's warm lips covered hers. Axel passionately kissed her and Star was too surprised to respond. Axel moved his lips away and pressed his forehead to hers. He touched her cheeks with his large hands. "I love you, Star. I always did. Ever since we were kids and I will continue loving you till the end of my life" Axel confessed while their foreheads are pressed together. Star's eyes widened at what she just heard. Axel moved his head away from her. "I'm not going to force you to love me back but I hope that you'll think about it" Axel said and smiled. "Bye. See you tomorrow" Axel waved and smiled.

Star nodded. Her body moved unconsciously and she got out of the car. She walked towards the elevator and pressed the floor number. She got out of the elevator and walked towards their apartment. When she was about to open the door her legs gave out and her brain started functioning again. She realized what just happened. She realized what Axel just did and said to her. She touched her lips and recalled the kiss and felt her whole head redden. She didn't notice the door opened and Lily was surprised to see Star kneeling in front of their apartment.

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