"Excuse me, can I get the prize today?"

"Of course, the staff is here in Dongfeng Town, I will call them to bring the prize over."

"Okay, I'll go buy some things first. If they come first, call me."

Originally, Chen Yuan thought he would have to wait a few days to get the prize, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

This is probably arranged by the system. You can just reward an electric car directly.

Leaving his phone number, Chen Yuan decided to go buy something first.

The house is empty now, and there is no one to cook. You can't always eat at your uncle's house.

When Chen Yuan walked out of the lottery shop, he could still feel the envious eyes of Brother Lang and the others.

"Boss, give me another thousand yuan scratch card. I don't believe I can't scratch a big prize today!"

Chen Yuan walked on the streets of the town.

Although it is a small town, today is the market day. The streets are crowded with people, shoulder to shoulder, and very lively.

Dongfeng Town has a market on the 3rd, 6th, and 9th of each month.

"There are so many people!"

Chen Yuan sighed heartily as he looked at the crowded streets.

Most of them were elderly people, with a small number of young people. The old men and women carried bamboo baskets and bought what they needed in front of the vendors.

The scene was extremely shocking and also made people feel very friendly.

Chen Yuan went to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities such as rice cookers, iron pots, bowls and chopsticks. They were so full that his hands could hardly hold them.

When he returned to the lottery shop, the staff had not come yet, and the girl with a long ponytail asked him to wait.

In addition to Brother Lang and the other two, there were many other people scratching in the shop.

He noticed that a banner had been put up at the door of the shop, which said that someone in the shop had scratched a brand electric car.

This boss is a good businessman, and his efficiency is really high.

After waiting for a while, the staff finally came and pushed a brand new electric donkey with a small red flower over it.

Chen Yuan was also given a red flower, standing with the electric donkey. It felt like he and the electric donkey were getting married!

Several people took a lot of photos of him and the electric donkey.

The news that someone in the lottery shop had won an electric bike spread quickly, and people came to watch.

"I'm so jealous. I've never won a lottery."

"I can only win five or ten yuan at most. If I win the jackpot one day, my ancestors will be so happy."

"You win the jackpot, what do you want? By the way, this handsome guy who won the prize is really good-looking, like those stars."

Chen Yuan wore a big red flower and worked as a tool for a long time. Finally, he could leave. He hurried to the motorcycle shop to buy a bandage. There were too many things, so he had to tie them up. He also thought that the electric donkey had to be locked, so he bought a "U" shaped lock.

He spent dozens of dollars in a short time, and he was so heartbroken.

"Ride my beloved little motorcycle, it will never be stuck in traffic; ride my beloved little motorcycle, I will be home soon..."

Chen Yuan is the kind of person who is tone-deaf. Others sing for money, but he sings for his life!

The electric scooter was full of things, and he drove home at a speed of more than 20 yards. The intermittent singing attracted many passers-by's eye rolls.

Not to mention.

This "electric scooter that can run even without electricity" is really good, much easier than his previous walking.

"Ah! What happened in front of me?"

The car drove halfway, but found a traffic jam.

Cars, buses, and trucks were all lined up in a long line. The scene was spectacular.

It was really uncomfortable to be stuck in the road on this hot day. Many people got off the car and squatted on the side of the road waiting impatiently.

Beep, beep...

Chen Yuan honked the horn a few times and drove past the road easily.

Traffic jams and the like do not exist for the electric scooter.

So, many people looked at the electric scooter with great envy, and at this time, some people wanted to rush into the electric car store to pick one up.

When they drove the electric scooter to the front, they found that there was a car accident.

A luxury car hit a Wuling magic car.

As a result... half of the face of the luxury car was broken, and the Wuling magic car just lost a few pieces of paint.

This is very embarrassing.

The female driver of the luxury car was walking on the phone in high heels.

The owner of the Wuling magic car squatted on the side and smoked calmly, because his car was not damaged anyway. And it was the female driver who chased him from behind, even if the traffic police came later, it would not be his responsibility.

He was driving well, but someone hit him hard from behind.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and dodged, otherwise he might have hit the stone pier.

After the female driver finished the call, she glared at the owner of the Wuling car with resentment, as if she was hugging him.Why did he try to get out of the way, causing her to be so flustered that she accidentally hit a big rock on the roadside.

He had to take full responsibility, because he had just bought a car worth more than one million yuan!

Chen Yuan looked at the scene of the accident without any interest, shouting "Make way", and then drove home easily.

At the same time, over at the CBD Square of Chen Village.

Under a big tree, several aunts from the village sat and started their daily gossip.

The pig of the XX family gave birth to eight piglets, and the son of the XX family was in his thirties and still had no partner.

As they chatted, Chen Yuan happened to return with a full load on his electric donkey.

Chen Yuan saw several pairs of eyes looking at him, and it was too late to hide, so he could only bite the bullet and say hello to them.

It didn't matter if he didn't know these people.

Anyway, the middle-aged women in the village were all called "aunt" or "auntie" and no one would say you were wrong.

"Auntie, auntie, have you eaten yet?"

"Oh, it's Master Chen. He has eaten."

"He bought a new electric bike. It's so beautiful."

"Hehe, auntie, this is a gift for the laundry detergent I bought in town."

"What? Buying laundry detergent and getting an electric bike for free? Is that true?"

"Auntie, I was just teasing you."

"Hey, Master Chen, you think I'm funny, right?"

"Ah~ I won't talk nonsense with you. I have to be busy."

Chen Yuan smiled and rode away.

"Oh, Master Chen is so humorous. I almost believed him. I really thought I got an electric bike for the laundry detergent I bought."

"Whose Master Chen you called just now? What does he do?"

There are still many people in the village who didn't pay the gift money, and didn't shamelessly go to the banquet, so they didn't know Chen Yuan.

And even if they had a feast yesterday, not everyone knew the cook.

Seeing that some people still didn't know Master Chen, someone spoke up to explain to her. She also talked about how delicious the dishes were yesterday, which made not only those who didn't eat them drool, but also the others who had eaten them swallowed their saliva. Thinking back to yesterday's dishes, they were really anxious.

"Oh, it turns out that he is Chen Jianguo's son. Jianguo and his wife have been gone for so many years, and I didn't expect that their son has grown up so much."

"Chen Yuan is also in his twenties, and it seems that he still doesn't have a partner."

"I tell you, I heard that his girlfriend dumped him and he lost his job, so he came back to his hometown."


Ride my beloved motorcycle

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