Chen Yuan seemed to be holding a food exhibition with the theme of "lotus root".

Lotus root stewed with pork ribs, cold lotus root, hot and sour lotus root, lotus root meatballs... Even lotus was made into a famous dish, deep-fried lotus.

He took the tenderest petals in the middle layer of lotus as the raw material. After the fresh lotus petals were thickened with starch and deep-fried, they were crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a refreshing fragrance.

Chen Yuan made full use of even the lotus leaves. The rooster used for sacrifice was smeared with secret spices, wrapped with lotus leaves in several layers, coated with yellow mud, and buried in the soil with burning charcoal. The chicken was baked thoroughly with the temperature of the charcoal.

Before dinner time, all kinds of aromas had already drifted out of Chen Yuan's kitchen. Even the children next door cried with greed, not to mention the uncle's family who were helping in the kitchen. They didn't know how many times they swallowed their saliva. It was too fragrant. They watched eagerly, but couldn't eat in advance. It was really torturous.

"Mom, it smells so good! I want to eat it."

"Woo, I want to eat spareribs. Uncle Chen Yuan's dishes are so delicious."

Adults can barely keep their composure in the face of these aromas. But adults can bear it, but children can't.

The two sons of my cousin got up early in the morning and surrounded Chen Yuan. At this time, one delicious dish after another came out of the pot, making the two children drool and clamor for food.

"Dabao, Erbao, be good. The grandfathers who are working haven't come back yet. It will be very rude. Let's bear it for a while and eat later, okay?"

"Woo, Mom, it smells so good, I want to eat it."

After all, Dabao is five years old and a child who goes to school. After listening to his mother, he stopped making noises, swallowed his saliva, and stared at Uncle Chen Yuan eagerly. But Erbao is still a child over two years old. No matter how obedient he is, he can't stand the temptation of delicious food. His saliva is about to overflow.

Facing the noise of her two children, Yang Yan's face was full of embarrassment.

"Brother Ping, it's already this late, Master Gao and the others haven't come back yet, the children are hungry, let them eat first."

Chen Yuan was stared at by Dabao and Erbao, and he felt a little embarrassed.

They are just children, how greedy they are! !

"No, no, we can't spoil the children."

Chen Ping and his wife shook their heads at the same time. The working master hasn't come back yet, what's the point of letting them eat first!

"Oh, it's not a big deal, the children are greedy and can't eat much."

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, he scooped out two bowls of pork rib soup with a soup spoon.


When Chen Erbao saw the bowl of shiny pork rib soup, his eyes were straight and he rushed towards the fragrance.

Fortunately, Chen Ping was quick and hugged the little guy.

"Wow... Daddy is so naughty, I want to eat meat."

Chen Erbao burst into tears and yelled.

"Okay, it's too hot now, Daddy will blow it for you and give it to you right away."

Chen Ping shook his head helplessly, took the little guy to find a low stool, and prepared to feed him.

Chen Erbao wiped his tears, smelled the fragrance, stopped crying, and followed Daddy happily.

Clapped his hands happily, and soon he would have delicious meat to eat~~


Chen Ping picked up a piece of pork ribs from the bowl with chopsticks, and the wisps of hot air lingered in the air, and the strong meaty aroma tried hard to drill into his nostrils.

Chen Yuan's lotus root and pork ribs soup uses the best pork ribs, which are washed and blanched, and all the floating foam is skimmed off.

Iron pots cannot be used to stew lotus root and pork ribs soup, otherwise the soup color will easily turn black.

Chen Yuan used a clay pot for making soup, which is also the key to a good soup.

The clay pot with local characteristics is black in appearance and has countless small holes.

When stewing soup, oil keeps coming out of the small holes, and the whole pot looks greasy. The small holes can filter the thick oil, so that the stewed soup is not greasy but also fragrant.

The strong fragrance drifted everywhere, and Chen Ping stretched out his mouth and took a bite of the ribs.

Hmm~~ I have to say that it tastes great, not salty or light, without a trace of fishy smell, sweet and juicy, chewy, and easy to eat.

"?? !!" Chen Erbao looked at his father and was stunned for a moment. Didn't you say that you would feed it to me? Why did you eat it first?

Erbao was so aggrieved that his little body rolled on the ground and burst into tears.

"Oh, what happened to Erbao?"

Yang Yan rushed out when she heard the crying.

"Mom, Daddy is eating Erbao's food!"

Dabao complained to his mother.

"I'm going to die, Chen Ping, you're so old, and you're still eating children's food!"

Chen Ping was so embarrassed, it was so delicious that he couldn't help it.Well, since I've already eaten it, I don't care about this one bite. I ate all the ribs I had eaten before in one bite. My mouth was full of meaty aroma, and my happiness was overwhelming.

Seeing her husband's intoxicated look, Yang Yan was so angry that she snatched the bowl from his hand.

"Erbao, be good, come here, mommy will feed you."

Yang Yan finally coaxed the angry Erbao. Erbao grabbed a piece of ribs in his hand and ate it with oil in his mouth.

Seeing Erbao chewing so deliciously, Yang Yan couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva.

Erbao doesn't usually eat meat, why does he eat so deliciously today?

Is he really hungry, or is Chen Yuan's cooking too delicious?

Thinking of the big banquet dishes that Chen Ping brought back from the banquet that day, Yang Yan finally couldn't help but pick up a small piece of lotus root from the bowl and put it in her mouth.

Erbao can't eat so much at such a young age? And I only eat a small piece of lotus root.

Yang Yan's mouth was filled with lotus root, and the fragrance of lotus root was mixed with the meaty aroma of pork ribs. Although the nine-hole lotus was not as soft as the seven-hole lotus, the crisp taste was irreplaceable.

It was refreshing and not sticky when you bite it.

If the lotus root was so delicious, the ribs must be delicious. Humph, it's not Chen Ping's fault for grabbing the food!


Chen Erbao finished eating the meat in his hand, and even sucked the oil on his fingers clean. But when he looked up, he saw Ma Ma eating with relish, and he felt sick all of a sudden.

You adults are too much. Why do you grab even the children's things one by one!


Erbao once again showed his signature skills and rolled on the ground.

"Dabao, mom will feed your brother, dad will feed you. Look at what you eat. Your clothes are all dirty and can't be washed clean." Chen Ping, who tasted the aroma of meat, turned his target to his eldest son.


Chen Dabao glanced at his parents, and after confirming their eyes, he didn't care that the bowl was still hot, and ran away with the bowl in his arms.

"Don't spill the meat in the bowl, you little bastard."

The meat is so delicious, it would be a pity if it was spilled on the ground.

"It's time for dinner, why haven't Master Gao and the others finished their work and come back yet?"

Chen Ping was really restless, and was tortured by the smell of meat in the kitchen. Seeing that the masters who were working had not returned yet, he circled the kitchen several times.

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